
The Arcane Ascendant

Born with a great power, awakened by destiny, Darvyn must fight against fate to bring out his strength to fight against the forces that killed his parents. Follow the story of Darvyn as he grows in strength. Will he conquer his adversaries or will he fall? In "The Arcane Ascendant," readers will be swept away by a tale of heroism, sacrifice, and the redemptive power of love. With its intricate world-building, vivid descriptions, and compelling characters, this novel weaves a tapestry of adventure and emotion that will leave readers captivated until the last page, eagerly anticipating the conclusion of Darvyn's extraordinary journey.

Josh_marine · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 17

Darvyn reluctantly followed his grandfather inside, the weight of his actions bearing down on him. 

As he settled into his room, the weight of the situation became more apparent. He realized the gravity of his actions and the potential consequences. The thought of being caught by his grandfather haunted him, reminding him of the stakes involved. It was a constant battle between the desire to explore and the fear of retribution.

Amid this internal struggle, he found himself contemplating the decisions he had made. As he grappled with his choices, the question arose: was it all worth it? He couldn't help but ponder the consequences of his actions, particularly regarding his participation in the competition. Despite knowing that his grandfather would be deeply hurt if he found out, he kept his involvement a secret. Now, faced with the weight of his 

deception. It was a difficult situation, one that required careful consideration and introspection.

As the night wore on, fatigue began to take its toll. Darvyn's eyelids grew heavy, and the thoughts that had once consumed him started to fade into the background. His breathing slowed, and the tension in his body began to loosen. The darkness of sleep enveloped him, offering a temporary escape from the tumultuous thoughts that had plagued him earlier.

The next morning, Darvyn woke up with a heavy heart, burdened by the challenges he was facing. He knew that he needed someone to confide in, someone who could offer guidance and support. And there was only one person who came to mind - Max.

He quickly went through his morning routine, efficiently completing each task with precision, and decided to visit Max.

He arrived at Max's house and found the door locked. He knocked on the door, and within moments, Max appeared.

Darvyn!!, he called out, Max was shocked to see him this early. "What are you doing here this morning?" Max asked, his surprise evident in his voice.

Looking at him surprisingly, Darvyn replied,

"Will you let me in, Max? At least let me come in. We can't talk here."

Max hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to make of Darvyn's unexpected visit. He glanced around, conscious of the curious gazes from their neighbors. Reluctantly, he nodded and opened the door, allowing Darvyn to enter.

Once inside, Max closed the door behind them, creating a small barrier of privacy. The two men stood in the living room, facing each other. Max crossed his arms, a mix of curiosity and concern etched on his face.

"Alright, Darvyn," Max said, his tone serious. "What's so urgent that you had to show up at my doorstep this early?"

Darvyn's worried expression was evident as he spoke, 

"It's about my grandfather," 

he said. Max, sensing his friend's distress, asked, 

"What about him?" 

Darvyn took a deep breath before continuing, 

"Can you believe it"? 

"Just yesterday, after we had said our goodbyes and I returned home, two men from the administrative unit came to our house and handed my grandpa an invitation letter."

Max's curiosity was piqued, and his eyes widened in anticipation. He eagerly urged Darvyn to continue his tale.

Darvyn's voice trembled slightly as he took another deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

 "Can you believe," he paused, his eyes widening with disbelief, "my grandfather was invited to be among the spectators of the competition?"

Max was taken aback by this revelation, fully aware of the magnitude of trouble that awaited his friend.

"Wait!!, did he accept the invitation"? Max hoping to hear that he had declined the invitation. 

"Yeah, he accepted it," Darvyn nonchalantly nodded, his words shattering Max's hopes. The weight of disappointment settled heavily on Max's shoulders.

 "What are you going to do now?" Max asked Darvyn, glancing at him. Darvyn was taken aback by Max's sudden question. He paused for a moment, his brows furrowing as he contemplated his response. The room fell into a brief silence.

"That's the reason I am here, Max," Darvyn finally replied, his voice carrying a sense of worry and uncertainty. His eyes darted around the room, searching for answers that seemed to elude him. The weight of the situation was evident in his words. 

Max paced back and forth, deep in thought, contemplating his next move. After a moment, he turned to Darvyn and said,

 "Don't worry let's wait until the names are announced, and then we can figure out a way for you to disguise yourself during the competition"

Darvyn looked puzzled and asked, "Disguise? Are you suggesting that I should disguise myself?"

Max nodded and replied, "Yes, exactly. We need to come up with a plan to ensure your participation in this competition ."

Darvyn seemed hesitant and said, "Surely, there must be another way to handle this situation."

Max's expression grew serious as he responded, "I've thought about it, Darvyn, and I'm afraid there is no other way. Disguising yourself is our best option."

"If there is no other way," Darvyn told Max, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I better let go of this competition." The gravity of the situation was not lost on him as he considered the potential repercussions of getting caught. 

"Who knows," Darvyn mused, a hint of sadness evident in his voice, "maybe I am not destined for this."

They both fell silent, contemplating the risks and consequences. Max's determination remained unwavering, convinced that their plan was the only way forward.

As they continued their conversation, Max reassured Darvyn, "Trust me, Darvyn. We'll find a way to make this work. We just need to be patient and wait for the right moment."

Darvyn's heart sank as a wave of sadness washed over him. In one moment, everything seemed to be perfect, but in the next, his dreams appeared to be shattered. It was as if all hope had been lost.

The weight of despair settled upon his shoulders, and he struggled to find a glimmer of light in the darkness that surrounded him. The once vibrant colors of his world now seemed muted and dull, matching the somber state of his emotions. The feeling of emptiness consumed him, leaving him with a lingering sense of loss.