
The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY AU)

This is a FINISHED story that was funded over on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian Synopsis below: Arc men are not made to be Hunters. Arc men are in fact made to BREED huntresses. But Jaune wants more than that, so he sneaks off to Beacon anyways. How's that going to go for him?

CambrianBeckett · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Back to Beacon

They don't speak until they're back at Beacon, in Glynda's office. When she picked him up from the hotel, there wasn't a single trace of emotion on the blonde Professor's face. It made Jaune worry that she was mad at him for… well, for putting himself in harm's way. The oppressive and altogether tense silence that came about because of this left him unwilling to pipe up, even as Glynda flew the bullhead back to Beacon.

He didn't see anyone in the halls as she led him to her office, but to be fair, it really was quite late at night, just starting to get into the earliest moments of morning. When she gestures for him to take a seat, he gratefully collapses into the one on the opposite side of the desk, fully expecting her to walk around and sit in her own chair. He was ready for the dressing down he was about to receive.

What he was NOT ready for, was Glynda collapsing to her knees before him and placing her head in his lap as she let out a choked sob.

"Oh Jaune… I truly feared that the worst had happened t-to you."

Blinking, more than a little flummoxed by the sudden distress that Glynda was putting out, Jaune just stares, not sure what to do or say. After a moment of crying, however, Glynda suddenly straightens her spine and lifts her head.

"I must make amends. I must apologize for not coming to your rescue."

And then her hands dive for his pants. Showing the speed and skill of a truly Veteran Huntress, she has his pants open and his cock freed from his boxers before Jaune can even properly react. By the time he's opening his mouth to let out an exclamation, she's already got her lips wrapped around his cockhead and it seems far too late to stop her now.

Still, after a moment he does grimace a little, because even as much as Glynda's technique is turning him on, he does feel a little guilty taking advantage of her like this.

"… Professor Goodwitch, you don't… you don't have to apologize for anything."

Pulling back off of his cock with a 'pop' as his member leaves her mouth, Glynda looks up at him.

"Yes, I do. I could have come for you, Jaune. I should have. But instead, I left it to the authorities. I was willing to sacrifice you in order to keep the power balance in check, in order to avoid overstepping my bounds and causing trouble for Beacon. And in the end, did the police find you? No, they didn't. You managed to get away on your own and had to call me to pick you up."

Grimacing again, Jaune has to spend a moment processing her words, a moment that Glynda spends descending back onto his cock, bobbing up and down his length. He's fully erect now, as she sucks and slurps at his dick, and at this point… he might as well let her keep going, right? There was one thing though, one thing he felt compelled to correct.

"I didn't… actually get away on my own, Professor. They let me go."

Glynda pauses at that, with his cock halfway into her mouth. This time she pulls back more slowly, as if almost reluctant to stop sucking his dick. Even as her lips come off of his tip, she strokes his spit-slick length with both of her palms.

"… Tell me everything, Jaune. Please."

Well, he was already planning on doing that anyways, so Jaune has no problem with that. As Glynda goes back to sucking his cock yet again, Jaune begins to speak. He tells her everything that he knows. From strongarming Yang and Weiss into letting him go with them ("You should have come to me instead.") to them getting to the warehouse and him ultimately having to make the sacrifice play. ("What you did was very brave… foolish, but brave.")

That marked the end of what Team RWBY had been able to tell her. If not for his and Glynda's prior relationship, he may have been a bit too embarrassed to tell her everything that happened next with Roma and Neo and then the Malachite Twins. As it is, while he DOES blush a fair bit throughout, he's able to give Glynda everything he found out about the criminals as well as Neo's semblance. ("How dare they force you like that… you did what you had to do, Jaune. Allow my mouth to wash them all away.")

He doesn't tell Glynda that he had a chance to escape after Roma was pulled away, of course. He frames it in such a way that the Malachite Twins were just that insatiable. It IS a bit embarrassing to tell her about the dark-skinned green-haired girl who managed to capture him in a hallucination though, but Jaune isn't going to try to withhold what could be mission-critical information. He's been at Beacon long enough to know better than that, at least.

After that, they come to the end of his 'adventures'… and the end of the blowjob, Glynda extracting his load from him right as he's telling her about this mysterious femme fatale who thought he was a male whore. As Glynda finishes swallowing his load and Jaune leans back in his chair, panting a little, the beautiful older blonde swipes her thumb across the corner of her mouth to clean up the one single droplet of seed that escaped.

"Thank you for your report, Jaune. You've been a great help, and I promise the information you've given me today will be put to use properly. It's the least I can do, after everything you went through to get it."

Really, it wasn't as big of a deal as she was making it out to be. But while Jaune hadn't outright said he hated it or that it was rape (because he hadn't, and it really wasn't) he also hadn't admitted to thoroughly enjoying being the fuck toy of half the female criminals in Vale for the night. Best not to say that, he figured.

"Is there anything else, Mister Arc?"

Jaune shakes his head and begins to stand to leave, recognizing a clear dismissal when he hears one. However, as he's tucking his cock back into his pants, he stops, a stray thought hitting him, an observation from earlier. Hesitantly, he turns back to Glynda.

"There is one thing, Professor. This… Cinder Fall. When I was probing for information during our… intimacy, I got this impression. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think… I don't think she's the one behind everything. Or rather, she's the one behind everything here in Vale, of course… but I think she's got a master or whatever too. Someone even she answers to. I think they might be female as well, if that helps at all."

Glynda stands there for a moment, processing this. Her expression is unreadable as her eyes stare off to the side. Finally, she nods her head.

"It just might. Thank you, Jaune. Now, return to your dormitory. I'm sure your team will be happy to have you back."


Rolling her shoulders, letting out a low, quiet sigh, Cinder Fall checks to make sure she's very much alone and that the door is locked behind her. Then, she kneels down and initiates the call to her Mistress. Even despite the long distance nature of the call, it connects within seconds.

"… Cinder. What do you have to report?"

Keeping her head bowed before her mistress, Salem, Queen of the Grimm, Cinder resists the urge to wet her lips with her tongue, instead speaking clearly and concisely so as to not upset the Grimm Woman in any way.

"Mistress. The plan for Vale continues apace. There was a small problem involving a team of students from Beacon stumbling upon one of our warehouses, but my associates assure me that our cover is intact. The White Fang remain at the forefront of these attacks and will be deemed responsible even now."

There's a pause, likely Salem deciding the veracity of her words. Cinder keeps herself calm, her heartbeat at rest. She's not some little girl anymore, to be afraid of being caught with her hand in the cookie jar. After a long beat, Salem's voice fills her ears once more.

"… Very good. And what about you, darling? You're positively glowing. Have you met someone?"

The whiplash from Supreme Mistress to Doting Mother Figure would be hard for anyone who hadn't grown up in her clutches to properly process. Cinder though, is well used to this sort of thing. It doesn't stop Salem's teasing tone from getting to her all the same, however, invoking a reaction from her that the dangerous, menacing, questioning tone from earlier did not.

"… It's not like that, Mistress. I just… had an encounter with a prostitute. To relieve some stress. It was nothing."

"A prostitute? A prostitute managed to leave you in such a state that you've been hiding an infinitesimal smile from me this entire time?"

Cinder's eyes widen at that, and her fingers immediately dart up to her lips, checking for even the barest traces of a quirk or curve to the corners of her mouth. Salem's answering chuckle tells her she's been had though, and her blush can only intensify as she keeps her eyes down, now because she's feeling embarrassed and humiliated.

That young man… had no right feeling so damn good. She'd done a great job of maintaining her composure in front of him, she thought, but there was no doubt about it… inside, the entire time, she'd been fucking melting. To the point that she was almost serious about calling on his services again in the future.

"… What was this man's name, pet? If he was able to have this pronounced of an effect on you, perhaps he's worth sparing what's to come of the Kingdom of Vale?"

Cinder hums at that, now thoroughly lost in the memory of her encounter with the young blond man. As such, she rather unthinkingly answers her mistress' question truthfully, not even contemplating lying.

"His name was… his name was Jaune Arc. I don't know if-."

"Excuse me?!"

Salem's sudden hissed tone, her surprise and a myriad of other emotions that Cinder can't even begin to decipher, pull the beautiful young villainess right out of her introspection, and for the first time she whips her head up to look her mistress right in the eye.

"Repeat that name."

Cinder shivers, and immediately obeys. Salem is no longer playing games or messing around.

"J-Jaune Arc, m-mistress."

"Arc… you're sure it was Arc?"

Blinking rapidly, Cinder thinks about it for a moment, before hesitantly nodding.


Salem is the one that looks away now, her already terrifying face stretched into a thoughtful scowl that makes her all the scarier as she stares off to the side, out of frame for several long moments. Cinder just stares right where she is, not daring to speak, not daring to move, not even daring to breathe. Finally…

"It should be impossible. But then, it would be just like Ozma to hide them from me. But… a prostitute? I suppose it makes sense; all things considered."

Her head whipping back around, Salem's intense red eyes are suddenly focused on Cinder's face.

"Did he cum inside of you my dear, or did you use… protection?"

"I… he came inside of me. I was going to-!"

"Do nothing. If the seed takes, then so be it. In fact, that would be preferable. This… this changes everything, but also nothing. Your original goal remains the same, however, you will also have a new one, just as important as the first. You will locate Jaune Arc and when your work in Vale is done, you will have collected him. Bring him before me, once the power of the Fall Maiden rests fully within you. Do you understand me, my pet?"

Back ramrod straight, emotions warring within her, Cinder is mute as she jerks her head up and down in a nod of agreement.

"I understand, my mistress."

She didn't, not really… but it was not her place to question her mistress. Salem had spoken. It was up to Cinder to carry out the Queen of the Grimm's Will in her stead.


The moment Jaune gets back to his dorm, he's mobbed by his three female teammates. Nora shrieks in delight, Pyrrha's face goes slack before the biggest grin ever spreads across it from ear to ear, and even Mulan has a smile as they all hug him and hold him close. Of course, within moments they're all getting a little… handsy in their own ways.

But Glynda, it seems was just about his limit for the day. The number of women he'd had sex with, the number of times he'd cum… Jaune was dead on his feet, by the time he made it back to his dorm room. Luckily, his team was understanding, and they all went to sleep in one big cuddle pile in the center of the Mega-Bed that they'd made out of all four of their beds.

That was last night, however… and now Jaune was waking up to a very distinct sensation, down below. Three different tongues were working over his member beneath the covers that he was currently so cozy under. Three different pairs of lips were working together upon his morning wood. Grinning tiredly, but also ready to face the day… and the reunion sex that it would start with, Jaune slowly lifts up the sheets and looks down to see the three faces of his teammates all looking back up at him.

Pyrrha, Nora, and Mulan all blink owlishly as they're partially exposed, acknowledging that he's awake… and then diving right back down to return to sucking his cock together, the three-way blowjob they're giving him making him feel absolutely amazing. Groaning, Jaune tosses his head back, letting the covers fall back down for a moment. Then, he slowly slides his hands under and runs his fingers through the three heads of hair down near his crotch.

Okay, so yeah… a big honking foursome was in order here. All that was left was for Jaune to decide how he was going to go about it? Should he focus on any one girl in particular? Or split his attention between all three? He knew Pyrrha was a bit higher maintenance then the other two, so it might behoove him to give his… intense teammate more attention this time. But would that be fair to Nora and Mulan? Would they even care, really, so long as they were included?

… Decisions, decisions.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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