
The Arabian Nights Of IRIS

WARNING:MATURE CONTENTS Imagine you're dragged in another century and world, what would be your reaction?? That's what happened to Iris Chase by some students of her campus, Iris is dragged mysteriously in an Ancient Egypt time , Where the god and goddess had disappeared for so many years. Lost on how she appeared there, she learned that she's the Reincarnation of the goddess BASTET but everyone will not be glad of the news especially her , because she will try everything to go back home. Her new life will be full of adventures and love. would this love will make her to change her mind to go back to her world? Or will she finally go?? "No! This thief cannot be the Reincarnation of BASTET" He said displeased "It seems so" the other man said as he approaches Iris "Will you be the queen of Egypt?" He added looking at the lady who seems to be lost "You cannot Pharaoh!! She's one of the most WANTED thief" said the man behind them .

isyb02 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


The two brothers were literally shocked.The BASTERIAN BOX is an important box where the people of the country pray to the goddess BASTET , so that that she could here their prayers and without this box no one can pray the goddess.

The gods and goddesses in this continent had disappeared since 2 centuries now , they don't know why and this boxes permit the people to think that this boxes served as a portal to communicate with the gods wherever they are , this also permit the Pharaoh to calm the population and avoid panicked.So if the information moves out of the palace they will be panick.

Each Boxes were kept in the place most control in the palace and each gods and goddesses had a box.

One thing was disturbing Leigh. If Iris is not from this century and that she just came two days ago, how come she knew where the box was and the significance of that box.

"I don't think she is the one" said Leigh a little confused.

"Ohh look at me this young man, he is defending a girl that he doesn't know!!!!" he uncle said as he voice increased.

[My uncle is right! I don't know her. Maybe she fool me, maybe she is with the Harām and their planned was to still the box, He had always wanted to still the boxes]

[No! It's not possible. He could not guess how people in the future could dress and my sixth sense couldn't lie to me! She is innocent , I saw it in her eyes]

[Anyway, I have to find her]

He wanted to leave when he brother asked.

"Where are you going?" Ashkav asked

"In the city" he replied

"You are not going anywhere! Guards!!" called Ashkav

Four guards came.

"Guide my brother to his room and do not allowed him to get out without my permission" ordered Ashkav

"Why?!!! I'm not your kid!!" said Leigh furious

" But you're acting as. You helped a Fugitif to escape to our guards. So, you will stay here until she's captured" Ashkav said sternly.








Iris was still unconscious , when Dana in the chamber.

"I want to know , boss. You have never got interested to someone this way. It means that she's very important" said Dana

"She will be a great use to us , for our plan. To change this country, we will need her help" said the boss with no expression

"It's all boss?" said Dana curious and a little worried

"Yes! Do you doubt me?" asked the boss with sternness in his eyes

"No, no, no" repeated dana with a little frightened and embarrassed.

A moment of weird silence was installed but it was disrupted by moans of Iris whom was waking up.

"Iris !" Dana ran to the bed

"Are you okay?" she added

"Yes...but I'm feeling dizzy" said Iris

"Dana, leave me alone with her " ordered the boss

"No! please don't leave me with him" She hold the hand of Dana

"Do you want that I forced you to come in my own chamber?" he coldly said

Iris gulped

"Iris , I will not be far" Dana try to assured Iris and she smiled

Iris left her hand.






In the living room

"How is Iris? asked Hashem

"She woke up " replied Dana

"What's wrong Dana? something is bordering you?" asked Ervin

"You guys don't see that the boss has too much interest to Iris? I mean he has never got interested to nothing except the mission but suddenly he is interested to Iris" said Dana

"And so what? Are you jealous?" asked Farshid with a Smirk

"No!!" Dana blushed

"I'm just wondering, it's all" added Dana

"She's not totally wrong . It's strange" said Ervin

"You see! Ervin agree with me" Dana said she turned to Ervin

"When I asked him, he told me that she's important to our mission" explained Dana

"You had an answer to your question, so, why do you doubt again" Farshid said

Dana stayed silent





"What do you want?" said Iris

The boss stood up.

"I want you to explain to me, each details when you appeared here" said the boss

"Why? I don't trust you! It's your fault if I'm WANTED "

"You think that If I wanted to do something to you, you will still be here talking with me?" asked the boss

"I know you need me, for your "diabolic" plan . You want to hurt Leigh"

"Oh! you even know his name" said the boss ironically

"Yes, his must trustful than you!"

"Has your "so trustful" friend told you that he is the prince of this place? That he's the one enslaving the poor? The reason why there's so discrimination and injustice!" said the boss

[Leigh is the prince?]

Iris was shocked and a little disappointed because Leigh didn't told her about this.

"But still! I prefer to trust him. How can I even trust to someone I have never seen his face?! nor even his name?!"

Since Iris appeared here, the boss had always his black shawl on him.

The boss removed slowly his Shawl and threw it on the floor.

"I'm call Lysandre