
The Arabian Nights Of IRIS

WARNING:MATURE CONTENTS Imagine you're dragged in another century and world, what would be your reaction?? That's what happened to Iris Chase by some students of her campus, Iris is dragged mysteriously in an Ancient Egypt time , Where the god and goddess had disappeared for so many years. Lost on how she appeared there, she learned that she's the Reincarnation of the goddess BASTET but everyone will not be glad of the news especially her , because she will try everything to go back home. Her new life will be full of adventures and love. would this love will make her to change her mind to go back to her world? Or will she finally go?? "No! This thief cannot be the Reincarnation of BASTET" He said displeased "It seems so" the other man said as he approaches Iris "Will you be the queen of Egypt?" He added looking at the lady who seems to be lost "You cannot Pharaoh!! She's one of the most WANTED thief" said the man behind them .

isyb02 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


They entered into a room , the room was made up of stones and rocks, it was nicely decorated but it seems as if the people living here will not last here for long.

As they entered, Iris saw the guys with the yellow, green and purple shawl sitting around the table with much foods and drinks . They all gazed at Iris and she felt embarrassed , until she sat on the chair their gaze was still on her.

Dana sat next to her and broke the silence.

"You told me that the boss was there. Where is him?" asked Dana to green shawl man

The man just rolled his eyes.

"He's coming, he's in his chamber" said the yellow shawl man

"We don't even know the name of this cutie that you found Dana" he added

"How can I present you people to her , your faces are covered with shawls" said Dana

They finally removed their shawl and Iris could finally see their faces.

" So, this is Farshid , sitting next to him Hashem and the always looking angry man is Ervin " said Dana with a smile

Farshid was the man with the yellow shawl, he had brown short hairs with bright shiny brown eyes , he looks very enthusiastic and sociable with his beautiful smile he had.

Hashem was the man with the purple shawl, he had short black hairs and black eyes too, he was the calmest among all of them

Ervin was the green man shawl, he had greyish white hair with silver eyes. He serious expression make him look like someone with a hard attitude.

The three young men were good looking men and they had that sculpted bodies.

"And guys, I present to you people Iris" added Dana

"Ni..nice to meet you" she said been intimated, they had such a huge aura of intimidation .

Then suddenly the door opened, a tall man had just entered and everybody stood up except Iris.

He had a black shawl on his head and face but we could still identify his purple hairs.

He walked and sat at the end of the table so elegently, his men sat too.

"Have you retrieve the bags containing the jewelries ?" He asked with his masculine voice

"Yeah boss" answered Hashem

"And the box?"

"That's it" Dana gave the box that look like a jewelry box

As the boss wanted to take the box, he noticed a new face which is IRIS

"Who's she?" he asked

"Boss, she's the girl that prevented the box to be in the hands of the guards" said Dana

He looked at Iris or no he was scanning her.

"And how come she was there ?" he asked

"She's said that she comes directly from 2028. Can you imagine?" Farshid laughed

"It is true boss! I trust her! Just look how she's dressed up" said Dana

"It prove nothing Dana, Don't be stupid. It's not because someone is dressed differently and weirdly that she comes from another century" said Farshid

"What are you saying? so for you , it's normal that she's dressed like this?"

They started quarreling .

"Shut up!" Ervin ordered

The two people stopped.

"She can be also a spy for the others gang or for the royal city" Hashem spoked

They stayed silent.

"No I'm not!" said Iris

"As I told Dana, I just appeared there! just like....like magic " explained Iris

Iris was panicking that the boss doesn't trust her and if he doesn't trust her , he may ordered that they should kill her.

Their boss who was silent since finally spoke.


"Yes boss!"

Iris gulped

"Tomorrow , go with her to the market and found her appropriate dress . So as to ressemble someone coming from here" he said , stood up and went taking the box with him.

Everyone was surprised from what their boss just said. Him who is usually super mistrustful just allow a stranger to stay here.

On her side Iris was relief that she will not be kill.


Dana and Iris were on the flying carpet which was bringing them to the market of BAGDAAD .

BAGDAAD is a beautiful hot town , the golden yellow sand was hot and so smooth, the sky was totally blue and so bright that we could think that it's the ocean, the houses were beautiful , the royal city building was the biggest building in the city and we could easily see it. It was very beautiful and having guards all over , but the most amazing place here was the market which was full of people having and nice things to sell .

"So this is bagdaad" murmured Iris

"Bagdaad is the capital of economic. All the businesses and activities is done here"

"And you guys! What types of activities are you doing Dana?" she asked

Dana didn't replied

"Dana! have you heard my question?"

"Ehem! we are th..." she mumbled

"What?" asked Iris

"th..." mumbled again

"I'm not hearing"

"thieves" she finally said

" What???!!!!!!"