
The Apostle Of Gluttony

Living is not free, it comes at a cost. This is simply the truth, and I have come to accept it. In a world where uncertainties and dangers lurk around every corner, I have learned that the only way to survive is to pay the price, one way or another, and the path I have decided to follow, is to consume or be consumed. I do not hesitate to do what it takes to keep myself and my loved ones safe. And to do that, I have to pay every day.

TheUselessTurtle · Action
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25 Chs

A Fated Meeting 4

"Wait, you... Don't tell me... Zen?" In confusion, the voice speaking behind the little device asked, stuttering with every word he uttered.

"I'm surprised you still remember my name, old man," with a grin curved on his face, he added "though that's the name you've given to me"

"You trash, what have you done to the commander?" With a voice full of anger, shouts of anguish left the little device.

"Commander? Ah, you're talking about this kid here? Nothing really, he is well and fine," Zen answered mockingly, smiling and shrugging as he added "he just still can't seem to understand my powers yet"

"Stop with this arrogant attitude of yours! If you do anything to the commander, I will—" before he could finish his words, Zen clenched the wireless device, breaking to pieces with brute force.

"What was that just now?" The puzzled young man standing in front of him proceeded to ask, with his eyes showing a clear indication of what was the meat of that conversation.

"Ah, don't worry about it," Zen answered, waving his hand as an indication to this whole matter is of no importance. "It's just some matters that happened in the past"

"May I ask, what are you?"

"What and not who, huh?" With a slight smile curves on his face, Zen questioned as he blurted out a subtle giggle, "well, I assume that's the correct question to ask in this situation"

Before he continued, this puzzling figure of a human sat on a close chair. "I believe you call us imperfections, right?"

Upon hearing those words, the once calm demeanor of this competent commander suddenly changed. His eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and discomfort. His body began to shiver with fear as he felt a shiver running down his spine.

Though there wasn't much information available to him about those creatures called imperfection, the one thing that was revealed to them is that whoever might you be, you can never face such creatures with a huge supporting force.

Zen was quick to notice the fear and discomfort forming on the young man's face, thus he uttered "Ah, fear not, as I have no intent of harming you"

Hearing those words seemed to relax the young man a bit, but the weariness in his eyes didn't seem to calm down much.

"I'm certain that the information available to us isn't that much, but even so, it seems that the old man has planted some weird thoughts about us in his underlings' heads"

Hearing this extreme entity spouting these words didn't seem to be of much help, as the young fella listening to him was getting even more confused, and his careful behavior wasn't getting any calmer.

This only resulted in Zen getting into a tighter tunnel as he faced Vex, making him unsure of what he was supposed to do.

Letting out a wary sigh and shrugging his shoulder, Zen couldn't find any way to solve this confusion, thus making him stand up and push the chair he was using to the side.

"Well, it's time for me to leave now. It seems your little friends have found us already," said Zen as he stretched his arms up.

Hearing that, Vex became startled and quickly muttered "what?! wait a--"

"I advise you to leave that old man's place as soon as possible," as he walked away, waving one hand while the other is down, Vex added before he opened the door to the place "it will be quite saddening to see one like you to fall into that man's hands"

Once the door closed, Vex was once again all alone the same way he entered this place that lead to all of this.

For a few moments, this young man stood motionless, surrounded by the uncomfortable silence that fell upon the place. The puzzlement on his face was prominent as he could only think about what exactly was that mysterious being that he faced.

However, this didn't last long, as the sounds of footsteps getting closer to him snapped him out of that state.

Swiftly, he grabbed his weapon and assumed an attacking stance before the door to the place swung open as someone forcefully pushed it.


Hearing the familiarity in this shouting voice led him to relax his stance, lowering his gun in relief.

His teammates swiftly bursted inside, launching at him one after the other.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!" Holding him by his shoulders, one of his teammates questioned as he convulsed him "we lost connection to your location، and only a few minutes ago could we find you"

"Huh? Didn't you see him leaving this place earlier?" Vex asked with puzzlement covering his face.

"Him?... Who?" As he looked at the others with confusion, his teammate added.

"Well... Nothing, just forget about it..." Vex answered, trying to brush off what he just said.

"Wait, what do you mean?..." the girl asked as she gazed at Vex stroking his head and walking towards the door.

"It's a long story... We can talk about it when we return," He answered vaguely before he opened the door.

While his actions confused all of them, they didn't want to press it any further, as it had become pretty dark outside and it was already late, so they had to return to the base.

They quickly followed after Vex, who was walking slowly and looking at the moon, his mind full of thoughts.

* * *

"That kid... What was his name again? Zen, was it?" Walking down an empty street, surrounded by its eary silence, Zen suddenly murmured to himself as he gently stroke the light beard surrounding the excited grin curved on his face, before he stopped to look at the sky and add "it'd be to see the path that he will follow from now on..."

Before He could continue to walk, he remembered something. "Oh yeah, I should probably put on some clothes before another person sees me like this"


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