
The Apocalypse Fanatic

The apocalypse had arrived. Everyone was sad, terrified, anxious-Wait a second, someone was smiling? Who the hell would smile during the- "Hi, I'm the neighborhood Doomsday fanatic!" After repeating countless lives living through the apocalypse, Kefi Ukiyo finally had enough. No, he didn't go down the hero's road of destruction, or the omnipotent god- no, no, no- he went down the 'I can't stop doomsday so I might as well cause it!' road.. And thus, the doomsday fanatic was born.

toast_ · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Hello there, Administrator


After around two whole minutes, Ukiyo had finally finished planting the seed. He dusted the dirt off of his cheap gardener apron and turned his gaze towards the ground.

"You stubborn bastard. Usually it takes a few seconds to plant you guys but just when I'm about to cause some havoc you decide to start germinating? At the wrong time too..." He spoke to the seed in the ground as if it could hear his complaints.

Meanwhile, the citizens who were innocently passing by had unfortunately overheard a man speaking to the ground in the middle of a deserted park. They turned to look at him but then immediately turned away.

They were not about to be involved with a lunatic.

Che. Ukiyo scoffed at the ground before tossing the spade to the side casually. Now he just had to wait for it to start growing. He glanced at his wrist watch and impatiently tapped his foot on the ground, counting mentally in his head.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked forward in rushed steps. He had spotted a bench around 50 meters in front of him and he wasn't about to pass on such a golden opportunity to rest. Earlier, he had been a bit distracted venting to the plant on the ground but now, after all his hard, hard work, he could finally sit down. Therefore there was no way he was going to move an inch away from the bench before the first disaster hit.

The first disaster. Hm, he wondered if the information he had was accurate or not because quiet some time had passed since he last went to an 8th rated planet. Just as he continued wondering, a scream suddenly rang out.

Ah. He had forgot, HQ never change their methods, huh?

Of course they didn't. If he still worked in that chaotic place he wouldn't have time to change the methods and timing for a nameless 8th ranked planet's first disaster. An eighth ranked planet was under average difficulty according to HQ's 'apocalyptic scale for humans' making it insignificant in their eyes.

Ukiyo lifted his straw hat from his face and his eyes lazily drifted towards where the scream had come from.

Right in the Centre of a cluster of crossroads were crowds of humans running away from all directions-- pushing, screaming, trampling and falling onto each other. As the crowd of humans quickly fled the crime scene, a tall man wearing a suit could be seen standing in the middle of all the carnage. Next to him was one, no, a dozen grotesque looking creatures.

Covered in a shiny fluid, the monsters who suddenly appeared seemed like they came straight out of a fantasy dungeon. With scales like a snake, displaced facial features exactly like a human's and a constantly morphing shape body these creatures creeped and terrified all the humans who suddenly witnessed their alien like existence.

The formally dressed man in the middle seemed unfazed as he calmly adjusted his glasses and from a far, Ukiyo could see the man's mouth moving as if he was giving directions, which practically signaled him to start moving.

"Hello there."

The man immediately jumped to the other side of the platform, his speed abnormal.

"Who..." The man trailed off as if he knew that that was a pointless question and proceeded to rephrase,

"What do you want?" The man asked while staring intently at Ukiyo who had just appeared in front of him all of a sudden.

"I see you administrators are as sharp as ever. Anyways, nothing. I just want to enjoy the show from up here."

At that moment the administrator didn't hide his shaking pupils because he noticed that the androgynes, scruffy looking stranger was no longer paying any attention to him and was instead looking down at the carnage before them with a satisfied smile. He asked again while taking a step back,

"What do you actually want? As a dimensional traveler, you guys usually want something. So spit it out. Is it an A grade healing potion? A legendary sword or perhaps...a portal to a higher ranked planet--" The administrator stopped and frowned.

"What's so funny?"

Ukiyo had clutched his stomach while patting his thigh and laughed out loud hysterically.

"No, no, it's nothing, I just thought..." How HQ's serious and straightforward method never changes to be funny. After all the man in front of him kept pushing up his glasses like an anime character--it reminded him of a colleague who worked with his during his 205th life when he was selected to work as an administrator.

"What is it?" The administrator asked again irritably. When he didn't see a reply from the stranger he was reminded of all the tasks he had to complete after initiating the start of the apocalypse on this low ranked planet and immediately lost his remaining patience. He was about to open his mouth again but was suddenly interrupted.

"You've got it wrong. I don't want anything. I just want to enjoy the show from this comfortable platform." Ukiyo finally replied with a handful of grapes in his head. He flashed a bright smile at the administrator as he held up the bunch of grapes and begun to speak again,

"But if you insist on giving me something.." but before he could finish the administrator shut him off.

"No, stay here, you sadistic freak. However, just know that if you interfere I'll report you to HQ." The administrator warned in a stern voice before turning around and stepping forward to the crowd of listless monsters underneath the platform. No longer conversing with the sadist dimensional traveler he spoke some inaudible words to the monsters and completely ignored the man afterwards.

Ukiyo pretended that he hadn't heard the first part of the administrator's response and of course didn't correct his assumption of him being a dimensional traveler either. He simply continued to leisurely consume his grapes.

He almost spat the grapes he had been chewing earlier though. He had to struggle to swallow them before covering his mouth from leaking out a laugh. After all, someone working for the apocalypse administration had the nerve to call him a sadist. That was the funniest thing he heard all year.

They were by far the biggest sadists to ever have existed and anyways, he wasn't technically a sadist since it wasn't like he enjoyed seeing the doomsdays repeatedly occur as if it was some cheap product being produced. In fact, there had been a period where all he tried doing was stopping the apocalypse and he had even gone as far as to wage war with the administration too. Although, that was in the past.

Now he simply wanted to enjoy watching the show and perhaps observe the stressed expressions of those sadists when they realize that someone had tampered with their precious 'system'.

'Ho, that was definitely going to be entertaining to watch.'

As someone who just wanted to cause some entertainment and have fun, he was determined to live carefreely while getting the most he could from doomsday. Ukiyo leaned back and ate some more grapes as he observed the quickly escalating situation outside.

The monsters who had seemed lifeless just a while ago suddenly rushed out and started attacking all nearby pedestrians. It hadn't been long before the constantly morphing bodies of the monsters lunged onto the screaming humans and swallowed them whole. Covering their bodies the humans struggled to get out of the monster's grasp but only got devoured faster. Blood and organs quickly started spilling onto the streets as the people who weren't running fast enough got ripped to shreds.

Ukiyo frowned at the carnage. He didn't know the administration were going to release such disgusting monsters this time but well, he should have expected they'd do something so disgusting, they were mostly statistical bastards anyways. He had lost his appetite now but glanced excitedly at his wrist watch nonetheless.

C'mon, I brought you so much time to germinate so hurry up and sprout, he thought as he glanced up towards the park near the bloody scene. A few seconds went by. Cries of help occasionally sounded out but compared to the beginning, there were significantly less.

Boom! Suddenly as if a bomb had hit the park, the entire terrain was instantly destroyed. Blood, dirt, dust and rocks flew into the air and crashed down nearby. The struggling humans turned their heads towards the source of the explosion but immediately turned away, they glared with terrified expressions at the creatures who were still chasing them and tears streaked down some people's faces as they closed their eyes, seemingly having given up from running away. Others continued to run at top speed and were clearly reaching their limits but still desperately searched for any place they could escape to.

Schreeeeeech! As if nails scratched on a plate or a microphone testing had gone wrong, the whole planet shook and one man's curses could be heard.

"What the--what is that doing here-" The administrator immediately turned his head back towards the man sitting on the platform and their eyes met. Ukiyo smiled widely at the furious administrator and popped another grape into his mouth. At the same time white light enshrouded every human within the surrounding excluding the hideous monsters.

The show was finally going to start. The pocket dimension seed had germinated which meant he could finally enjoy some free entertainment.

Author's note to self:

this chapter may seem very confusing and hopefully that confusion gets cleared up in the chapters ahead. I'm not sure if its my bad writing or not but I'm trying not to do info dumps and slowly build up the world. World building is more subtle and mostly in the background with little exposition but most things are pretty self eplanatory anyways.

If you read up to here, have a good day and stay safe!

toast_creators' thoughts