
The Apocalypse Behind the Wall

Year 2027. NASA had officially launched a expedition deep into Antarctica. Every ocean, every known place on Earth, had been all explored, except for Antarctica. In June of 2027, thirty explorers had been sent into Antarctica, and NASA announced that they would be probably be heard from in three months. But unknown at this time, this expedition probably meant a apocalypse for the world.

zeroven · Eastern
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Chapter 1: The Fall of the Wall

If someone was able to take a spaceship and fly outside into space, they would stunned speechless at what they would witness. That was, if they were able to fly into space.

What people knew about Earth was shattered ten years ago, during November 16, 2027. The expedition team NASA had sent out into Antarctica sent a message, which said, "We were tricked."

It was the last message from the expedition team. NASA tried multiple attempts to reestablish communication with the team, but failed. Then in the following month, what was called the "Fall of the Wall" happened, and what people knew about Earth, disappeared.

A large part of Antarctica suddenly collapsed, causing world-wide flooding. And to add to destruction, the extinct beasts from the ancient times reappeared, along with other unknown creatures.

Apocalypse had descended upon Earth. NASA itself was confused at this. They had no clue as to where the dinosaurs and creatures came from, so tried to view Earth from a satellite.

They were stunned at what they saw. The Earth they all knew... was actually a small part of a larger world! Thousands of different other continents, lands and places, unknown to them!

The real size of Earth was actually five times larger than Jupiter! NASA gave the new information to all countries of the world, who then called a conference meeting at Germany, which became known as the "International Convention."

There, all countries became one, which was named the World Government. Their plan was to defend against the dinosaurs, and try to find out why did this happen. The thing they were most curious about was: For many years NASA was in space, how were they not able to find out that Earth was actually larger?

The answer would come five years later, on 2032. The Antarctica was now named the Ice Wall, and for the past years, NASA had been exploring the Ice Wall. This time, they were investigating the part of the Ice Wall which collapsed, and they discovered something strange.

There was a room, unharmed despite the surroundings being destroyed. Inside was the last survivor of the expedition team who first explored the Ice Wall. Through him, they were able to discover the true events of what happened five years ago.

They discovered this room, which had strange symbols none of them had ever seen before. There was a crystal sphere floating in the middle of the room, without anything holding it. Out of pure curiosity, they touched the sphere, and suddenly, it started speaking in a unknown language. After 5 minutes, it stopped, and for a hour after that, nothing happened.

Out of boredom, they decided to leave, when suddenly, the fall of the wall happened. His unlucky teammates were caught in the destruction, but he was lucky since he was the last one in the room, and he witnessed their demise.

For the past years, he lived off the rations he brought, and fortunately, it was plentiful. From that, countless theories was formed, but one was the most plausible.

The sphere in the room was a item that was the "button" to unlocking the "gate,"—which was the Ice Wall—and when that explorer had touched the sphere, it "opened" the gate. As for how they weren't able to see the entirety of Earth, there was probably a unknown force of illusion NASA itself was unable to explain.


2034, two years later. The four continents of Earth had been overrun by dinosaurs and creatures, and the strongholds which the World Government had built was lessening. Technology—despite improving rapidly—was already useless against the size and durability of the prehistoric beasts. NASA had sent expedition teams beyond the Ice Wall, hoping to find the answer what power that sphere held.

The sphere was the button to a power which kept the dinosaurs and creatures from Earth for millions of years. If they were able to discover the source, then there was still hope for humanity.

For the next fifteen years, the search proved fruitless, and the population of Earth was dwindling. Until...

Another room was discovered in the Ice Wall, with the same layout as the first. And inside was also a crystal sphere, except that it was green in color.

The crystal sphere in the first room was colored green, so the expedition team had concluded it had a different purpose from the first.

But of course, they would not rashly touch it since they had no idea what it would do. Maybe it was another button, but only who created it knew.

For three hours they stayed in the room, undecided whether to return to the continents or take a risk touching the sphere. After a vote, they decided to take the risk.

After all, if it was just another button that collapsed the wall, then they would probably be safe in the room like the past one.

So one who was chosen to touch the sphere gritted his teeth, and his hand came in contact with the sphere. The instant he touched it, the sphere released a green mist which invaded his body, and he started shouting in pain.

The expedition team was stunned, but they didn't dare come close, since his body was shrouded in the mist, and they feared the same would happen to them.

After ten minutes, the man stood up, completely unharmed, to the shock of the team. After a few questions and checkups, they concluded he was fine.

But they didn't notice the change in his physique until half an hour later, when they decided to leave the room. As the man stepped outside, his feet shattered the ice, which surprised the team.

After a few tests, they were stunned. He was stronger than before, but not normal. He was inhumanely strong, and from his original size of 6'1, he was growing until he reached 6'8. From that, they concluded one thing: the green sphere was capable of evolution!

"They told the World Government, and the rest is history." The instructor smiled proudly, but it immediately faded as he saw a sleeping figure at the back.

"Choi Gwangho!" The instructor roared, and the figure suddenly stood up. "Yes, sir!" The youth named Choi Gwangho replied and saluted. "Care to tell what was so boring about the history of our planet that you fell asleep?"

The instructor said sternly, and his fellow students were looking at him pitifully. The instructor was infamous for his strict punishments.

"Nothing, sir!" Choi Gwangho kept a straight face. The instructor harrumphed coldly. "To my office, later!" He commanded before returning to the podium.

"How will you graduate military academy if you keep this up, huh?" The instructor berated, and Choi Gwangho was able to sit back. The lecture continued, but Choi Gwangho dreaded what was ahead of him.

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