
The Apocalypse ( The hell)

Tarun_Bhandari · Horror
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2 Chs

Ch 1 :The Beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse

Jack was an ordinary guy living in a small town. One day something strange happened. It started with a strange virus spreading among the people. This virus was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. It turned people into mindless flesh-eating creatures - zombies.

Jack first noticed something was wrong when he saw his neighbor stumbling down the street with a vacant look in his eyes. The neighbor was covered in blood and seemed to be on the hunt for something...or someone. Fear crept up inside Jack as he realized that something terrible was happening.

Within hours chaos broke loose in the town. More and more people were transforming into bloodthirsty zombies. They roamed the streets attacking anyone in their path. Panic and confusion filled the air as people tried to escape or find a safe place to hide.

Jack quickly realized that he needed to stay calm and find a way to survive. He gathered some supplies from his house - food water and a few weapons to defend himself. He knew he couldn't stay in his home for long as the zombies seemed to be everywhere.

As he ventured out into the chaos outside Jack saw the devastation unfold before his eyes. People were running for their lives screaming in terror. The sound of gunshots echoed through the streets as some brave souls fought back against the undead horde.

Trying to remain inconspicuous Jack moved cautiously trying to avoid drawing attention to himself. He knew that even a single bite from a zombie would turn him into one of them. The fight for survival had just begun and he had to stay alive.

Jack witnessed acts of bravery as some people banded together to protect each other. They formed small groups thinking that safety could be found in numbers. But the zombies seemed relentless appearing from all corners and overwhelming those who were less prepared.

With each passing moment Jack felt the threat growing. He knew he had to find a way to stop this apocalyptic nightmare. But how? The world seemed to be falling apart governments unable to contain the outbreak and chaos spreading rapidly.

As night fell Jack found himself hiding in an abandoned building. He could hear the yells and moans of the undead outside a constant reminder of the danger he faced. In the darkness he planned his next move - to find others like him to form a united front against the zombie horde.

In that moment Jack made a promise to himself - to endure to fight back and to find a way to save humanity from this horrifying fate. The journey was just beginning but Jack was determined to find a way to survive and bring an end to the zombie apocalypse.