
The Aphrodite’s Curse

What happens when life hands you a second chance—but with a twist? Imagine waking up with the chance to find out who murdered you in your past life. Sounds like a great deal, right? Except, there's a catch. Grey Wang, a tough-as-nails CEO, who's been treating his female employees like his morning coffee—cold and bitter. He rules his empire with an iron fist, never once stopping to think about the feelings of his female employees. But karma has a wicked sense of humor. Here's the twist of the century: one fine morning, Grey wakes up on the wrong side of his manly bed, only to discover he's now wearing the shoes he used to step on—female ones! Now, with an "OMG,I have boobs?!" moment, he faces a struggle and must survive as an ordinary employee in his own company, all while trying to uncover who wanted him dead in his past life. With his empire crumbling and a murderer still on the loose, Grey must navigate a world filled with estrogen, high heels, emotions, and danger before his second chance runs out. Time is ticking, and survival means more than just fitting into a dress. *********************************** Laughter alert: If you're not a fan of laughter or have a serious allergy to humor, kindly refrain from reading.

HiddenPearl · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A New Reality II

 Grey's POV

Before I could do more damage, the doorbell rang, snapping me out of my spiral. I froze, blood dripping from my knuckles, my heart pounding in my chest. 

I wiped my bloodied hands on my shirt and stumbled to the door. Blue stood there with shock and concern. "Omg Grey,Is that blood?Are you out of your mind. You're hurting yourself."

She pushed her way in, taking charge as she guided me to sit on the couch. My head was spinning, my chest still tight with panic, but her calm presence grounded me. She grabbed the first-aid kit, as she bandaged my bleeding hands. I watched her work in silence, too tired to protest.

I stared at her, numb. "I don't know what to do," I whispered, barely recognizing my own voice. "This... this isn't supposed to be happening."

Blue glanced up at me, her expression softening. "I know. But you don't have to hurt yourself. We'll figure this out."

She paused, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, some good news. We finalized the contract yesterday. The money's in."

I forced a smile, though it felt empty. "Thanks," I muttered.

Blue squeezed my arm gently. "We'll get through this," she said with quiet conviction. "And I might have a lead. There's a shaman from my hometown who might know what's going on, but it's far. We'd need to plan how to leave the company for a few days."

I hesitated, the weight of my new reality sinking in. "I can't go back to the office like this. Everyone will—"

"Make fun of you?" Blue finished for me, her eyebrow raised. "They might if you go as Grey. But if you go as... Lisa?"

I blinked at her, confused. "Who's Lisa?"

She grinned, her playful side emerging again. "You are! If you can't go back as Mr. Wang, you can go back as someone else. Lisa. I'll help you get a job at the company under a new identity."

Her words took a moment to sink in. It sounded ridiculous—absurd, even—but at the same time, it was the only plan we had.

A flicker of hope stirred in me—until I remembered something important. "Wait, Blue... I banned hiring women, remember? After I fired that last secretary."

Blue's grin faltered for a second, but then she waved it off. "Oh, right! I forgot about that. But don't worry, I'll handle it. We'll fake a CV, and I'll get you in.You just have to trust me."


The next day came faster than I wanted. I stood in front of my closet, staring at the clothes that once fit me perfectly. My old suits were my armor, but now they felt more like a costume. Blue tried to convince me to wear something more fitting, but I stubbornly insisted on my suit. The oversized jacket hung awkwardly on my new body, the pants pooling around my ankles. I looked ridiculous, but it was the last piece of my old life I had left. 

As we stood in front of Wang's Empire, I felt my stomach churn. The building had always felt like my domain, my fortress. But now? It felt like an entirely different world—a world where I didn't belong.

Blue leaned in close, her voice low. "Remember, you're Lisa now. I've got your back, okay?"

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I felt so out of place, like an imposter in my own life.

Inside, I expected people to stare, to whisper, to acknowledge something strange. But instead, they didn't even look at me. No one glanced in my direction. No one greeted me. They waved more at Blue than they did at me. I had become invisible.

In the elevator, Blue nudged me. "Play along, smile a little," she whispered. "It'll be fine."

The doors dinged open, and we stepped into the HR office. Blue greeted Mr. Xu with her usual charm. "Mr. Xu! Good day," she said with a bright smile.

Miss Blue!" Xu exclaimed, clearly pleased to see her. "What brings you here? I hope I'm not in trouble," he joked, laughing lightly.

"No trouble at all," Blue replied smoothly. "I just need your help with something." She gestured toward me. "This is my friend, Lisa. She needs a job, and I thought you might be able to help. Here's her CV." She handed him a file with a convincing smile.

Mr Xu gave me a quick once-over, then shook his head. "Sorry, Miss Blue. There's a new policy—no more female employees allowed." His tone was flat, but his discomfort was clear.

Blue wasn't fazed. "Oh come on, Mr Xu. I'm Mr. Wang's PA. I could always mention to him how helpful you are. Maybe even mention that promotion you've been eyeing..."

Xu's eyes widened slightly. "Well," he said, clearing his throat, "there aren't any open positions at the moment, but... the last courier resigned two days ago. If she doesn't mind working as the new courier..."

Humiliation washed over me, but Blue turned to me with a bright smile, as if this was the best news we'd heard all day. "You wouldn't mind, would you, Lisa?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I plastered on the fakest smile I could manage, my stomach twisting. "Of course not," I lied through gritted teeth. My insides were boiling, but I couldn't say no.

As we left Xu's office, I leaned in close to Blue. "A courier? In my own company?"

Blue chuckled. "Be grateful, Lisa. You'll blend in. And maybe, while you're at it, you can figure out who's been leaking information or why our finances are tanking. Think of it as... undercover work."

Undercover work? In my own company? This was my life now, I realized. And no matter how absurd it seemed, I had no choice but to play along.