
72 Dark House

Looking Up at the trees they could find a dark house perched on its side.

"See! I remember that it was dark wood!" Layla proudly puffs up her chest.

"OK, OK we know, but what do we do now?" Praw looked excited that they finally found the boat that they were looking for.

"We climb it! and give Brava a visit!"

"Wouldn't that be rude?" Michael is concerned.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind"

"What about his mom or dad?"

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind his friend visiting."

"OK... " Michael also agrees, they wouldn't mind some kid looking for their friend right? and He also wants to see Brava too. They climbed up the tree toward the house with a slight worry. It was a difficult climb, but they were determined to see Brava. They have come too far to back out now.