
The Apex (A Marvel Fan-Fic)

Synopsis: Have you ever imagined what would happen if you appeared in the Marvel Universe? Also imagine that you have special abilities like those superheroes, gods and other amazing yet terrifying existence. This is a different world, a world full of possibilities. Follow Maverick and Venom's journey as they reach for the top, and of course, for the chocolates... and heads. [The world of this book is an AU that integrates classic events and plots from comics, animation, and movies. There are no fixed versions of all the characters. You can imagine their looks according to your favorite version. Readers who are very concerned or just like the movie universe should read it with caution. ] [Not very explosive in the opening, slow to warm up, but I'd say compact in structure, if you don't like slow pace, then this is not for you] [Single love interest, I'm tired of harem nowadays] === Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon! Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Chapter 44: Kingpin

The robust man in question is none other than Wilson Fisk, a well-known philanthropist and businessman in New York City. All his public identities and actions are meant to conceal his true identity - The Kingpin.

All the underworld figures with some status know of a man named Kingpin. He controls the underworld power of this center city, New York. His influence is top-notch in the underworld of the United States and even renowned in the global underworld.

The title of Kingpin is like a legend, known to everyone but seen by none, except for those close to him.

Jon Hammond is responsible for the drug business in Kingpin criminal organization. New York is a crucial part of Kingpin's criminal organization, especially in the drug business.

The funds from the drug business are arguably many times more than those from other businesses, likening it to a money tree wouldn't be an exaggeration.

But now, this money tree has been chopped down, and what's worse, there's not a single clue about the perpetrator. This is a great shame for Kingpin.

It's like someone punched him in the face right in front of him, but he doesn't know who that person is.

He has already lost a lot in this unexpected incident. If there is no response in the end, if he just swallows this loss, what would happen to his reputation?

Alistair knows that Kingpin is not satisfied with this answer, so after a pause, he continues, "But the person in charge of investigating this matter has assured us that he has tried his best. The perpetrator is very cunning and has not left any useful clues behind. Only a blurry photo was captured by the surveillance at the villa's entrance."

As Alistair speaks, he hands a photo to Kingpin.

Kingpin looks at the photo in his hand and slowly squints his eyes.

In this photo, the villa engulfed in black smoke occupies most of the frame, with only a black figure in the far corner.

It's a figure wearing a hood, all in black. Because the figure is in the shadow of the trees in the photo, Kingpin can only see its rough outline and a hint of white, seemingly eyes, under the hood.

"Another clown in costume, just like that annoying wall-crawler," Kingpin says coldly, squinting his eyes.

He harbored extreme disgust towards Spider-Man. That damn guy had caused him a lot of trouble in his business. Although none of it was particularly serious, it was always as annoying as a fly.

Alistair continued after hearing this, "According to the reactions of our lowest-level criminals recently, there has indeed been a masked vigilante targeting criminals in New York again."

"Based on this photo and the feedback from the survivors, it can be roughly confirmed that this is the same person. His name is Venom."

"Venom," Kingpin murmured softly as he looked at the photo in his hand.

After a moment, a cold gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he said to Alistair, "I'm entrusting the task of dealing with this guy to you. Let Tombstone and Rhino take him out."

"I want everyone to know that Kingpin's authority cannot be violated. Anyone who dares to offend me must pay with their life."

Alistair nodded in response, "Yes."

After giving these orders, Maverick looked at Alistair reassuringly, "Rest assured, Alistair. That wall-crawler will pay sooner or later, and you will surely avenge your father."

"You are so excellent and outstanding. All you lack is a space and platform to showcase your talents."

"Now I've given you everything you need. All you have to do is to unleash your potential."

Thinking of Spider-Man, hatred gleamed in Alistair's eyes as he spoke in a cold voice, "I'm very grateful for all the conveniences you've prepared for me, and I've always believed that Spider-Man will eventually bear the responsibility for his actions. When the new generation of Spider-Slayers is ready, I'll make sure he pays the price for his deeds."

Seeing Alistair's performance, Kingpin's nodded in satisfaction internally. This was exactly the result he wanted. As long as he could harness someone's hatred effectively, that person could be at his beck and call.

Alistair's father was also a scientific genius, but he was manipulated to fight Spider-Man for the sake of his disabled son. In the end, he perished in a self-destructing lab during a failed operation against Spider-Man.

Because of his father's death, Alistair began to harbor resentment towards Spider-Man. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kingpin recruited him to work for him and allowed him to continuously improve the Spider-Slayer robots, with the goal of avenging his father by killing Spider-Man.

In this way, Kingpin not only gained the assistance of Alistair, a genius scientist, to continuously create wealth and research, but also created an enemy for himself in Spider-Man, whom he had long seen as a thorn in his side. Additionally, he could use Alistair's hatred to eliminate Spider-Man.

Kinpin was very satisfied with this profitable arrangement because he only spent some money to gain profits that multiplied many times over.

After arranging to deal with Venom, Kingpin inquired about the progress of Alistair's research. After listening to all the reports, he waved Alistair off, indicating that he could leave.

Alistair promptly left the office to arrange matters related to dealing with Venom and his research on the Spider-Slayer robots. He always approached these experimental research tasks with the utmost enthusiasm and rigorous attitude, which was why Kingpin could continuously exploit him.

Soon, the office was left with Fisk alone. He sat in his spacious chair, gazing through the large floor-to-ceiling window at the neon lights below.

Just like a king surveying his territory, New York was his domain, and crime was his means of domination.

Now that a clown named Venom had offended him, he had to teach the guy a lesson using his own methods and make him pay a price to maintain and consolidate his position in the criminal underworld.

Although he was the top kingpin of the underworld, there were still many people eyeing his position and territory. He needed to use strong methods to deter those who harbored ill intentions and uphold his rule.


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