
The Meeting and plan

The virus spreaded in many cities it affected California and no the inflected people were running to other cities .the president was also leaving the country because he knows its danger to stay here . lockdown scheme was applied army was given control but this ended in failure the infected ones rushed to Mexico and Canada.The America army was late .now these viruses affected Canada,Mexico and america.there was a meeting in France where scientists of world will gather . Ali also went there he tried to convince every one that he heard there is a magical water fall which can used as a cure but no one bealived.a meeting of Pakistan army was held in which the diceded to send their 7 commandos and will take 3 commando's from China this was a highly trained group which was commanded by Captain Khurram now they have to make a plan .plan was that to now go on adventure to Amazon's rain forest .khurram's mom and dad were worried but they know that Khurram is going for help of humanity and now the left for Amazon but the change that happened here was that there were two teams and it was type a competition for khurram . Captain Khurram and his team are giving their life to save humanity.They know in what danger they are .Because Ali told them that there are many monsters there .Team b consists of highly Russians commandos .Khurram saw a girl and he liked her .Her name was dianela she was also a commando .Now the made there way to Brazil