
The Anti Hero System(Discontinued)

Surya used to be a hero with lowest power working with Superhero association. Due to his low power level the other superheroes used to make fun of him and humiliated him when they got any chance. He suffered and also had keep his head low to make earning for his family. For 7 years he endured until supervillains attacked him and his family. He fought the villains and failed. The superheroes told that they would investigate rather than bringing justice. Surya took it upon himself and brought death to those villains. The heroes caught him and neutralize the powers inside him. He was thrown into a wild world through dimensional gate. After 5 years of surviving he returned through a rogue gate when he decided to be an existence who will make both superheroes and supervillains tremble. "Does the host wish to bind with Anti hero system?" said a voice. Thus begins his anti hero journey.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The dilemma of supervillains

"In an underground base in Blue Gale....."

There are people sitting in round table and their faces are covered with masks. These are the heads of the supervillain society.

They have gathered here because of the issue of the Invincible Rakshasa. Sylvy's death is a message to the supervillains that they are going to be next. If the superheroes find and arrest them they will be thrown into prison or into an asylum.

If they go to a prison they can use their corrupt lawyers to bail them out. If they are sent to asylum they can break out using different plans but if the Rakshasa finds them then there is no chance of them escaping their inevitable doom.

"So what is the situation in Galleon?" asked one man.

"The issues regarding Gella and Red Wyvern bandit group have been settled down for now but the identity of Rakshasa is a concern?" said another man.

"Yes we don't know who he is and information is shut air tight by authorities and no one knows what is going to happen" said another with concern.

"He has openly instigated a revolt and many of our people planted there were killed by the people of Galleon" said the first man with anger.

"But the strange thing is there is an adventurer who obtained information regarding Red Wyvern Bandit groups and his name is Surya" said the second man.

"What did you say? Surya?" asked the first man.

"Yes why does his name sound familiar?" asked the third man.

"The superhero whose powers were neutralized 5 years ago is named Surya" replied the first person.

"Yes but there are many people with that name and the person here is a martial artist rather than a weapon using person" said a 4th person.

"I heard the Rakshasa helped him from assassins" said a 5th person.

"Then he is not the same person" said 6th person.

"How can you say that?" asked the 1st person.

"Surya the superhero is a master of Trident and these assassins can't even stand a chance against him. His intelligence and cunningness in battle isn't something to be taken in a light way" said the 6th person.

"Then this guy might be a different guy" said the 2nd person.

"It seems so" said the 3rd person.

"That idiot Sa Wang Chul is the cause of these problems" shouted a 7th person.

"I agree he asked us to send people to infiltrate the town hall and put resources into those people" said a 8th person.

All of them nodded their heads in agreement. "We will ask for compensation from him directly and we definitely need to be wary of the Rakshasa" said the 1st person.

"As if "The Finisher" and "Black hood" aren't enough who could take lives easily and we have another one intelligent than those two" said 4th person.

"The superhero association will also be in look out for Rakshasa since he mocked them. We also need to find him and kill him because if we allow him to grow he will not only become an existence which can wipe out supervillain society but also a threat to superheroes" said the third person.

"The information is limited on him but we have no choice but wait for him to make his next move, until then we can only be vigilant" said 5th person.

"We will be in contact and keep updating each other. The world will someday be under our heels and superheroes will be pushed down" said 1st person.

"To the society" roared the 1st person.

"To the society" shouted the others in unison.

Surya knew that not only superheroes but also supervillains will be vigilant after his stunt but they are unaware that he had plans that can completely change the fate of this world.