
The Anti Hero System(Discontinued)

Surya used to be a hero with lowest power working with Superhero association. Due to his low power level the other superheroes used to make fun of him and humiliated him when they got any chance. He suffered and also had keep his head low to make earning for his family. For 7 years he endured until supervillains attacked him and his family. He fought the villains and failed. The superheroes told that they would investigate rather than bringing justice. Surya took it upon himself and brought death to those villains. The heroes caught him and neutralize the powers inside him. He was thrown into a wild world through dimensional gate. After 5 years of surviving he returned through a rogue gate when he decided to be an existence who will make both superheroes and supervillains tremble. "Does the host wish to bind with Anti hero system?" said a voice. Thus begins his anti hero journey.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Joining the adventurer's guild and gathering information

The receptionist looked at Surya and said "Welcome Sir and thank you for joining the adventurer guild".

The receptionist took out a form and put it in front of him. "Please fill in the details and after that you would have to pay an amount of 300 colls".

Surya nodded without any expression and filled the form. As for the class column he put it Martial artist since he didn't have any weapon.

He handed over the form. As for the money when system bound to him he has been given 1000 colls by default.

He put a hand in right pocket of his pant and opened the inventory for 300 colls to come out. He put the money in front of receptionist.

She counted the money and put it in the locker. behind her. She took out a crystal and placed it in front of Surya.

"One last thing Sir, this is a rank identification crystal. Please put a hand on it. Depending on the rank your quests will be decided" said the receptionist.

Surya thought for a second and decided to manipulate the crystal for his own gain. "What are the ranks?" he asked.

The receptionist said "There are ranks from A to G and there is a special rank S above A". The difficulty of a quest varies according to the ranks.

Surya decided that he would manipulate the crystal to get either C or D rank because if gets A he would have too much attention. If the rank is in G or F the other adventurers would try to mess with him as if he was their slave.

"System manipulate the crystal by taking 100 colls and get me a C or D rank" said Surya.

"Got it host. Deducting 100 colls and preparing to manipulate the crystal" said the system.

Surya asked the system before itself if it can manipulate the crystal. It asked for 100 colls. He decided to go with it.

Surya put his hand on the crystal. Some of the adventurers are looking eagerly if he would be higher rank and some of them were looking with sadism if he would be a lower rank so that they could use him.

After 2 minutes a letter 'D' appeared in the crystal. After looking at the result all the adventurers were disappointed because he has moderate power and skills so many high ranked parties wanted to invite him if he was very high rank. The other adventurers were also disappointed because he cannot be their scapegoat. Still he was not bad.

"Thank you Mr. Surya. You can look the board on your right for your ranked quests. By the way my name is Sally and I am one of the receptionists of the adventurer's guild".

Surya silently nodded with a smile and said "Thank you".

Surya is putting up a front of decent guy because he is here for the mission so he will do whatever it takes to finish the criminals.

Surya did not look for any quest because he will start tomorrow. He went to a blacksmith in the town and purchased a trident along with entire armor. The Blacksmith is surprised to see that because there is no one in this town who prefers trident because it is a lost art. Surya paid 300 colls and went to "Emerald Inn".

He went to the owner of the Inn and asked " I want to book a room for a month". The innkeeper looked at Surya and said "You must be an adventurer. Not many people book rooms like that" with a smile.

Surya understood what that smile meant. The innkeeper is trying to rob Surya. "What is the price?" asked Surya.

"500 colls" replied the innkeeper. "This greedy bastard" thought Surya. Surya decided to play with this Innkeeper and a cruel smile appeared on Surya's face.

Seeing Surya's expression the innkeeper felt something dangerous is going to happen to him so he began to shiver. Surya caught the neck of the innkeeper and lifted him. The people who were eating and drinking in the Inn were shocked at the sight and rose from the tables.

Surya started slapping the innkeeper. Many were shocked because Surya's body may not be ordinary but it is not muscled either. It is a moderate physique. Th innkeeper is a fat person so it is not easy to lift him. But Surya is not only lifting him with one hand but also slapping him. There are many people with power hiding there in the inn.

When they scanned the body of Surya they could not find an inch of power. After slapping him for 2 minutes Surya threw him and the fat innkeeper hit the wall and fell down. The innkeeper's face was swollen red.

Surya walked with a sadistic smile towards the innkeeper. "So how much of your greed is satisfied?" asked Surya with same sadistic smile.

The innkeeper trembled and tried to speak but could not. "Pleash don't" were the only words he could utter.

"Next time you try to mess with others keep this lesson in mind" roared Surya on innkeepers face. The guards came in after hearing the commotion. After seeing the Innkeeper on the ground they pointed their weapons on Surya.

The head guard said "Leave him or you will face consequences". Surya went away from innkeeper and went fearlessly to the head guard.

The head guard pointed a sword at Surya. Surya came near the sword with a half smile and said "I am the victim here because he is trying to rob me".

"Who is the victim will be decided upon investigation?" said the head guard. "Guards arrest him" said the head guard.

Surya is cuffed with iron cuffs which has magic. He did not retaliate because prison is the best place to gather information on the criminals. because pictures of criminals and their data will be posted. He is going to get a free food for the day. He knew that he would be declared innocent because many people over there have suffered due to that bastard because he observed smiles when innkeeper is being hit.

Surya is taken to the guard station and is put in a cell. The reason he made that mess is because he needed to get into guard station to acquire information on the criminals and the so called heroes here.

He knew about the greediness of the innkeeper because he came he during the missions as a superhero. At that time his face was young. The innkeeper did not recognize his face due to that.

"System take 200 colls and scan the station for details on criminals and heroes in Galleon".

"Got it host. Deducting 200 colls and scanning started".

"It would take 20 minutes. Why don't you take some rest host?" said the system.

"I will meditate so that I can activate my chakras in my body" said Surya.

He started meditating and started gathering cosmic energy. It is hard but he kept on concentrating to gather cosmic energy.

"Cosmic energy absorption: 0.1%" said the system.

A small smile appeared in Surya's face because it is showing how much cosmic energy he is absorbing.

After 20 minutes:

[Scanning completed]

[All the details converted and put into a folder]

[Host can now access the folder in the inventory]

[Cosmic Energy absorption: 0.3%]

Surya opened his eyes and looked at the status window.


Name: Surya Vikramarka

Job: Anti Hero


HEALTH: 5000/5000





LUCK: 800

Cosmic Energy absorption: 0.3%

Main quest: The town of "Galleon" is plagued by criminals and corruption. Cleanse the town of criminals and corrupt people.

Reward: Ancient Trident art knowledge, All stats +600

None of the stats have increased but cosmic energy absorption window brought a smile on his face because he can now observe his status on activating chakras in his body.

He closed the window and immediately a guard appeared. "You will be released tomorrow because your innocence has been proved on investigation. But you will have to pay 50 colls as penalty for hitting the innkeeper" said the guard.

After the guard left Surya sneered. So these guards are robbing innocent people in daylight. If he is innocent why should he pay the money?

Since he is the one who brought the issue out. The Emerald Inn is owned by the town hall and Inn keeper is only a employee there. In the future he is going to mess with the guards.

Surya is not foolish as he knows what move to make at what time. So he decided to pay 50 colls and he will earn back a lot of money at Adventurers guild.

Since it is night he decided to sleep after he got the food. After 1 hour they put food in his cell and left.

He ate the food which tasted like crap. He did not care because he ate worst things in "Bloodhold".

He completed the food and went to sleep.