
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Bruce Wayne's Gala (2)

After Batman gave the information to Gordon, he was seated in Batman monitoring and waiting for any form of movements from the killer because the guy said that he will clean Gotham.

The uneasiness due to enemy's silence even after 2 weeks made Bruce to think that the murderer is planning something big. He asked Gordon to increase the security around Arkham because that can be his next target.

"Hey Bruce." came a voice.

It was none other than Red Robin Tim. "Any leads?" asked Tim.

"No. I feel uneasy that I haven't able to track down the guy even with the league's help and help of magicians." said Batman rubbing his forehead.

The crime is down from 50% to 16%. With the expansion of Amarnath Group of Industries it has been brought down to 10%.

In a way the mysterious murderer crippled the crime and went silent. Only if Joker or the other Rogues escape from Arkham tensions would increase otherwise everything is peaceful.

"I hate to say it but his actions changed things." said Tim.

Bruce remained silent with his brows furrowed. He knows that it is the truth but he can't accept the way things are done.

"Our way is the hard way but it is the right way." said Batman. (Yeah, causing death of innocents by sparing Joker seems the right way for you and this corrupt Justice system)

"What should we do, Bruce?" asked Tim.

"We need to attract his attention. The only way it can be done is by taunting him." said Batman.

"Tim, we will host a Gala where we will be selling the antiques of Wayne family to raise money for GCPD. It is a perfect bait to lure out the killer." said Batman.

Tim was startled. "Are you sure, Bruce? You are taking things too far with that family."

"Yes. We need to divert the people's attention from GCPD otherwise their anger will erupt like a volcano." said Batman looking through the turf war footage.

"I don't understand why you are paranoid about their family and you do not even have evidence to prove your suspicions." said Tim as he felt bad taste in his mouth.

"It is not Gordon's fault things turned out like this. It is due to those crime lords. Why should Gordon take the fall for the actions of the crime lords?" asked Batman.

"As for the Amarnath family they need to know that if Gordon goes and some other guy comes in his place then Gotham will face crisis." said Bruce.

(More like that guy won't support your vigilantism spree)

"You know what to do. We need to tell the people that it is the lack of funding and lack of equipment which caused the failure." said Batman.

Time felt uncomfortable hearing the words because they are trying to hide the truth that even with advanced gear and equipment Gordon failed to stop the mob.

"Okay." was the only word Tim said before going back to announce about the gala.

Batman is thinking that the murderer is simple minded guys with powers who is in a delusion that he had changed things. Batman guessed that the murderer wouldn't see through the trap laid by him.

The next day...

In the Gala...

Batman talked to the guests smiling and laughing. There are colorful people with rich food and music.

An invitation is sent to Amarnath Group of Industries for the gala but they denied. Bruce could understand their anger but catching the murderer is more important to him than their anger.

"Hey Bruce." said a guy with a yellow beard and blonde hair.

It is none other than Oliver Queen aka Green arrow.

"Glad you could make it, Oliver." said Bruce with a smile.

"Hey I wouldn't miss to buy some of the rare antiques of your family." said Oliver shaking hands and when they hugged.

"Is our guy here?" asked Oliver.

"Zatanna's in the gala. She will know if the guy makes any moves." replied Bruce.

"Wonderful." said Oliver going back to normal.

"I'll go and greet other guests while you keep an eye for anything suspicious." said Bruce.

"Got it." replied Oliver.

"It's good to see you, Oliver." said Tim as they shook their hands.

Bruce was scanning the room for the killer to appear. Dick was on patrol along side Barbara and Damien.

"Any movements in the city?" asked Bruce.

"Nope." "None." "No." came the replies from bat family.

"Well if it isn't the host of the gala, Bruce Wayne." came a voice.

It is none other than Gordon.

"It's good to meet you again, Commissioner. It has been 3 years since we met." said Bruce with a fake smile.

"Yes. Though at that time things weren't too bad for GCPD as it is now." said Gordon with a grin.

"Yes. Didn't think there would be a killer that would bring so much death. With this Gala your funding problem will be solved." said Bruce.

"I'll be waiting for the main event." said Gordon before disappearing into the crowd.

Bruce wanted some fresh air so he towards the edge of the floor and close his eyes to feel the air on his skin.

"You look exhausted." said a voice.

Bruce opened his eyes and felt the familiar scent.

"What are you doing here, Selina?" asked Bruce looking at the lavish dress she wore.

"Nothing. Huge crowd in a gala. What would you expect from me?" asked Selina teasing Bruce.

Bruce nodded and said "Keep your itchy fingers away from their jewelry."

He gave a glare and left.

"Now that's enchanting." said Selina seductively.

Bruce went back and the main event which is the auction of the antiques began.

Many rare antiques were bought by the rich crowd and Oliver brought two of them with quite a sum.

As soon as the auctioning is done, people were about to leave when all the phones, TV'S and websites showed a figure. Everyone was surprised to see the figure.