
Woken Up again?

The teacher soon entered the class and announced," Boys and girls ,get ready. We have a long day ahead. We'll do community service first.." Interrupting the teacher the students began murmuring and sighing right upon hearing about community service which in turn arouse a lot of noise breaking the pin-drop silence that prevailed in the class. Janet and Jack looked at each other and shook their heads sorrowfully.

The teacher had to shout before the students stopped howling and then she continued with a shrill tone," Don't fret over it yet. We'll clean the school premises today and there will be no class afterwards. So the sooner you finish, the more time you get to play. Happy now? "And that was a good news indeed that the students altogether shouted "Yes ma'am! " in unity.

The students soon lined up in two rows and divided the labor first. As soon as that task was over, they all parted in various ways and set out to do their own respective parts of the job. Surprisingly or not, they finished much before than expected and got the teacher's permission to go play.

They decided to play dodge ball among boys and girls, each a team and have a match between them. The match soon began and both the teams began playing with all their might. The war was progressing as both the teams took turns to shoot the ball against each other.

That's when Margaret wilfully saw an opportunity to retaliate against Janet for she believed that it was Janet because of whom she can't be together with Jack. Margaret got her hands on the ball and pitted it against Janet as she threw the ball, aiming Janet's head. The stitch ball that could almost take someone down with a powerful strike came and hit Janet in the head. Janet, totally unaware of this coming, fell over, immediately losing her conscious mind.

The students gathered around, the girls began gossiping about Margaret while the boys kept blabbering about ruining their game. Jack jostled with the boys to go near Janet and tried to get her up. He patted on her face to wake her up, gently calling out "Janet" as he gave Margaret, who stood by, a vicious glare. Margaret didn't want Jack to be mad at her. Being deeply embarrassed by her own mistake, Margaret ran back to the class before anyone would start with her.

By then, some girls brought a bottle of water and handed it to Jack. He made Janet drink that and gradually Janet seemed to gain consciousness. She gently opened her eyes, looked around and closed them half again in utter confusion. Jack helped her up as Janet continued to look utterly perplexed about her current state. The students who gathered around began to disperse, leaving Jack and Janet together behind.

Jack asked Janet, as he stood covering her from the scorching sun, "Are you okay?"

Janet looked totally lost and was about to almost groan as she said," Why am I here? What did just happen?"

Jack couldn't figure out why Janet was behaving indifferently. It seemed as if she has gone back to being the old Janet again but at the same time she's currently unaware of whatever happened recently. "But why is that?"-Jack wondered in silence.

He muttered as he dragged Janet back to the class," It's okay. You're alright and that's fairly enough for now. Let's go ! Let's go! "

Janet silently nodded and went with him innocently but Jack kept looking at Janet's face in bewilderment.

Later that day, they went home together as usual but this time Jack didn't let Janet go home alone. Instead he went with Janet to her home, saying he'd drop her since she's not fully well yet. Janet disagreed first but had to lose to Jack's competitiveness.

As usual, Chubs answered the door and was quite surprised to see her old Janet woken up. It ain't easy to distinguish between the PTSD-induced Janet and the real Janet. However, Chubs could say no matter how hard it can be. Chubs has been with her, through everything ,through thick and thin. So she never failed to recognize Janet's state of being.

Chubs also noticed the big bump Janet had on her head and asked impatiently," What happened, dearie ? You look so ill." Janet casually shrugged, evading that question and went in. She was definitely looking more depressed than ever.

Chubs wanted to go behind her but seeing that Jack was still waiting , she didn't. She also felt awkward that Janet didn't see him off nor even say a bye as well. Chubs greeted Jack and casually asked to compensate," Why don't you come inside and have some snacks?"

Jack replied, "No thanks, but definitely next time. I can't still forget the taste of those macaroons you sent me last time. I'm running late. I'll go now. Bye !"

Chubs sighed and said," Oh right! Why didn't I think of that? Get home safely, child. Bye! "

As soon as Jack left, Chubs went in the dining room to see if Janet was there. Some maids standing there said that Janet went up through gesture. Chubs climbed up the stairs and met Susan on the way. Susan scorned and walked away neglecting Chubs. Chubs was pretty sure that Susan was coming from Janet's room. She hurried to Janet without wasting any time, fearing if Susan might have hurt her someway or the other.

The door was half-opened. So chubs went in without knocking. Janet was sitting on the bed, looking down at the shadows the patterns on the window glass made on the floor. Chubs turned on the light and went near Janet asking," Why are you sitting in the dark, darling? And what happened to your head? How did you get hurt? "

Janet gently looked up with a forced smile and answered, "Oh this? It's just a small bump. I got hurt while playing. Don't worry."

Chubs was now assured that Janet has woken up to the real Janet, given she just heard her talk so like that real Janet. Chubs caressed her hair and asked Janet with a gentle smile," Is that it? Is that why you're looking not so good? You're sure there's nothing else, right?"

Both remained in silence for a while. Then Janet had to break the ice and speak up.

"Should there be something else that I should be bothered about? Do you think so? Or do you know about any? Like anything about what's happening to me lately?"

Chubs got taken aback a little hearing that question. She knew beforehand that this day would come someday but didn't expect it'd be that soon.

Janet stood up and said in a louder voice with a groan," Am I not normal like you? Am I any different from you, Chubs?"

Tears rolled down her pale cheeks, almost watering her lips that looked as if they're pickled in the sun. Chubs also almost cried when she saw Janet getting all worked up. Chubs went near Janet and pulled her even closer. Being drawn by the warmth of Chubs that Janet always treasured, she gently placed her head on Chub's hefty shoulders and stood there like that for a while, without any motion as the silence as the grave prevailed in the room.