
the Anonymous

A bunch of college students want to expose the dirty secrets of the government. Fortunately for them, the famous hacker group, The Anonymous, is on their side...or are they?

NaRaiJu · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 16: Discover

Blaze's POV

I've been so focused on studying that I haven't noticed it's currently late in the afternoon. The serene atmosphere of the condo makes me lose track of time pretty quickly. It really is a good change of environment from that mansion, trying my best to contain my anger and be civil with that contentious old man. After that furor exchange of words we had three weeks ago, I've finally snapped and decided to get my own place. My family is unaware of it and I plan to keep it that way. I won't let them control—

Ring! Ring!

I grab my phone from the table. Argh! Gilbert. What does he want? Did grandfather make him call me again? I haphazardly put the phone down and ignored it until it stopped ringing.

A few seconds later, the irritating sound resonated again. I quickly click the "answer" button. "What do you want?" I say in a low tone, trying my best to hide my annoyance. It's not his fault, Zac. He's just doing his job.

"Sir, your parents are going home to the Corbyn Mansion later. The great-Corbyn Sr. is asking for you to attend the family dinner," Gilbert formally says.

They are going back home? For what purpose? "Tell them I'm busy. I can't come." I want to applaud them really hard for successfully destroying my inner peace. Hearing their names is enough to make me go nuts.

"Uh sir, I am afraid that you are not allowed to do that."

I shift my weight and sit properly, intrigued by his response. "And why so?" I fire back.

"They discovered that you have bought a new unit. The Senior Corbyn said that, if you want to continue living on your own then you should join the family banquet."

I sigh in exasperation. How did they even know about this place? I was very deliberate on not leaving a trace when I bought this unit. I didn't even use my card when purchasing it and put this unit under Donovan's name. So how? Either way, it looks like I'm left with no choice. Again. They are still as cunning as always. "A banquet? How many people will come?"

"Around fifty business and political associates, sir."

Fifty?! Is their arrival going to bring some sort of good news to plutocrats? Why the hell are they even conducting a party? There's a freaking typhoon for Pete's sake.

"Fine. Tell them I am going," I dismiss him. The week of dreaminess and tranquility that I escaped to is now no more. Freaking hell. I have to go back to the cold mansion again.

I get up and change to formal clothes. I really hate wearing a coat and tie but if I don't wear this, my grandfather will surely do something vexatious. And as much as possible, I am preventing that from happening. I just finished a busy week filled with midterms exams and I'm trying my best to loosen up from all the stress.

After I was done preparing myself, I exited my unit and rode on my Harris 45. M14 is far from M56 so I have to travel early to avoid being late. I don't know what the theme of the party is, but the hell I care about such things. I am just going to show up for their contentment but I will not stay for too long.

I was in the middle of the road when Donovan called me. I put my in-ear then accept his call.

"Zac? I'm sorry, bro! I guess your granddad found out about the unit. My parents are suddenly forcing me to sell it," Van says.

I have a hunch that my grandfather will do that, but I didn't expect him to do it immediately. That old man is such a fast worker. "Yeah, I've got a call from home. I'll try to settle this first, so don't sell the unit for now. I'll call you for an update."

If they are using the unit for their own advantage, then I guess they want me to do something in exchange for my independence. What do they want now? I press on my e-pedal gas and drive faster. I have lots of plans for this day so I have to make this visit real quick.

As I arrive at the front gate, dozens of luxurious cars are already entering the mansion. Hundreds of guards are standing at every corner and there is even a media covering up tonight's party. The heavy rain didn't even stop these people from attending. This must be a very special one.

I resorted to using the back gate due to the congestion caused by the fancy cars. The guards immediately recognize me and open the gate for me. After successfully parking my car in the private parking, I marched inside the mansion to ask where my parents were.

"Gilbert, where are they?" I ask the mansion's valet and my personal butler.

"They are in the dining hall, sir."

I walk my way to the central passage and pass by the great hall to get to the formal dining hall.

"Zaccai, my son! Have you just arrived?" My mother is the first person to notice my presence.

I close the distance between us and kiss her cheeks then proceed to bow to my father. My parents are currently instructing the house helpers for the design of the banquet. They seem to be excited, they've only been this hands on when they are ecstatic.

"Mom..." I greet her back. It feels really foreign to call my parents "mom" and "dad" since I'm used to calling my grandfather "sir".

"You look good in your coat but I bought you a better one. I asked our family designer, Jaques, to design you a suit. You should try that one. I already sent it to your room," my mom says.

I nod my head in response. "Then I should go now to prepare. If you'll excuse me."

I leave the dining hall to go to my room. I was on the hallway of the second floor when I saw my grandfather watching me from the opposite site. I bow my head and continue my walk without saying anything. Fortunately, he didn't open his mouth and the trip to my room went without any other mishaps.

Upon entering, I see a black dress shirt together with a matte black coat that have golden buttons on its sleeves. I stare at it for a minute before changing into it.

I am already done fixing myself but I've decided to stay inside my room until someone calls for me. So when Gilbert knocked on my door, as if on cue, I stood up and left my room.

The second floor was quiet as usual, but as I walk nearer to the dining hall the sounds of people chattering and the mellow classical music from the live orchestra fills my ears.

Gilbert shows me to our table. On our way, there are some business tycoons that stop me from socializing. I tried my best to act interested and engage with them, but I really can't stand talking to these people who are only seeking to close a deal by attempting to befriend me.

"Please excuse me," I respectfully say.

The wealthy man nods immediately while showing a big smile on his face. I mentally roll my eyes. I know better, these people are fakes.

I scan the whole area to look at everyone that is enjoying the party. This banquet is definitely made to advance power and create partnership. It's all about money and building connections.

"Blaze, seat down," my father commands.

Not long after, the party officially starts. The host invited my parents to the stage for a greeting speech before the party resumed.

I settle quietly on my seat while sipping on my wine glass. It's been an hour since the party started and I'm trying to find the best timing to talk to my grandfather about my unit so that I can finally leave this place and go home. The great-Corbyn Sr. is surrounded by groups of plutocrats at the other side of the dining hall. I can't have a chance to talk to him since he's still busy socializing with others.

When I saw him finally walk out of the scene to head back to our table, I prepared myself to speak out my concern. However, the lights suddenly turn off and the spotlight gets directed towards the stage. The host calls the attention of everyone and all of a sudden my parents walk on the stage.

"Good evening, everyone! Thank you for coming to our party," my dad starts.

I stand up from my seat and slowly walk towards my grandfather who's busy watching my parents on the stage.

"We have a special announcement to make. This party was held for this very reason and we are so glad to have you here to celebrate the new venture of Corbyn Enterprise."

I sat down on the chair next to him. I went over my rehearsed dialogues in my head one last time but was snapped out of it when I suddenly heard my name.

The spotlight focuses on me while my father smiles on my direction. "We are happily announcing the new Corbyn Vista Global, the 'Le Cherír', which will be managed by the new director of CVG Huxley, my son, Zaccai Blaze Corbyn!"

Everyone clapped their hands because of the great announcement, but I was stoned on my seat unable to comprehend what had happened.

"Go on the stage, young man," my grandfather whispers.

I look at everyone's face and then to my dad's. I am so mad right now and there is no way I will just accept that sudden announcement. My hands curl into fists and my breath becomes heavy as I stand up and walk, only not towards the stage, but in the direction of the exit.

I heard gasps and whispers of confusion from the guests. My back is facing my family but I know exactly what their reactions are. I know that they are humiliated and furious at my actions but I don't care.

Are they the only ones allowed to feel such things? They didn't even bother telling me their plan. They never consulted me nor did I agree to their sudden public announcement. I thought they already knew that I had no plans on taking over the business, I made it clear from the very beginning. But what did they do? They just decided by themselves.

I get inside my car and drive as fast as I can to leave the mansion. I don't care if I have to drive with this kind of gloomy weather anymore. I dial Van's number while I'm heading towards M58, the only place I know I can run to right now.

"Van, sell the unit and do whatever they say. I don't care anymore. If they call you, tell them you don't know where I am."

"Okay. Call me when you calm down, okay?"

"Sure. Thanks, bro," I say before hanging up.

I grip the steering wheel and drive furiously to the Velican. I hope she doesn't mind if I stay there with her while I'm sorting out my problems. Argh, damn it!


I enter the unit with exhaustion filling my mind and body. The whole condo is silent except for the sound of my footsteps on the marbled floor. I guess Shannon either went outside or she was asleep.

As I am walking down the corridor to my room, I notice that the door of the room opposite to mine is open. Curiosity aroused within me, leading me to widen the gap on the door and flick on the lights as I welcomed myself inside the room.

She turned this room into her art studio, huh? "She's good," I murmur to myself. The canvases that were either hung or reclined on the wall are simply beautiful. She's not just smart, she's hella talented too.

I know I shouldn't stay here for too long since I wasn't even given permission to enter in the first place. I am about to leave the room when an interesting art pieces catches my attention.

It's a drawn portrait of a beautiful girl. "Catherine," I read the caption out loud. It must be someone special to her. A creative signature decorates the lower part of the portrait. I don't know if she has an "Alice" on her name, but based on the signature, maybe she has.

After appreciating her art, I got out of the room and decided to cook myself dinner since I didn't manage to eat at the banquet a while ago.

I stare at Shannon as we continue to eat in silence. I know I shouldn't be this quiet because she might feel awkward but I can't help it. When she asked me why I'm here, my mind automatically recalled the scene in the mansion earlier. So instead of answering, I chose to stay silent and observed her.

She has a long straight red hair that hangs over her small menacing fair face, darting silver eyes are set seductively within their sockets, and her white glowing skin complements her thin pinkish lips. She has a small and petite body frame but she has this strong aura around her. I won't ever forget how she almost killed me with a vase.

After finishing my meal, I stand up and put my plate on the sink. I'm on my way out of the kitchen when she suddenly spoke. "Thanks for the dinner. It's good." I simply nod before marching out and entering my room.

I threw myself on the bed and let out an exasperated sigh. The events earlier irritates me to the core. I can't believe that they would do that to me. They all know that I have no plans of handling the family business, but they still did that without consulting me. I despise the fact that my family gets to decide what will happen to my future when it's my life we're talking about. I shut my eyes and tried thinking of happy thoughts that can ease my mind.


I busy myself by playing with my phone while watching Xeno and Wyn bicker nonstop in front of me.

"I almost died, you asshole! If it weren't for Zac and Shannon, I would've been lying on the cold ground right now!"

I just shake my head. Xeno's "sudden mission" is still a puzzle for me despite the explanations that he said. I mean, why would the four of them have missions while I'm the only one that was left out? However, after thinking about it a bit more, I just shrugged off my thoughts with the answer that maybe the Society gives separate missions to different agents.

"Hey, guys! Look at this!" Neron says, bursting out from his hole. He's been inside his room all day.

"What is it?" We encircle Neron like predators studying their prey, and gawk over the tablet that he's holding.

I look at the image on the screen. "What is that?" Van asks.

"They say that some fourth years found this sketch on the hallway of the Athena building. Are you guys aware of the 'Through The Looking Glass' blog?"

Only Wyn nods among us. Neron heaves a sigh as he glances at our curious faces.

"So, 'Through The Looking Glass' is a really famous blog that posts sketches about the atrocities in the government. It's fame is not only because of the beauty of it's sketches but also the equivocal meanings behind each artwork. The authorities are even hunting down the person behind it due to the attention it's getting."

"What does that have to do with this sketch you are showing us?" Xeno asks.

"It was found inside our school premises with the creator's signature. It's just a mere draft, but the fact that his signature is in here only means one thing..."

"Alice is studying in our school!" Wyn excitedly squeals.

Wait, what? Did I hear that right? My eyebrows furrow as I ask. "Alice?"

"Yeah." Neron nods and hands me the tablet. "That's his signature. Right there." I am rooted in my place when he casually points to the signature that looks so familiar to me.

Isn't this Shannon's signature?