
The Anomaly with dreams

"God" is dead. The angels have gone rogue and the devils feast upon human suffering. Even in this chaos order is needed. The story follows a boy seemingly with no desires or recollections of his past trying to survive the unforgiving world. As everyone is hunted, tortured, and enslaved amongst few search for the sacred items of God's creation. with a contract with these 2 unknown Entities, the boy becomes the vessel for something the world or the realms had not imagined.

_Virtue_ · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 04:The city's dark secret

Previously, after discovering some of the dark secrets and wonders of this city V, Kevin and Eve discuss what to do onwards, continuing the story of Encford, the enchanted city…..

It's been 2 days since that incident…so far they haven't gotten any clues as to what that group or cult's whereabouts are nor do they know their motives…Things seem more desperate as V can't stop thinking about what happened that night...But they had a plan...

The man(Kevin)-"I did say let's do this but we still need a solid plan and until then I'll contact the group in the meantime in case something happens"

V-"I don't want to wait much longer..who knows what could happen while we're discussing even now"

The man(Kevin)-"Look kid I get it but we don't have any clues..and I don't want to cause any large-scale damage to the city..lots of people get protection from outside "

V-"....very well then..Eve and I will look around the city…we'll see if we can find any sort of information or not"

The man(Kevin)-"Yeah that sounds like a plan ill contact our group in case any problems are found, if a large-scale problem is spotted then we'll be able to fend it off"

V-"Yeah…we'll go with that for now, tomorrow we move"

The next day, Eve and V started their investigation, they searched through the city trying to find answers but instead of answers, they got even more questions and confusion…until.. They found themselves at a church.

V-"Hey Eve…what is this building..It's in ruins and far from the heart of the city"

Eve-"This right here…is… what's it called again?...AH..A CHURCH..or what's left of it that is.."

V-"A church…what was it used for?"

Eve-"Well…before the world fell apart and turned into what we know today there used to be groups of people worshiping god... They used to ask for forgiveness and followed the teachings of god and his messengers...or something like that.."

V-"...why would they ask for forgiveness?.. If the world back then was peaceful and great, why would they ask God's forgiveness? If the world back then was perfect and there were no problems then why seek god in the first place?"

Eve-"The reason for that is…..I DON'T KNOW!"


Eve-"You're asking a lot of hard questions ok? I'm not from that era….most of the people from that era are either dead or in the 7th level of hell"

V-"I see…sorry for being so pushy.."

Eve-"Chill dude don't sweat it, how about we check out this place too, looks shady enough maybe we'll find something"

V-"Yeah sure we haven't gotten anything at this point, why not?"

Eve and V proceed to the Church. The rusted doors that are falling apart prove how long they've been standing,…watching what had fallen to the world in silence...After entering they found essentially nothing but broken benches and seats. Broken statues..some of them had their heads cut off. all there was left was a podium and a bookshelf. And with the bookshelf…there was a book that sparked interest in V.

V-"Hey Eve? What's this?"

Eve-"Hm..Oh that?...ahh it's a book"

V-"What's a book?"

Eve-"You don't even know that? Jeez, man, A book is like a place where you store information y'know like writing stuff in it"

V-"I see.."

*V opens the book but finds nothing written in it*

V-"Hey…there's nothing on this"

Eve-"Hm? Beats me, maybe it's just a dud"


They continued with their search but ultimately found nothing but loads of dust. It was only they realized that one of them could not see the gate to the exit.

Eve-"Hey V? Let's call it quits for today…we didn't have luck on our side today"


*They head to the door to exit the Church*

V-"Hm?...hey Eve?"

Eve-"Yeah what's up?"

V-"Where's the door?"

Eve-"What?...you high or something? It's right in front of us"

V-"Then why do I only see a wall?"

Eve-"hahaha quit fooling around let's go-"

V-"Eve…I'm not seeing any door.."

As Eve walks through the door Eve vanishes, leaving V with a shocked expression. He tried but all he could see and touch was just a wall. But interestingly enough when Eve looked back the church disappeared.

Eve-"V?! YOU THERE??"


Eve-"What the fuck is going on here… I can't see you and yet I can hear you….it's not only invisible but I don't feel anything in this space...HEY V! STAY PUT ILL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT DON'T DO ANYTHING RECKLESS"



V-"WH-...no..n-...ok..OK GO GET HELP I'LL BE WAITING"

And so on Eve left to get help freeing For some time V spent some time alone in that church…sitting in the corner thinking about how to get out of the church. He looked around the church thinking that maybe something would lead to a clue on how to get out. But there were no clues..until he found what the city has been lying to its people for so many years...

V-"Hm…not much luck… there are just no clues on how to get out of this place…and why was I the only one who couldn't get out...This is all the more confusing "

"It's as if all I'm looking at is meaningless…why bother helping others when I can't even help myself…"

V-"NO!... I shouldn't think like this…for now, I just need to think about how to get out of here… I could use Vergo's powers but it would be too much… I don't have control over it"

V closes his eyes as he bows his head...He sees something bizarre.

V-"Wait…what are these lines…I can see with my eyes closed?...they disappear when I open my eyes again.."

V became very interested as he thought maybe it would lead to some clues on how to get out of the church. So he closed his eyes and followed the lines within the church. he followed and followed until it led to the book he first took notice of. This time when he grabbed the book, something triggered and a back door opened. V was startled at first, but he then walked towards the door. The door seemed to have led to a basement of some sort, and V proceeded to explore with great caution. But what he was about to see in there was something he had not been prepared for.

V-"I didn't think something like this would be kept hidden from plain sight…but for what reason.."

*The deeper I go the smell gets potent…the air here.. is very heavy as if no light is supposed to get in from anywhere*

V-"What is that smell ... .Smells like absolute shit…like something rotting…it's dark…I think I got lighter with me..that old man sure got some weird stuff-"

The moment he lit his lighter. Only sheer disgust was seen on V's face.








The smell and the horrific image made V vomit and fall to his core…headless bodies..conjoined bodies..burnt..cut in half or even ripped in half..all sorts of horrors were down there…down a place where no mortal could ever enter…or escape.

Sooner or later Eve comes back with Kevin and some of his underlings.

Underling 01-"Sir, do you think we need a search party for a place like this?..there's practically nothing here."

Eve-"Quit your yapping and follow us"

The man(Kevin)-"Now now Eve, cut them some slack they haven't taken any rest and just came from a long journey"

Eve-"But V is Still stuck-"

Underling 02-"I mean at this point what if the kid's just gone y'know?...from the boss's description he still sounds like a kid..he aint gonna do well if he's stuck"

The man(Kevin)-"Sounds like you couldn't care less if the kid is missing or not huh?"

Underling 02-"...With all due respect sir, they all die at some point...I'm done with babysitting the dead, At this point why not just let him go? What's the point of even saving a brat?"

The man (Kevin)-"Hmm…trust me….that kid?...hahaha…the kid's the last thing of my worries"

The Underlings find it hard to believe The man(Kevin)'s words. They Commenced forward and when they arrived...

Underling 02-"Why do I have to look like a brat…he'd just be dead meat"

*Underling 02 bumps into the man (Kevin)*

Underling02-"My bad boss- whatcha looking ... .at…."

The Church…being burned to cinders...And V..standing right in front of the burning church looks back at the group with a glare full of bloodlust, he proclaims..







Let's rewind a little to what happened after V discovered the mass genocide and the bodies.

"What's going on here…it stinks so much…so many bodies…some of them are still decaying while some are fresh…The rats here…they're eating the flesh…I think I'm gonna be sick"

V slipped while moving and accidentally touched the blood of the corpse, just then right then, even when the bodies were long gone..the soul of the corpses still agonized in pain.

The souls of the fallen quiver in sadness and pain…questions as to why they had this sort of fate…what went wrong

"Why did they do this to my child"...." Justice…we want justice"...." May the Lord forgive us for our sins"..." Please spare us"...." They deserve death"...."Kill them all they said"..." i will still believe in the lord.."

"These are…the thoughts of the corpse...They sound so..painful and helpless…"

From the distance V sees a hand moving in between the corpse. After seeing this V rushes over and digs around the corpse to save the person.

V-"Hey! hey! hey, stay with me it's all going to be fine,"

The wounded man-"...I hope…my sins are…forgiven"


The wounded man-"They..said they…would birth …a new…beginning"

V-"A new what?... What are you saying?"

The wounded man-"My family…my daughter…oh..how they ended her in such sorrow...They deserve… justice.."

V-'They…did all this…hundreds of children…men..women…They did all this for what reason? a new beginning?.."

The wounded man-"THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK…*Coughs blood* …it's all because that man came to this city...The city with everyone will die..."


The wounded man-"Now all I wish is for the…lord to forgive me…for god to forgive my sins…"


The wounded man-"Shall thou forgive me for mine sin, Oh Heavenly deity of ours…"




Shortly after the wounded man passed away. Leaving V with many more questions...

While the death of the man is still in his head he progresses and finds a room right past the corpses, There he finds out what the true purpose of the cult is and possibly the darkest secret the city had hidden from its people.

He progresses forward and enters the room, The room is filled with mountains of paperwork which all falls as he opens the door. He progressed with caution, Inside the room he found out about their diabolical plan that would change the entire world and everything known prior in human history….As V learns more he cannot fathom the idea…

Of a man-made God...



"These people…could they all be..believers of God?... Eve said believers of god used to come to the church to cleanse their souls and ask for forgiveness…Is that why…There are so many bodies here…..why…I thought the city was a grand place where humans had finally found some sense of purpose but no..it's all the same..there's no real justice in this world…They all try to survive on their own accord and yet there are people who still ask god for forgiveness…asking forgiveness from someone that does not exist anymore..why..."



As V proclaims to himself his emotions flow through his body, emitting the gluttonous aspect of his GIFT, consuming the rest of the bodies and souls within them He lashes out, burning everything in the church. He comes out of the flames and looks back only to remind himself of one then only







V walks toward the group

V-"I think I kinda figured out what they're after"

The man(Kevin) looks shocked at what V has done and most importantly he can feel the immense bloodlust coming out of V.

The man(Kevin)-"...Heh…You are sure are full of surprises kid...Let's hear it then"

The following day, V told The man (Kevin) about the plans of the so-called cult and what was going on behind everyone's notice, the city's dark secret.

"That cult is trying to create a God"

As these words came out of V's mouth, everyone in the room was left speechless as if they had just learned the worst news in their whole life.

The man(Kevin)-"...What the.."

Underling 01-"What sort of bogus are you talking about?! create a God? How is that even possible"

The man(Kevin)-"...There's no proof if they'll succeed..and even if they do I have a bad feeling about this.."

Eve-"Are you sure about this V?"

V-"...I saw dead bodies Eve…rotten dead bodies with each soul crying for salvation…one of them was alive and I couldn't do anything for him…They all followed the cult ideas and thus lost their families..thousands no..even more than that…have died due to this.."

The man(Kevin)-"Even if they create a God for the world it would still mean more and more people dying...God is dead...God can't be created like that.."


Eve-"Well…you must be exhausted aren't you V?.. Let's go get something to eat okay?"

V-"N-No'm fine-"

The man(Kevin)-"Go get something to eat, me and my men are already figuring things out..we won't waste much time on this topic..you kids go eat"

Eve-"Yup..Let's go okay?"


After the meeting with the group, Eve and V went out to get some food and to clear V of his bloodlust and his mind. The ruthless history and what is to become of this City made V worry more and more…But he also wondered why he was caring so much about this city..so much about the people here even though he didn't know anyone here...

Eve-"OI! V!"

V-"WHA-! You scared me.."

Eve-"Gosh were you even listening to me?...know guys who don't listen stay single forever~"

V-"Hm…I see…I'm not sure what you mean by that but ok"

Eve-"...Heh as always you're still a goofball ain't ya? Finish your meal then we'll head back home ok?"


After dinner, both Eve and V decided to head home...Only for V to be stopped by someone very unexpected, They were passing through a crowd, and V got hit with a sudden question from someone

"Found anything good in that shithole?"

As he heard this question his eyes widened with shock…he looked back as he saw the same man from that stage glaring with a big smirk, each reaching the corners of his face.

"How was the feeling huh~?Revolting~?excitement?!"

V was shocked it was as if his mind was playing games with him.

"Well now as much as I like people praising my work…

I can't let you roam so easily can I?~"

"You're coming with us.."




As V hears the words coming out of the man's mouth his bloodlust and rage overwhelm him…as he glares down at the man..





__________Chapter End___________


The Man(Kevin) works for "The organization".it's primarily a group of people who look after the Human race and one of the guilds that fend off Demons and other disturbances, trying to find a way to bring back the world they once had. 

Author's notes-

Also if you're wondering why I type "The man(Kevin)" instead of "Kevin" is cuz I just find it kinda funny even though it's a hassle to type. Hey I find it quirky so why not~

Hey! Virtue here, kinda got custom to the name, How's your day going?

Man, it sometimes gets hard to figure out how to transition one scene into another scene, Hey still learning here so..hopefully, it'll be easy for the readers to read it.

I have so many ideas for the story and man I can't wait to share them with you, but life's ain't that easy i'm trying my best to make you readers enjoy the series.

Hope you're having a great day.

Beat Regards.

_Virtue_creators' thoughts