
The Anomaly Container

In the infinite worlds in the all encompassing omniverse, there is a world that is ordinary like the rest until one day…rifts appear in every dark corner of the that world and with those rifts came out monsters…beings with great amounts power, beings that holds power of the elements, and beings with incomprehensible control and power to warp and manipulate reality itself…one day a man reincarnates into this world with the blessing of the system granted by god of creation and destruction…. Watch as that man uses his god granted gifts to contain, research, and use the anomalies of the rifts and with it watch as that man gets caught into its mystery that leads to the mysteries of the omniverse and beyond

Phantom365 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Chapter 17 The Elven Forest Kingdom Anomalous Area Part 1

"If I knew how to take off hides from animals, I would've take every bit of this boar's hide and get a tailor to make it into armor" said Kurai

*Kurai rested in his camping spot until next morning*

Time: Next morning, 10:00 am

*Kurai journey continues as he walks through the grassland*

"I have been walking for 5 hours now!!" said Kurai "system, how far do I have to walk to the elven forest now?"

[13 Miles Host]

"What!?" said Kurai "though it's still 13 miles, this is a grassland I should have already seen a forest or even atleast trees"

[The system map tracked the elven forest, 13 miles away from the host]

"Oh come on!"said Kurai "don't you tell me i'm hallucinating or something"

*Kurai continues to walk, trying to find the elven forest ,but was still unable to locate the elven forest*

"Just where is it?!" said Kurai

[The system map locates the elven forest to be right in front of the host]

"What?" said Kurai while looking around and sees no forest whatsoever

[The system suggests the host to walk forward]

"But there's nothing" said Kurai

[The system suggests the host to walk forward]

"….fine" said Kurai before walking forwards

*Suddenly mist surrounds Kurai in all directions, and trees as tall as a two story house appears, a forest full of trees"

*Kurai looks around to confirm what he sees*

"…..so this must be the elven forest" said Kurai

[That is correct host]

"But how didn't I see a huge forest when I was literally walking through a grassland without trees?" asked Kurai

[At a closer inspection, it is identified that the mist that surrounds the forest has concealment properties, only allowing people to see the forest when they enter the mist area]

"Is it natural or created mist?" asked Kurai

[Appears to be natural but strengthened by another power]

"So it's a natural concealment property mist that was strengthened by an unknown party" said Kurai "it's probably as this is the northern eleven forest after all"

"So where is the anomalous contaminated area system?" asked Kurai

[22 Miles Northwest in the host's front]

"Very well then" said Kurai

*Kurai starts to head towards the anomalous contaminated area*

Time: Sometime later

Location: 2 miles near the anomalous contaminated area

*Kurai walks to an area with no surrounding trees for 2 miles, with only a yellow house in the center*

*The yellow house looked old and abandoned, the type of house you see in horror movies*

"So this must be area" said Kurai "but….I don't see any anomalous activities?" "Incredibly suspicious…"

*Kurai activates his super hearing with his mind*

*Kurai starts to walk towards the house then suddenly a few seconds later something tightly grabbed his left foot*

"The hell!?" said Kurai before looking at his foot to see a bone hand is grabbing his foot

"Oh no….no no no NO!" said Kurai "I will not fall by mere skeletons!"

*Kurai grabs the skeleton's hand and pulled using his hand trying to get it off his foot then eventually he manages to get rid of the skeleton's grasp, taking out not only it's hand but it's entire arm*

"How's that you little bastard" said Kurai

*The skeleton use it's other arm to get up to the surface and looks directly at kurai and…*


"How the hell do you have vocal chords?" said Kurai

*Suddenly the area that surrounds the yellow house turns purple, and in that area a huge amount of skeletons appeared from the ground the same way the first skeleton came to the surface, but this time….they had weapons*

"10….17...23…..45!" said Kurai "45 skeletons, 46 if you include the first one"

*Kurai takes out SCL-127 and looks at it's ammo count*

"32 bullets….I'm screwed" said Kurai before suddenly a system message comes out


New quest received!!

"To enter the ruins of ancient battles, one must prove themselves worthy by pure combat"

Defeat the elven skeleton horde!!

Danger: Elven Skeletons (Extraordinary)

Skeletons: 15 Elven swordsmen, 30 Elven archers, 1 one-armed bare handed elven skeleton

Rewards: Sonic Grenade 1x, Cloak of Concealment

Does the host accepts the new quest Y/N


"Well they've already surrounded me so not like I have a choice so yes" said Kurai

[Let the quest begins!]

*Suddenly every eleven skeleton archer readied their bow, aimed….and fired*

*Kurai runs towards his left side to limit the arrows that'll attack him then blocks his face with his right arm, getting hit with two arrows in his arm*

*Kurai runs towards 5 elven skeleton archers then shoots them with SCP-127, hitting them right at the forehead and destroying them*

"It seems that shooting them in the forehead is an instakill, I have to use one bullet per skeleton to use them all efficiently" said Kurai "first I have to kill all elven skeleton archers in my line of fire then once that's done I have to kill an elven skeleton swordsmen and take their sword for melee combat"

*Siddenly Kurai hears 3 figures with rattling noise behind him, Kurai turns around to see 3 eleven skeleton swordsmen rushing towards him*

*Kurai shoots the three skeletons precisely on their forehead, killing them*

*Kurai runs towards their bodies and grabs a one of the swords*

"8 skeletons down, 38 more to go" said Kurai

*Kurai runs towards 10 skeletons while shooting 3 of them with SCP-127 then putting it back to his inventory to fight with the sword*

*Kurai performs a vertical strike at a skeleton then immediately performs an upwards diagonal slash at another skeleton in his left then redirecting his sword towards his right stabbing the head of a skeleton, then finally swinging his sword once more behind him beheading the head of a skeleton that's about to stab him*

*Kurai looks at the 3 remaining skeletons from the 10, the 3 elven skeleton archers aimed their bow but before they fired Kurai immediately takes SCP-127 with his his right hand then shooting the 3 in the head before they even fired*

*Kurai looks at his surroundings and sees that all the remaining elven skeletons have surrounded him once more*

"18 skeletons down, 28 skeletons left to kill" said Kurai

End Of Chapter