
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Wilderness Blitz

Rocco, Amber, Blake and Aira went ahead and stood their ground to defend the orphanage from the incoming stampede that is about to emerge from the darkness of the wilderness. Since Reaper and Sprite decided to assist, they also took their defensive positions as well. Though willing, Reaper is somewhat unsure of what to do since they're opponent is wild animals which are the polar opposite of what he envisioned in fighting. He may excel in hand-to-hand combat but he can't be confident when he's up against wild animals. Besides, his animal doesn't suit this kind of situations.

"Brace yourselves! They're coming." Rocco exclaimed.

"Roger!" Amber, Blake and Aira firmly responded.

"Blake, make the ground wet. Aira, handle those flocks of birds. Amber, it's getting dark so help us illuminate the area." Rocco instructed which was followed diligently by Blake, Aira and Amber. "Reaper and Sprite, I haven't seen you in actual action but please help out however you can."

"Copy that." Reaper replied.

"I'll heal anyone who might get injured." Sprite said.

"Calm Ripple." Blake whispered to himself. Then, huge amount of water flowed throughout the area coming from where he's standing. "I've got the ground wet, Rocco. It should be slippery enough for those animals." Blake announced after gathering enormous amounts of well water and spread across the area.

"Those birds got nothing on me! Off I go." Aira exclaimed. "Gale Gust." She said then she created a tornado-like airflow from her waist down to make herself fly. She then continued to use some wind currents to make the flocks of birds change their directions.

"St. Elmo." Amber muttered then multiple orbs of fire manifested around her. Each of these orbs of fire flew to every one of them to help them see under the darkening skies.

"Great Wall!" Rocco screamed then a barrier made out of rocks emerged from the ground and surrounded the perimeter of the orphanage.

Before the actual stampede hurdle towards them, Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Wazowski made sure that every children and worker of the orphanage are inside and safe. They also made sure to have every window of the building be closed with the help of the other attendants to avoid the situation be seen by the children and to also keep the images of Rocco and the others be kept as it used to be and not be used against them.

"Here they come!" Amber announced.

The rumbling of the trees intensified as it got closer to them then seconds later, a group of enraged rhinoceroses emerged from the wilderness followed by numerous erratic wild boars, huge elephants and a herd of rabid moose. While Aira is still doing her she can to defend the orphanage from the skies, Rocco, Blake and Amber doing their best in their defense as well. Blake's trick in wetting the ground did help a lot since some animals slipped or slowed.

Those that were able to pass through the trap were handled by Amber. She created huge spheres of fire to scare those animals making them unable to move. At that point, Rocco takes advantage of that situation as he utilizes his control of the ground to prevent them from going any closer to the orphanage and redirect those animals' attention back to the forest. These combos seemed to be effective as they were able to have these animals go back to where they came from.

"Whatever happens, do not harm these animals!" Rocco announced

"Roger that!" Amber, Blake and Aira responded.

"Wow! Their teamwork is admirable." Reaper muttered to himself.

"More are coming!" Sprite shrieked as she felt that there are still disturbances that are reverberating from the forest.

"You heard her. Don't let your guard down!" Rocco screamed.

As expected, more wild animals came right out of the darkness of the wilderness. In their surprise, emerged from the wilds are three pairs of lions rampaging towards Rocco, Blake and Amber. Additionally, a great number of different species of birds increased the number of those being dealt with by Aira from the almost night skies. Though prepared, four of them seemed to becoming more and more exhausted. Aside from the lions, different kinds of monkeys started to show up and started throwing things at them like stones, tree branches and dirt.

"Hydro Cannon!" Blake shrieked as he gathered enormous amounts of water from the nearest canal to blow away the rampaging humungous felines.

"Aira! Is everything alright up there?" Rocco asked.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy! I just need more light." Aira responded.

"I got it!" Amber replied. "St. Elmo."

During all these commotion, Rocco and Reaper were hit by couple of rocks that were thrown by those monkeys making both of them unconscious. Sprite immediately sprang into action as she used her vines to get Rocco and started healing both of them. Since Rocco became unconscious, his summoned Great Wall crumbled back to the ground exposing and making the entire orphanage vulnerable in every direction.

Not too long after, every one heard Aira's scream as she got overwhelmed by those great number of birds she's defending against. The birds seemed to become more aggressive and started attacking her head on. Aira lost her consciousness as well and started plummeting to the ground all the while being continuously attacked by those wild birds. She tried her best but the numbers of it seemed not falter in the slightest.

"Rocco, Aira!" Blake and Amber exclaimed as the two still continue to do their best to defend the area.

Sprite took it upon herself to break Aira's fall by creating a bed of flowers. She was successful in cushioning Aira's fall then she placed her next to Rocco and Reaper to have her healed as well. Blake and Amber took over in defending the orphanage but it's becoming obvious that they started struggling to hold their own. Blake covered the ground defense while Amber propelled herself to handle the aerial defense.

"Come on, guys. Wake up!" Sprite muttered to herself.

Blake continues to squeeze every ounce of his energy to defend everyone. Same goes with Amber. She also continues to light up the skies to hold her ground. Though the orphanage continues to get unharmed, it's becoming critical as how long Amber and Blake can last. It appears that the stampede is becoming endless. However, the number of the animals emerging from the darkness of the woods seemed to tone down a little and the wounded started to gain their consciousness back starting from Reaper.

"What happened?" Reaper asked as he picks himself up from lying on the ground.

"You were knocked unconscious earlier. Are you feeling alright?" Sprite asked.

"I think so, yes. Thanks, Eden." Reaper responded.

"Not to burst your bubble but we're still in a situation here!" Blake shrieked.

"Sprite! How are Rocco and Aira?" Amber asked from above.

"They're still recovering! They may need more time." Sprite responded.

"Look out!" Blake exclaimed as a small coalition of cheetahs got passed him and headed to attack Sprite and the rest of the wounded.

Without any hesitations and concern for himself, Reaper stood in front of Sprite and the others to shield them from the incoming attacks. Every seconds pass means certain demise for Reaper and most likely the others if nothing is done. As much as he wants to do more, his Anomaly doesn't suit the predicament they're in. Knowing this, Sprite mustered the rest of her energy to save them all. While still healing Rocco and Aira, she suddenly let out a blood-curdling scream to further push her Anomaly to greater height.

Just before the first cheetah land a claw at Reaper, numerous roots and vines emerged from the very ground they're at. These roots and vines slithered through the cheetahs' bodies and they're strong and huge enough to keep them in place. As the cheetahs are now rooted, Sprite was successful in stopping their imminent demise. However, it took an enormous toll from her energy making less effective in her healing.

"Way to go, Sprite!" Amber cheered.

"Nice one!" Blake yelled from afar.

"You saved us, Eden! Thank you." Reaper said but noticed that Sprite is weakened. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I can still manage." Sprite firmly responded. "Besides, Rocco and Aira should gain their consciousness back any second now."

"Are you sure? You've become pale." Reaper followed up.

"I am. Please, let me just focus here." Sprite replied.

As Sprite expected and Reaper hoped, Rocco and Aira did gain their consciousness but they're still a bit dazed of the shock their bodies got from the injuries. They were also surprised of the ensnared cheetahs right in front of them and noticing that Amber and Blake are struggling in defending, they mustered their regained strength to go back into the fray. However, they were stopped by Reaper as if he noticed something off.

"What are you doing? Unhand me!" Aira said.

"You better take your hands off, Reaper." Rocco firmly commented.

"Wait a second. I am sensing something." Reaper replied calmly..

"What is it, Tobi?" Sprite asked.

"If you're about to do something to help us out, you better do it now!" Amber exclaimed.

"We need a little help here you know." Blake commented. "Hydro Cannon!"

"There's an Anomaly in those very woods. I can sense it!" Reaper shrieked.

"You mean an Anomaly is doing all these madness?" Rocco asked.

"That I can't tell for certain but there's a possibility." Reaper responded.

"Excuse me. What is happening now? Someone is controlling all these animals?" Aira asked.

The realization immediately hit Reaper and Sprite as they actually know someone who has an Anomaly that can control animals. However, the kind of range of the Anomaly is impossible if they are thinking the same person because that person can only put small animals under the control of his Anomaly and he can only do it in such limited time. If what they're thinking is correct, more questions will arise and may be left unanswered.

As soon as they realized that an Anomaly is lurking somewhere deep in the woods, all the animals that are still rampaging suddenly stopped and started to go back to the where they all came from one by one. Sprite freed the cheetahs as well but before they went back to the wilderness like the rest of the animals, they let out one last hiss to the rest of them. Amber and Blake reunited to the rest of the group as well to regain their stamina and energy.

"That's it? It ended like that?" Aira asked.

"Should we go after them and find whoever triggered this attack?" Amber asked.

"We shouldn't. We don't know for sure how many Anomalies are lurking in there." Rocco responded.

"I agree. Besides, we're at our limit. We can't handle one more fight." Blake seconded.

However, Sprite strongly believed that it was her friend who was behind this madness and she believed that there's a reason behind why he did it so she used up the rest of her energy to stand up and towards the dark woods but he was grabbed by the arm by Reaper. Seconds later, everyone was left stunned as a silhouette of a man riding a huge rabid wolf while holding a spear emerged from the woods after every animal was able to return. In Reaper's and in Sprite's surprise, it really was Feral.

He looked hugely different from the last time they saw him. The last they saw him was when emerald City was struck by a powerful storm and they conducted a search and rescue mission. From a very cheerful guy, he became someone who spread havoc wherever he comes. His physique changed and especially the brightness in his eyes darkened which now seemed to be replaced by despair. Seeing his former friends, he let out a menacing before going back to the darkness of the wilderness.

"That was Feral!" Sprite yelled. "We must go after him!"

"No! Didn't you see that he's not the Feral we used to know? It's dangerous rushing into the woods for him." Reaper firmly responded.

"You know that guy?" Rocco asked.

"Well this is becoming more exciting." Amber commented.

"We do. He is one of those we are searching for after they went missing months ago." Reaper replied.

"We found him then. Better yet, he found us." Aira said.

"Why did he attack though. Also, he is too powerful if he was able to control all of those animals on his own. That was one versus four if we think about it and he obviously didn't break a sweat compared to us." Blake explained.

"That is why it's dangerous to go after him for now. We need to assess the situation." Reaper responded.

"He's my best friend. I know he'll listen to me." Sprite said as she started sobbing.

"I know how close you are to each other back then but now is different. We need to be smart in dealing with this situation. We need to report it to the Professor and the others first." Reaper explained calmly.

"I understand." Sprite responded but ran towards the wilderness as fast as she can.

"Eden!" Reaper screamed as he ran after her. Thankfully, he was able to catch up to her even before she could gain some distance from them. "I have no choice, Eden. I'm sorry." He said then he knocked Sprite unconscious. He then carried her back to where Rocco and the others are.

Moments later, numerous cries of animals started to envelope the entire surroundings once again. Reaper and the others are afraid that another wave of stampede is heading their way. From the unnerving noises from the birds and the monkeys to the howls and growls of the lions and wolves and every other animal rampaged. It's like every animal in the woods are gathering for the final and strongest wave of stampede.

"I am not feeling good about any of these." Aira commented.

"Same here, Aira. Same here." Blake replied.

"Don't let your guard down, guys." Rocco said.

"You bet, Rocco. We are always ready." Amber responded proudly.

What they're being anxious of actually happened. A huge number of animals came out from the woods once again and it is twice or even thrice as the first few stampedes. The number of the animal is making the ground shake like there's an earthquake. Alongside this, huge number of avian animals emerged as well. Like the land animals, their number became larger as well. It's up to Rocco, Amber, Blake and Aira to stop this next level of madness.

"I've got a plan." Reaper said.

The five of them hurriedly huddled up. Reaper informed them that he's been carefully watching them earlier as they fantastically utilized their Anomalies to defend the orphanage all the while being considerate of the animals' safety as well. With this huge number of adversaries, he recommended to have a huge weapon to defend with. He suggested for them do combination attacks. He then advised to have Aira and Amber handle the aerial defense while Rocco and Blake take on the ground defense.

"We got you, Reaper. I like this idea." Rocco commended.

"Let's do this Rocco." Blake replied.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Aira?" Amber excitedly asked.

"I sure am, Amber." Aira responded with the same level of excitement.

"I'll handle Feral myself." Reaper whispered to himself. The four then headed to where they are supposed to be to carry out their tasks.

"Combination Attack: Tsunamic Rumbling!" Rocco and Blake exclaimed and almost instantaneously, the ground started to shake aggressively making every stampeding animals disoriented and lose their balance followed by a powerful wave of water current washing those animals back to where they came from.

"Combination Attack: Dragon's Breath!" Amber and Aira shrieked while propelling themselves in the air. This triggered Amber to emit a dangerously strong surge of fire not just from her mouth but from her limbs as well. On the other hand, Aira utilizes the massive airflow that's surrounding them to amplify Amber's Anomaly resulting to a much greater fire power. This combination attack made the skies lit up as if it's still morning time.

Though they let out powerful combination attacks, they made sure that none of those animals are seriously harmed as they are just aiming for them to stop their rampaging act. As expected, Feral's control over the animals was over powered by the scale of Rocco and the others' Anomaly. The remaining animals that were not washed out and got blown away by the combination attacks went back to the darkness of the wilderness on their own.

"It's my chance. I'm going in!" Reaper exclaimed. He then started to run towards the woods where Feral is supposed to be.

"What are you doing? I thought it's dangerous for us to rush in?" Rocco responded.

"I know but I have to do this! Take care of yourselves. I'll be back." Reaper replied. Then, he completely let himself be eaten by the darkness.

Rocco, Amber, Blake and Aira tried to stop Reaper from rushing into the unknown dangers lurking in the woods but they failed because they used up their remaining energy with the combination attack they just did. Little did they know, Reaper anticipated that they won't be able to lift even a finger after doing their ultimate combination attack so he took advantage of it to rush in to where Feral is and confront him by himself.

Since it appeared that the waves of stampedes are finally over, Rocco, Amber, Blake and Aira dropped to the ground one by one to rest up and recover their energy. Not too long after, Glass and the others arrived at the scene. Seeing that everyone is lying on the ground, everyone started to feel the panic growing in every one of them. Medusa immediately rushed to where Sprite is, Surge to Aira, Beast to Amber, Pandora to Blake and Glass to Rocco.

"Sprite, are you okay?" Medusa asked but no response from Sprite since she's still unconscious.

"You're finally here." Amber commented then chuckled. "You missed all the action." She teased.

"Dang it! I'm itching to fight but it's you guys who tasted some action." Surge shrieked.

"Better luck next time I guess." Aira commented then completely lost consciousness.

"Aira's down. I'll be taking my rest now too. You guys can handle the rest." Blake said then passed out as well.

"Aren't you going to rest up too?" Beast asked Amber.

"There's no way! I want to witness everything until the end." Amber firmly responded but suddenly lost consciousness as well.

"Yeah, right." Beast muttered to himself then chuckled ever so slightly.

"Wait, where is Reaper?" Pandora asked.

"We rushed here as fast as we can as soon as we saw the abnormal flashes of light." Glass explained. "What happened here, man?" He asked.

"To make the long story short, we were attacked, we fought back and Reaper seemed to be apprehending the culprit deep in the woods as we speak." Rocco explained.

"Reaper?" Glass and the rest of them asked in shock.

"That moron! What is he trying to prove?" Glass responded in dismay.

"You better accompany him. Our opponent is a powerful Anomaly. He said you all know the guy. Feral I think." Rocco commented which made everyone become more shocked.

"You heard him team. Be prepared." Glass commanded. "Pandora, do you think you can assist us with our search from here?" He asked.

"I'll do what I can." Pandora firmly responded. "I think I can already sense their presences. I'll guide you to them."

"Nice work." Glass commended.

"This is strange." Pandora whispered.

"What's that, Pandora?" Glass asked.

"I'm sensing that Feral is not alone." Pandora replied worriedly.

"It's probably that huge wolf he's riding on." Rocco pointed out. "That was scary sight to see if I do say so myself."

"I see. It might just be that I guess." Pandora responded.

"Can you please advise Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Wazowski to not let anyone go out and still keep everyone safe inside the orphanage?" Rocco asked.

"I already did." Pandora responded.

"Thank you. I think I can finally rest up as well. Good luck to you all." Rocco replied then finally passed out as well.

"Sensory Camouflage." Pandora muttered to herself. This is one of her abilities that can hide her or her comrades' presence so their enemies couldn't senses easily. "Now go, everyone!"

"Reaper! Can you hear us?" Glass asked as they continue to storm into the woods.

"Glass? Yes, I can hear you but what are you doing here?" Reaper asked.

"It's not just him, man!" Surge exclaimed.

"Reaper, wait up!" Medusa commented.

"This is such a drag." Beast said.

"Reaper. You're being too reckless." Pandora reminded Reaper.

"The entire team is here. I'm touched." Reaper responded. "But wherever you are, you better stop. Now!" He exclaimed which was immediately followed by everyone.

"Why? What's the matter?" Glass asked.

Reaper confirmed that Feral is really the one they're up against and he became very powerful as he was able to drain Rocco and the others. He also confirmed that the entire forest is Feral's domain even with Pandora's Sensory Camouflage, they are not completely safe from Feral's prying eyes because every animal in the forest is likely under his control so they can easily be spotted specially if they're acting in a huge group.

"Do you have any plans in comprehending Feral?" Glass asked.

"I'll have one. Let me think for a moment." Reaper responded.

"Great! One more unplanned attack right here." Beast muttered.

"Guys? Can you feel it? The ground seems to be vibrating." Medusa commented.

"It feels like we're being watched too." Glass said. "Prepare yourselves."

"Finally, some real action is coming our way!" Surge exclaimed excitedly.

Suddenly, a huge elephant came out of nowhere and charged aggressively towards them Glass, Beast, Medusa and Surge. Luckily, they were quick-witted enough to dodge that but they got separated from each other. To separate them further, different animals continued to attack them from all directions. Reaper advised them that whatever happens, like what Rocco and the others did, do not harm any of the animals. Though it's going to be a challenge, they have no other options but to follow what's been asked.

"Guys, you're getting too far from each other. This may cause trouble." Pandora pointed out.

The terrain is great with Medusa's Anomaly. She can easily grab onto tree branches to swing herself around the place making her flawlessly dodging all attacks being thrown at her. Beast's Anomaly equally suits the forest as well as he can easily use the trees to hide while in his transformed animal physique. Glass and Surge are struggling ever so slightly but they're still holding their own. Glass is keeping himself airborne so he's being attacked by the birds while Surge keeps himself on top of the trees so he's handling the numerous aggressive monkeys.

"Is everyone doing alright?" Reaper asked.

"Can't talk. Busy." Medusa responded. "It's so dark in here!"

"What's with these monkeys? Damn them all!" Surge exclaimed.

"Just come up with a plan to stop this already, Reaper!" Beast shrieked.

"Do we have any plans now, Reaper?" Glass asked. "Fighting in these conditions is a huge challenge."

"I know. Worry no more. I finally have one." Reaper proudly responded.

"You better hurry! Feral is getting farther away. He might escape us any time soon." Pandora pointed out.

Reaper told everyone that for them to catch up to Feral and avoid majority of the fighting altogether is for them go airborne which was agreed upon unanimously by the rest of them. Glass confirmed that he can use his Anomaly to carry himself and Medusa. On the other hand, Surge can once again utilize his shockwaves to propel himself while carrying Reaper on his back and Beast can easily transform into a bird to fly alongside the rest of them.

"However, I'm sure you're still going to be attacked while we're at that formation both aerial and from the ground as well." Reaper explained.

"I get the aerial attacks but the ground attacks? How?" Glass asked.

"The monkeys can throw stuff at us like rocks and anything and everything they can throw." Reaper replied.

"Well, that is something." Surge commented.

"Wait. Aren't you coming with us, Reaper?" Medusa asked.

"I'm way too deep into the woods already than you guys are. I'm continuing going on foot. For some reason I'm not being attacked. I'll continue managing somehow." Reaper replied.

"Reaper, are you sure?" Glass asked. "It's dangerous staying in the enemy's turf."

"He'll be fine. I'll guide him along the way to avoid any kinds of ambush." Pandora commented. "Same with you guys too. I'll relay Feral's whereabouts so go. We don't have much time."

"What are we waiting for? Let's get this over with!" Beast said then transformed into his falcon form. He then headed to where Glass is.

"Fire in the hole!" Surge exclaimed then propelled himself to Glass' position.

"I'm going to slingshot myself up, Glass. You better catch me." Medusa said.

"You know I will." Glass responded.

"I can still sense Feral's location. Can you guys copy?" Pandora asked.

"Yes, we do. We're on our way!" Glass replied then the four of them hurriedly went to towards Feral's location. Not too long after, they got passed Reaper.

"I'm going to slow him down." Pandora said. "Mind Rupture." She muttered to herself to disrupt Feral's thoughts resulting to severe headaches making the target's movements limited as well. Though the impact of this ability is lessened due to the distance between her and her target, it seemed to work fine still. On top of that, it appeared all of the animals under his control are affected as well so cries of agony coming from those animals are being heard from the entirety of the woods.

"Nice one, Pandora. Keep at it!" Reaper commended.

"We're closing in. Look alive people!" Glass announced and the rest cheered.

"I don't feel so good about this." Beast muttered to himself.

"Guys, watch out!" Pandora shrieked. "Someone is coming your way!"

At that point, the spear that was being held by Feral earlier was thrown at them with such great force. It's clear that for Glass and the rest of the group that no one is currently in their line of sight aside from the spear. It's obvious that the spear won't hit any of them so they slightly put their guards down. However, just before the spear gets passed through them all of them lost consciousness one by one and they started plummeting down towards the ground.

It happened so fast that no one can defend themselves or even just react to what just transpired. As the spear closed in, it suddenly transformed into a woman but the darkness concealed her every features so they didn't get to take a good look at her. She appeared to be armed with blades on both of her hands and feet as they shined as they got hit by the moonlight. She didn't waste any time as she attacked Glass and the rest of them in one fell swoop resulting everyone to lose their consciousness. As soon as her attacks knocked everyone out, she transformed back to her spear form and continued on with her initial trajectory.

"Glass, Medusa, Surge, Beast! What happened?" Pandora asked in panic.

"Pandora, what's the situation?" Reaper asked.

"I lost connection with Glass and the others! They seemed to get ambushed while still airborne." Pandora explained.

"What?" Reaper exclaimed in disbelief. "I'm going in. Guide me to where they are!"

"I'm on it!" Pandora responded firmly.

Reaper continued on trekking the darkness of the woods towards where Glass and the others are. He did get to where Glass and the others are and he was taken aback because they were just lying on the ground unconscious while covered with wounds and huge amount of blood is spreading on the spot where their bodies are at. He immediately rushed in and seeing the damages they got clearer, he became disoriented and eventually losing control of his emotions letting out a blood-curdling scream.

"Reaper, did you see them? How are they doing?" Pandora asked but Reaper couldn't respond due to him extremely feeling at fault of what happened to their friends.

Reaper and the others slowly became surrounded by the animals obviously becoming prey to them and they're about to get attacked any time soon. Growling and prowling can be heard and felt circling the other. This helped build up Reaper's stress that he's about to blow up. The wild animals were about to attack when he burst out an aura of nullification unknowingly which affected all the animals surrounding them making them released from the controls of Feral's Anomaly. As the animals snapped out of their mental prison, their aggressive nature died down and left them alone as they go back to where they came from.

"Forget Feral! I'm calling for help." Pandora said and cut off his connection with Reaper.

"No." Reaper whispered to himself. "He must pay for what he did." He said firmly.

Before he can even leave the area, he heard a tree branch snapped from a distance indicating that someone or something must've stepped on it. He immediately sensed that it's an Anomaly but it was not the same presence as Feral so he came into conclusion that it was the one who attacked Glass and the others. Knowing this, he mustered all his anger and rushed to wherever this person is currently.

He suddenly saw a silhouette of woman. Still due to the darkness and limited moonlight, he can't distinguish any other discerning features of the woman aside from familiar markings on random parts of her skin, Other than that, he can't really tell who this woman is. Sensing that she's an Anomaly, he immediately nullified her ability even though he hasn't confirmed what it is yet to strengthen his chances of winning this match. Then, they started to exchange blows.

"So you are Reaper with the nullification Anomaly? Interesting." The woman said with a familiar accent. "That's why I can't use my Anomaly."

"You'll regret attacking us." Reaper firmly said. He may be one of the best combatant among them in terms of hand-to-hand fight but the woman is holding her own.

"I commend your resolve but you're no match for us." The woman teased.

Even without her Anomaly, the woman seemed to be at par with Reaper's melee adeptness. Both were also smart in using their surroundings to their advantage. One uses the trees to hide and conduct surprise attacks, the other utilizes small debris as throwing weapons to disturb their opponents' focus and vice versa. The woman was also flexible enough to swing from tree to tree like a gymnast making her hard to focus on and hard to defend against.

The intense battle between Reaper and the strange woman ended when she was able to land a solid blow at the back of Reaper's head making his senses distorted. As he's now the verge of blocking out, he still did try to do his best to fight back but his body is starting to give up. All of a sudden, the city alarm went off indicating that an Anomaly was spotted. This put both of them on edge ultimately stopping their match altogether.

"Well, our work here is done." The woman said and started fleeing. "We'll be seeing you again."

Knowing that the fight is over, Reaper finally let his body succumb to fatigue losing his consciousness ultimately. Even in the last second of his awareness, he's blaming himself of what happened to all of them and the fact that their enemies got away. Though he wants to carry everyone back to the orphanage for safety, he's body already given up. As the city alarm continues to envelope the city, Reaper couldn't fight it but to completely fall to the ground and close his eyes.