
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Summit's End

"Hey, get up!" Zythandra called out. "We're going to be late to the Summit!"

"What time is it?" Calcipher asked as he grunts his way to sit up straight.

"We only have an hour to get there!" Zythandra pointed out. "Come on. The Professor is already waiting outside."

"I forgot about the Summit!" Calcipher shrieked in panic.

To make things faster, Zythandra helped Calcipher get his stuff and suit up for the Summit. She still wants to make sure that his he is really safe from the poison he was forced to intake so she made sure that the rest of Calcipher's antidotes are with them throughout the Summit. The Professor couldn't wait any longer so he personally fetch the two back from their rooms in the inn they happened to stay for a while.

"We really need to go you love birds." The Professor barged in the room and teased.

"Love birds?" Zythandra and Calcipher reacted.

"I'm just jesting with you two but you do look good together. Anyway, can't you two move any faster? Time is running." The Professor responded.

The Gallant Councilwoman Representative, the Dean, happened to send in a carriage for the Professor and his mentors' to use to head to the City of Gemini where the Summit will be held. Zythandra and Calcipher were on high alert throughout their journey to their destination but it's a good thing that nothing went wrong as it all went smoothly for the three of them. No attacks or even small accidents occurred to prevent them going to the Summit.

All four council representatives are sitting in the hall waiting where the Summit will be held along with their respective advisors. The other council representatives all look respectable and dignified like the Professor so it's going to be extremely embarrassing if someone slip up that messes up the Summit's agendas. As for their advisors, they look promising as they looked forward to. Some looked intimidating and others looked like they seem to haven't been able to kill a living being even just a fly.

"Glad for you to join us, Noble Councilman." The Grand Councilman, the Tycoon, greeted the Professor and his mentors.

"Nice to see you too, Grand Councilman." The Professor greeted back.

"Since the Noble Councilman and his advisors are here, should we start the Summit already?" The Proud Councilman, the Mayor, asked.

"I agree. Noble Councilman, kindly take your seats so we can start the Summit." The Gallant Councilwoman commented.

"May our wisdom be guided by the holy spirits." The New Councilman, the Priest, prayed.

Before the Summit started, the Professor informed his mentors that all five council representatives agreed to avoid sharing personal information such as their names or their locations alongside other personal details as a precaution just in case one of them got apprehended by the military forces in their respective nations or some other third-party forces that may pose threat to their dangerous cause.

"Remember, these people doesn't know we have Anomalies on our wing so keep that detail hidden." The Professor said.

"Roger." Zythandra and Calcipher responded.

"I would like to start off this Summit by sharing the devastating news we've her in the Gallant." The Dean said.

The Dean shared the news they've gathered wherein one of the greatest tribes in the Gallant were annihilated and the most disturbing detail about their untimely demise is that they were all slaughtered by one of their own. It is said that their tribe's fall started when the head of their tribe's son who will succeed his position ran away for some reason leaving her younger sister all the tribe's burden. The princess one day snapped months later most likely due to all the stress and killed everyone then she also ran away making the two siblings the only survivors of their tribe. No one knows now where the siblings are or what are they doing. What's bothering the Dean and the others are this horrific event is the fact that this didn't went out to the public. It's seemed to be being handled anonymously and discreetly.

"The princess has guts." The Tycoon commented.

"That's a very tragic event. May their souls rest in peace." The Priest responded.

"Do you happen to know the name of this tribe?" The Professor asked. He and his mentors are extremely aware that one of the members of the Student Council, Beast, is from Gallant and he did in fact ran away before they crossed paths. So, they're hoping that this annihilated tribe doesn't have to with him.

"It's the Ojibwe Tribe. I believe the survivors will be their prince and princess who are currently nowhere to be found." The Dean confirmed which made the Professor jolting to stand in shock. Zythandra and Calcipher exchanged alarmed gazes to each other after what they heard.

"Are you familiar with their tribe, Noble Councilman?" the Mayor asked.

"I heard about them. As Gallant Councilwoman mentioned, they're one of the greatest tribes here in the Gallant." The Professor exclaimed. He may still be having called sweats but he was able to conceal his expression.

"On top of that, it is said from the information we gathered that the princess is an Anomaly which added to her burden and also the reason of her slipping from reality for good." The Dean explained. "However, it is not confirmed what her Anomaly is but wiping out her entire tribe makes her extremely dangerous."

"Let's assume that the princess really is an Anomaly and a very dangerous at that. Should we also assume that prince is one to?" The Tycoon asked.

"We must assume that he is. His sister is so he's most likely an Anomaly too." The Mayor responded.

"Poor children. Wherever they may be, I hope they'll find the guidance of the holy spirit." The Priest commented.

The five council representatives agreed to be very vigilant about the royal siblings. Aside from the Professor and his mentors, everyone else are torn either the siblings are working together or they've gone their own separate ways. However, the Professor, Zythandra and Calcipher are now on high alert and are determined to find Beast's sister to know what actually happened because they couldn't believe that she can be able to do the horrific act that was done towards their entire tribe.

"So, what are we going to be our actions towards this incident?" The Tycoon asked.

"I recommend to find the siblings but have the prince be under the Gallant Councilwoman's care since his a Gallant decent and the princess be surrendered to pay for what she did." The Mayor suggested.

"I understand your point but I disagree." The Priest firmly replied. "It's not confirmed that the princess did all of those things so I would like to suggested the siblings will be taken under Gallant Councilwoman's care after we find them." He suggested.

"Raise your left hand if you agree with Proud Councilman's suggestion and right if you're with the suggestion of the New Councilman." The Professor said to make a vote. The Tycoon supported the Mayor's idea while he supported the Priest's. On the other hand, the Dean didn't vote and showed support to either of the suggestions.

"I can't bring myself to vote right now." The Dean said. "I'm running an orphanage as you all may or may not know so harboring potentially dangerous Anomaly may not be a great move for me. They might become hostile if they're surrounded by unfamiliar faces." She explained.

"I understand your sentiments." The Priest responded.

"Here's what I suggest." The Professor butted in. "We will search for those siblings but once they are found, we will monitor their movements. Once we confirmed that they're harmless, we can decide where we can let them stay."

"That I can agree upon." The Dean responded.

"I think we can all agree to that. We all have the means to go along with the search and monitoring operations." The Tycoon responded.

They left the Ojibwe Tribe Massacre topic as that. The representatives from different Nations will use their resources and connections to locate and eventually monitor the remaining Ojibwe royalties. As for the Professor and his mentors, their mission will be finding the princess since they already have Beast with them. The more challenging task for them is how they will let Beast know what happened to his entire tribe.

The subject of the discussion has been switched the recent Anomaly-related event that occurred in Grand Britain. To be more specific, the Tycoon raised the incident about Kitty's concert and her being capture alongside two other Anomalies. Everyone was in shock of that incident since it's quite unbelievable for most that an international artist such Fiona Goodchild a.k.a. Kitty is an Anomaly because keeping something taboo like being an Anomaly by a well-known individual is very scary yet impressive at the same time.

"I can't believe she's an Anomaly! She did well in hiding it all these years." The Mayor commented.

"Me too. I'm not going to lie but I'm a huge fan of her music. I think I've become more of a fan knowing that she's an Anomaly." The Tycoon said. "I hope we can do something about her capture."

"Are you suggesting that we rescue her?" The Professor asked.

"I believe it's the right thing to do. Besides, I can take her under my wing once we rescue her. She can be my first Anomaly who will be under my care." The Tycoon excitedly responded.

"If ever the Ojibwe young royals will be under Gallant Councilwoman's care and Fiona Goodchild will be under Grand Councilman's, they will be the first Anomalies we will be protecting." The Priest said. "I pray for our great success."

"They really don't know we have a lot of them with us, huh?" Calcipher whispered to Zythandra.

"Hush!" Zythandra discreetly scolded Calcipher.

The somewhat young yet fierce looking advisors who came with the Mayor looked at Calcipher and Zythandra. Fearing that those men must've overheard what Calcipher said, she let out a version of her that she usually uses when she's still doing missions for the Faction. She let out her charming and lustrous aura which most men fall for then a little smile ang a flip of a hair does the trick. As she expected, the men just smiled back and took off his gaze at them to focus on their job.

"I would love to get into rescuing Fiona Goodchild and the others who were captured but we're going against the military forces here. It may be quite impossible or hell of difficult to accomplish." The Tycoon pointed.

"But aren't you up for the challenge? I know you want to." The Mayor commented.

"I am up for it but I'm not sure if my power is huge enough to take the Grand military head on." The Tycoon responded. "It's not like you would lend me help or anything."

"You're right, we wouldn't. At least for me. I don't know about the other representatives." The Mayor said.

The Professor raised a poll once again to who will support the Tycoon for his offensive tactics against their military forces or not. In his surprise, he was the only one who raised his hands among other representative who is willing to support the tycoon with his plans. This surprised the other representatives because the Professor is known to avoid any conflicts specially between Anomalies and the military.

"Who are you and what did you do to the Noble Councilman?" The Mayor asked to tease.

"Are you sure you're going against the military? You might as well be targeted by the Noble military forces." The Dean commented.

"This is not who you are, Noble Councilman. I think you need to reconsider." The Priest said.

"Also, what can a college professor can do to back me up?" the Tycoon asked. "No offense. I'm just curious and I really am grateful for that of course." He continued.

"I have a few estates in Grand Britain that you may use. Also, I can hire mercenaries to help you with the attack or something." The Professor explained.

"Whoa, mercenaries? I didn't know you had it in you and I didn't know you are rich. I mean I know you are rich but not that rich." The Mayor commented.

"Most of my wealth are inheritance money. I can spend it however I want." The Professor said.

"Is it really?" Calcipher whispered to Zythandra.

"No, you dunderhead!" Zythandra responded discreetly.

"Oh, right. I remember now. Sorry." Calcipher said.

As Calcipher recalled, the Professor has been alive for over three centuries now and he have a lot of means to make money all throughout his very long lifetime. From his original job as a scientist to being shareholders of different companies under different aliases. In front of the Council, he sticks to his character as a rich college professor in Noble Asia so no one will suspect that he is also an Anomaly.

"I bet that the two you have with you right now are mercenaries. They seem to be more mature than the ones you usually take in our Summits." The Mayor commented.

"I agree but I think the beautiful lady is more reliable in a fight compared to the guy. He seems frail." The Tycoon commented.

"Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, Grand Councilman. We shouldn't judge the book by its cover. I know there's a reason why Noble Councilman brought him along." The Priest responded.

"It may not look like it but he's very reliable, Grand Councilman." The Professor said.

"Also, I'm curious about the Gallant Councilwoman's attendants. The ones always accompanying her to our Summits are teenagers or young adults if you may." The Mayor commented.

"You mean just like your attendants?" The Tycoon replied. "The two you have right now are the only ones accompanying since our Summit starts. Please don't get me wrong. They really look reliable."

"Since we're on the topic of young attendants, I noticed that the ones the Noble Councilman is being accompanied with are young adults as well until now." The Priest said.

"Well, I guess young people are equally reliable than the experienced ones." The Professor responded.

After dropping the topic of young adults being attendants to most of the councilmembers, they moved on to the next relating to their cause. From sharing reports of potential Anomaly discoveries, captures, disappearances etc. to their reported potential havocs and everything in between. All five representatives at the roundtable eventually agreed for all of them to take a quick break before they can adjourn the Summit until the next quarter.

"Going down?" The Gallant Councilwoman asked as she and her attendants rushed to the elevator where the Professor and his mentor are.

"Yes, it is. Come in." The Professor responded. "Where to? Cafeteria I presume? Wait, where's the cafeteria here?" He asked since it's not familiar of the building.

"It's in the fourth and ninth floor. I know because I rented this venue." The Gallant Councilwoman responded.

"Oh, right. Thanks for that Gallant Councilwoman." The Professor replied.

"Please call me Tabitha, Tabitha Minerva." The Gallant Councilwoman said which made everyone shocked including her advisor because all the representatives agreed to not share any personal information.

"Mistress!" Tabitha's female attendant exclaimed.

"You shouldn't disclose any personal information, Mistress." Tabitha's male attendant said.

"You know what? We've been working together for years now so I guess they're trustworthy enough to share them my name. Also, I'm thinking on sharing my name to the councilmembers as well to have a change." Tabitha explained.

"I admire your courage, Tabitha." The Professor said. "I'll hop on to that. My name is Hugh, Hugh Bennett. This are Helena and Leon, my attendants." He explained to get Tabitha's trust but still making sure to cover their true identities.

"Oh, hi everyone!" Tabitha greeted. "These are my attendants Aira and Rocco. The pair that I brought last Summit were Amber and Blake."

"Mistress!" Aira and Rocco exclaimed.

The six of them went to the cafeteria to spend their one hour break together. Tabitha seems to be willing to share other information aside from their names so the Professor wants to utilize this opportunity to gather any information that may be beneficial to him. Zythandra and Calcipher a.k.a Helena and Leon also agreed to extract any information about the Gallants that they can get.

"I already ordered our food. We can just wait for it here in our table." Tabitha said.

"That's very thoughtful of you. We appreciate it." The Professor replied.

"So, Mr. Bennett. I'm just thinking. For us to be completely work together and really help the Anomalies lost in the outside world, we need to be more open to each other." Tabitha suggested.

"What do you mean? Also, please call me Hugh." The Professor responded.

"Sure, and what I mean is it's not true that I'm not sheltering Anomalies because I am." Tabitha discreetly whispered to the Professor and his mentors which made them shock in disbelief.

"No way!" Zythandra exclaimed.

"Holy moly!" Calcipher said in shock.

"How? Where? How many?" The Professor asked.

"I have four of them. All of them manifested their Anomalies in the same year. If I'm not mistaken their Anomalies manifested as soon as they turned thirteen or fourteen and I'm now caring for them for years. I really see them as my own kids." Tabitha explained.

"Mistress, I know your intentions are in a good place but I really don't think sharing our identities in not a good idea." Rocco commented.

"I'm with the Mistress on this one, Rocco. Mr. Bennett seems to be a nice person unlike the other councilmembers. Even New Councilman, the Priest, looks sketchy." Aira replied.

"I appreciate that." The Professor responded.

"The Priest does look sketchy." Zythandra commented.

"I'm having a feeling as well like Proud and Grand Councilmen have a underlying grudge with each other for some reason." Calcipher said.

"I'm getting that vibe too!" Aira agreed.

"Anyways, Aira and Rocco are two of those four Anomalies I'm sheltering. The other two are Amber and Blake." Tabitha pointed out.

"Really?" The Professor responded in surprise.

Tabitha then gestured for Aira and Rocco to show their Anomalies to the Professor and his mentors but discreetly since they're still in a public place after all. Aira hold out her right hand and with a quick moment of concentration, a small whirlwind was created. This amazes their spectators that made them speechless. After Aira do her thing, Rocco grabbed something from his bag and it turned out to be a rock. He placed the rock in the middle of their table then he made it move from left to right.

"Rocco, civilian!" Aira whispered at Rocco. Rocco then quickly grabbed the rock and stash it back to his back.

Even though Tabitha disclosed a lot of sensitive information, the Professor and his mentors are glued to their strategy of them wearing fake identities and claiming that there are no Anomalies under their care. They're still keeping their guards up because there's still a whiff of suspicion towards Tabitha and his attendants. They aren't sure if they are really trustworthy like how they look at them specially the Professor after all this time.

All councilmembers and their attendants went back to the round table to give their closing remarks for the Summit. Tabitha, the Professor and their attendants were the first ones to go back followed by the Priest, then the Mayor and finally the Tycoon. As the host of this Summit, Tabitha lead the closing remarks. However, she appears to be struggling to say something or not before completely ending this meeting.

"What's the matter, Gallant Councilwoman? The cat got your tongue?" The Tycoon asked to tease.

"I feel like something interesting is about to happen." The Mayor commented.

"Go on, Gallant Councilwoman. We're all listening." The Priest said.

"Oh, on. She's going to spill all the tea." Aira whispered.

"Mistress, please don't do this." Rocco begged.

"We have to. If we really need to help all the Anomalies that we can, we have to be transparent to our trusted colleagues." Tabitha explained.

"Something's fishy going on here." The Tycoon commented. His attendants then seemed to tense up.

"Come on, Gallant Councilwoman. Cut the suspense and kindly spill it all out." The Mayor said.

Tabitha seems to be being eaten up by the tension as she started sweating. All eyes are on her as everyone anticipates what will she announce. Whether she'll share what they told to the Professor and his mentors or not is still unsure. Aira and Rocco is wishing for the latter because they are still uncertain that the other councilmembers are as trustworthy as the Professor is but whatever happens they'll trust Tabitha's call.

"I'm not telling the whole truth about our stand with the Anomaly debacle." Tabitha confirmed.

"Please expound, Gallant Councilwoman." The Priest commented. The atmosphere suddenly got heavier and heavier by the second due to the tension slowly building up.

"I've been taking care of Anomalies for a while now. I'm so sorry I haven't been that transparent to the entire Council." Tabitha said. "These attendants who are with me today are two of those Anomalies." Aira and Rocco went silent due to shock along with the rest in the Summit.

The silence has become deafening at this point. No one dares to speak after that huge announcement. Their idea of no one from the Council is harboring Anomalies has been shattered because of what Tabitha said. Everyone can only hear each other's heavy breathing, the continues ticking of the clock and the muffled sound of the busy streets from outside. However, the Tycoon's attendants suddenly stood up which made everyone startled.

"I knew you were hiding something, Gallant Councilwoman." The Tycoon said intriguingly as he also stood up. He gestured to his attendants then they pointed guns towards Tabitha and her attendants all of a sudden. It appears that they have smuggled those inside the building.

"Whoa, whoa! Grand Councilman, what in the world are you doing?" The Mayor asked in panic.

"Calm yourself, Grand Councilman. We can talk this through." The Priest commented as he and his attendants hide under the roundtable.

"You can't talk me out of this!" The Tycoon screamed. He then took out his own pistol and pointed at the rest of them.

"Grand Councilman, what you're doing is very dangerous." The Professor said. "What's your goal here?" He asked as he's being shielded by Zythandra and Calcipher.

"My goal?" The Tycoon responded then laughed maniacally. "My goal isn't far from what this pathetic Council's goal is. Simply put that I'm collecting Anomalies." He explained.

"Collect? What will you do to them after you collect them?" The Professor continued asking.

"That's for me to keep and for you all to find out that is if you all get out of here alive." The Tycoon replied firmly. "Besides, it doesn't concern your rich nosy ass!"

"Stop this, Grand Councilman. This isn't you." Tabitha carefully said to not trigger the Tycoon.

"The Grand Councilman you know isn't the real me. This is the real me you dumb woman!" The Tycoon responded disrespectfully.

"Please don't take my Aira and Rocco. Take me instead!" Tabitha shrieked then gestured to move towards the Tycoon and his attendants.

"And why would I take you? You're no use for me." The Tycoon responded. "Boys, shoot her and everyone who comes in our way." He instructed his attendants.

The Tycoon's two war loving looking attendants started shooting Tabitha violently causing smoke and dust to cover most of the area so the visibility was lessen. The sounds of the gunshots startled everyone which triggered to flee the place. The Priest didn't care how the Summit will end and just headed straight to the exit to flee the area with his attendants since they're the closest ones to the exit. The Professor pulled Zythandra and Calcipher to the back to shield them just in case they are to be in the line of fire. On the other hand, the Mayor and his attendants suddenly vanished and no one saw where they went so it was assumed that they escaped already like the Priest.

"Keep yourselves down." The Professor said.

"Professor, be careful!" Calcipher exclaimed.

"Don't be silly. I don't die remember?" The Professor responded confidently then a stray bullet gruesomely hit his neck then came out from his nape. Blood splattered everywhere but being an Anomaly as well, he quickly recovered from it. Luckily, no one seemed to notice it aside his attendants.

"Professor, permission to attack. I'll take out both his attendants." Zythandra asked.

"Hold it, lass. Take a look." The Professor responded as he notices something very peculiar.

The Tycoon's attendants abruptly stopped from shooting towards Tabitha and the smoke and dust stopped circulating as well. As the messy cover was gone, it revealed a still alive Tabitha as she's being protected by a thick wall of rock. It turned out that Rocco made his move to save

Tabitha and that explains where the smoke and dust came from. Everyone who is still in the room got relived knowing someone didn't die except for the Tycoon. He may be furious about Tabitha's escaping death but the excitement filled him as he witness Rocco's Anomaly firsthand.

"That's very impressive! This makes want to get you two more." The Tycoon said.

Aira then used her Anomaly to manipulate the air current to suck Tabitha back in her place. This once again put everyone in awe seeing another Anomaly being used. Getting a hold of Tabitha again, Rocco instinctively changed into the offensive as he shoot dozens of rocks towards the Tycoon and his minions. This forced them to take cover and further stop them from attacking. Rocco then made a hole on the floor so the three of them can escape. The Professor decided to follow them.

"Professor? What are you doing here?" Rocco asked as he undo the hole he did.

"We're here to help. How's Tabitha?" The Professor responded.

"The Mistress seems to be in shock but she's unharmed." Aira answered.

"We should get going. If the Tycoon really is aiming to collect Anomalies, they'll be on our tails any time soon." Zythandra explained.

"Is there even a safe place we can go?" Calcipher asked.

"I know a place." The Professor commented.

The Professor lead the way back to their carriage. It's a good thing the six of them still fit inside even though it doesn't have much wiggle room. It appears that the Professor instructed the coachman to go back to where they were originally picked up. They are headed back to the inn were they spent a few hours to recuperate. The Tycoon and his minions seemed to not be onto them yet so it's safe for them to be on the open road.

"Okay we're back here. Can anyone explain what happened?" Calcipher asked.

"Aren't you paying attention earlier?" Zythandra responded. "The Tycoon and his minions are bad guys and their goal is totally the opposite from the goal of the rest of the councilmembers."

"Sorry can the Mistress use one of the two rooms? She's still in shock of all those racket." Aira asked.

"Sure. Please do Tend to her." The Professor said. Aira then assisted Tabitha to the room.

"Grand Councilman said that he's been collecting people like us. I'm afraid to imagine what they've been doing those Anomalies who are under their custody already." Rocco commented.

"Kitty and the others were captured by the military in Grand Britain, right? Do you think Grand Councilman has something to do with it?" Calcipher asked in curiosity.

"Cal! Too much." Zythandra scolded.

"Who is Kitty and the others he's talking about?" Rocco asked.

"I think it's best to be transparent as well. But we'll talk about it once Tabitha recovered." The Professor said.

"The Mistress is now resting peacefully. What did I missed?" Aira asked.

The Professor and the four attendants agreed to discuss what happened in the Summit and they're next step will be. The Tycoon may be unveiled his true intentions to the entire Council but they can't ignore the fact that other councilmembers could also someone that has a hidden agenda. Anomaly collecting is just part of the Tycoon's grand plan. There is surely more to it. Some of their ideas suggest that the Anomalies are being sold to some rich families for some reason, they're being subjected to inhumane experiments, they're being forced to labor etc.

After a few more hours, Tabitha got up and joined the rest of the group as soon as she got back up with her own feet. The optimistic her is obviously got tainted with trauma but her goal to help and support Anomalies didn't change a bit. She asked to be in the loop of what the rest of them are discussing so she can share her insights as well and provide any help to whenever and however she can. The Professor then decided to share everything to her.

"Tabitha, I deem you trustworthy so I'll decided to be transparent with everything." The Professor said.

"I appreciate that. Please go on." Tabitha responded.

With Zythandra and Cacipher's help, the Professor confirmed that he's already harboring multiple Anomalies. He also confirmed that they came up with a system to keep them everyone out of the grid to keep them all safe. Though he didn't confirmed the exact address, he shared that all of them are living inside the mansion. Tabitha, Aira and Rocco are expectedly extremely surprised because the number of Anomalies in under one roof is a miracle compared to the ones they which is just only four Anomalies.

"Wow!" Tabitha exclaimed. "I truly admire your commitment to saving the Anomalies. How did you do it?" She asked.

"It's a much longer story." The Professor responded then Zythandra and Calcipher looked at each other then chuckled knowing why that story is much longer. They remembered that the Professor is already over three centuries old.

"What do you mean? I'm getting more curious." Tabitha replied.

"To put it simply, I'm one of them too." The Professor confirmed.

Due to this revelation, Tabitha and her attendants went silent in shock once again. Moments passed and the three still couldn't make themselves to say anything so the Professor decided to demonstrate his Anomaly. He gestured at Calcipher to get a knife from the kitchen. Calcipher then placed the knife on the table then the Professor placed his hand forward to expose it then she asked Zythandra to stabbed her. Without any hesitations, Zythandra followed.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Rocco shrieked as both Tabitha and Aira screamed in surprise.

"Calm down, people! Watch." Calcipher said.

Zythandra removed the knife from the Professor's hands. The Professor then raised his hands for the others to better witnessed what's about to happen. Everyone surely witnessed that the Professor's wound quickly healed as if nothing happened. At this point, Tabitha and the others confirmed that the Professor is an ally after witnessing his Anomaly firsthand. They're also ready to trust them even more.

"This is so extreme for the three of us. Kindly give us a while to process all of this." Tabitha said. "But we truly believe and trust you so no need to worry." She added.

"No rush but I am glad we found true allies amidst all of these." The Professor said.

"We are too." Tabitha responded.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door from the other side which startled them all. The Professor confirmed that they are not expecting anyone. Calcipher asked who was it but no one is answering. Zythandra suddenly heard whispers and guns being cocked quietly. She then discreetly alerted everyone else. Rocco and Aira immediately planned their escape. Like what they did back in the summit, Rocco created a hole in the wall and instructed everyone to jump. Aira assured everyone that she'll catch them using her Anomaly so they all jumped without any further hesitations.

"This place isn't safe anymore. Let's go back to the orphanage." Tabitha suggested.