
The Anomaly - PJ Universe

It wasn't part of my life plan to get sent into the Percy Jackson universe where gods and supernatural creatures roam free. At least I got a overpowered ability. Disclaimer: I don’t own Percy Jackson Cover isn’t Mine If Owner wants me to take it down tell me

pelaez298 · Book&Literature
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Walking out of the alleyway I come into a newspaper stand on the other side of the street which I immediately walk to. I buy a newspaper from the guy running the stand. I see the date which says May 6, 2005. Looks like I'm in Brooklyn right now.

"Excuse me but do you know where the nearest internet cafe is?"

"Around a block that way"

"Thank You"

I start walking to the internet cafe on my way. I also started spamming Observe on everything in my sight including my clothes and pendant and I found something interesting with my pendant.

Suppressing Pendant

Desc: Obtained by Natalie Trop in an ancient burial site in ancient greek and given to her child to protect him.

Effect: Suppresses a Demigod's Scent With the exchange of also suppressing any powers they have.

Looks like Natalie really cared about her son. However, I'm not afraid of retribution. So I took off the pendant and put it in my [Inventory]. I then arrived at the internet cafe, then I purchased a computer for 1 hour, and sat down and turned the computer on I searched for any information about anything out of the ordinary, all I could find was a normal world. I searched for Gotham city with No results. I searched for Captain America, no results. I grew frustrated I couldn't find any pigment of anything supernatural. I quickly gave up on searching for anything out of the ordinary. Next, I checked for Greek gods of fire and I found 2, one of them was Apollo and the other Hephaestus so I'm most likely the son of one of them.

Quest Alert

Good Job you have narrowed down your Father to 2 choices!

I searched for a nearby hotel and I wrote the route and address on a paper and left. After I arrived at my location I quickly got a room paying with the money from my Gift Pack. After entering my room I took a look at my stats.

Name: Nathaniel Trop

Age: 15(28)

Race: Demigod

Level: 2

Exp: 0/400

Class: None

Title: Son Of ???

Alignment: Lawful Good

HP - 120 [10 per minute]

MP - 130 [1% per minute]

Str- 10

End - 10

Vit - 12

Dex - 12

Int - 11

Wis - 10

Cha - 12

Lck- 10

Points: 15

Money: $813.50/0D

I won't use my stat points for now. I was also curious about 2 things first how I got the 2 points to my Vit, Dex, and Cha, and My title got unlocked most likely to the [Suppressing Pendent], so I clicked on the title for more info.

Title Unlocked!

Son Of ???

Desc: Due to being the Son of ??? you gain more increased gain in his Domains.

Effect: - You Gain Minor Fire Affinity.

- You Gain Major Light Affinity

- You Gain Perk: Archery Genius

- You Gain Perk: Medical Prodigy

- You Gain a +2 to Vit, Dex, Cha Every Level.

Minor Fire Affinity

Desc: You have a Natural Affinity for fire It comes from being the Son of ???

Effect: Fire-Based Skills are 25% Easier to Level Up.

Major Fire Affinity

Desc: You have a Natural Affinity for Light It comes from being the Son of ???

Effect: Light-Based Skills are 50% Easier to Level Up.

Perk Unlocked!

Archery Genius

Desc: Archery comes naturally to you.

Effect: Archery Levels up 2x Faster.

Perk Unlocked!

Medical Prodigy

Desc: You've always had a knack for medicine. Now It's Upgraded.

Effect: Medical Knowledge, Healing Skill/Magic, Level up 2x Faster.

Fire and Light, Healing, and archery. My Fathers Apollo!

Quest Complete! Mystery Father?

Desc: Figure out who your father is.

Reward: Weak Heal, 1000 Exp, 1 C- Ranked Gacha Token

Congratulations you've Gained a Skill!

[Weak Heal (Active) Lv 1 Exp: 0%] Cost: 20 MP

Desc: A weak Magic Spell that can cure small wounds.

Effect: Heals 30 Hp

You've Gained a Level!

Congratulations you've Gained 1 C-Ranked Token!

Magic, every kid's dream was to wield magic even mine was to wield magic. Now I can.

"Weak Heal"

A slightly yellow glow surrounded my hand, with warm energy just waiting to be released. I then cancel the spell and tried to gather mana on my hand. After it's been gathered I put my hand up in the air and think about wanting to create an instant dungeon then it happened the world suddenly became quiet I couldn't even hear a cricket.

Skill Created!

[Create ID (Active) Lv 1 Exp 5%]

Desc: Used to Create Instant Dungeons. Stronger Instant Dungeons may be created at higher levels.

Current Available ID List:

Empty ID - Monsters: None

Create ID one of the essential skills of the gamer. A place where I can train and experiment without worries about my surroundings. There's also the fact that if I level up the skill I can make IDs with monsters in them to level up. For now, let's experiment with mana. Gathering the mana in my hand and turning it into a ball and then I shot it at the wall.

Skill Created!

[Mana Bolt (Active) Lv 1 Exp: 5%] Cost: 30 Mp

Desc: A skill that attacks by emitting a Mana ball.

Effect: Attack power increases by INT. Range 10m. (3xINT)

Next up is Spinning Mana Arrow. I gather the mana then I compress it I then elongate it into the shape of an arrow then an added spin and I throw it into the wall. This time instead of a dent in the wall the arrow pierces midway through and then stops and dissipates.

Skill Created!

[Spinning Mana Arrow (Active) Lv 1 Exp: 5%] Cost: 6 Mp

Desc: A long-distance attack skill with increased piercing power by adding a strong spin to a mana arrow. Only possible for those talented in manipulating mana.

Effect: 25 Attack, Max Arrows: 1

The attack for Spinning mana arrow is more clear than Mana Bolt however Mana bolt has more potential due to its Int factor meaning if I have 100 Int the damage would be 300 compared to 6 mana arrows would be 150. I think it time to make one of the essential skills of the gamer. Mana Shield. I first gathered mana then I made the mana into a dome sized shape around me.

Skill Created!

[Mana Shield (Active) Lv 1 Exp: 5%] Cost 30 Mp

Desc: One of the most basic defense skills using mana.

Effort: Blocks a portion of the impact

50 additional MP used per minute.

The Shield's strength, and density increases based on the user's INT.

Max Shields: 1

A blue dome surrounded me it looked like 3-4 punches from a regular man would break it. Since it's tied to INT then that means its strength also has very big potential. Now to make the last skill I will need for now. I gather mana once again then I make them intertwine from two lines into one.

Skill Created!

[Mana Rope (Active) Lv 1 Exp: 5%] Cost: 2 Mp

Desc: A rope made from mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as mana scatters.

Effect: Mana Rope can be manipulated according to the user's wish

Duration: 10 minutes.

This skill will be very useful later on. I think that all the skills I would want for now. I should spend a week grinding my skills and stats to prepare for a Monster ID. Time To Grind.

1 Week Later.


Name: Nathaniel Trop

Age: 15(28)

Race: Demigod

Level: 3

Exp: 600/800

Class: None

Title: Son Of Apollo

Alignment: Lawful Good

HP - 270 [20 per minute]

MP - 340 [3% per minute]

Str- 26

End - 23

Vit - 27

Dex - 29

Int - 30

Wis - 30

Cha - 14

Lck- 11

Points: 20

Money: $115.25/0D

Mana - Int x 10

MP Regen - Every 10 Wis = 1% Mana Regen

Health - End x 10

HP Regen - Every 10 Vit equals +10 per minute

There was also my skills such as.

[Mana Shield (Active) Lv 27 Exp: 24.5%] Cost 28 Mp

Desc: One of the most basic defense skills using mana.

Effort: Blocks a portion of the impact

5 additional MP used per minute.

The Shield's strength, and density increases based on the user's INT.

Max Shields: 10

[Spinning Mana Arrow (Active) Lv 28 Exp: 5%] Cost: 3 Mp

Desc: A long-distance attack skill with increased piercing power by adding a strong spin to a mana arrow. Only possible for those talented in manipulating mana.

Effect: 30 Attack, Max Arrows: 10

[Mana Bolt (Active) Lv 15 Exp: 5%] Cost: 23 Mp

Desc: A skill that attacks by emitting a Mana ball.

Effect: Attack power increases by INT. Range 10m. (3xINT)

[Mana Rope (Active) Lv 20 Exp: 5%] Cost: 2 Mp

Desc: A rope made from mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as mana scatters.

Effect: Mana Rope can be manipulated according to the user's wish

Duration: 50 minutes.

[Weak Heal (Active) Lv 35 Exp: 10%] Cost: 10 MP

Desc: A weak Magic Spell that can cure small wounds and Poison.

Effect: Heals 50 Hp

[Flame Breathing (Passive/Active) Lv 39 Exp: 2.63%]

Desc: Flame Breathing is one of the five main Breathing Styles directly derived from Sun Breathing. The Flame Breathing combat style mimics the burning effect of fire and replicates it with the user's swordsmanship. The Flame Breathing style seemed to have been developed by a student of a Demon Slayer. He made this style by deriving it from his teacher's Style until it became its own unique breathing and was subsequently named the Flame Breathing.

Effect: 15% Passive increase to STR, VIT, and End (When Breathing)

Effect: Only Able to breathe for 19 Minutes. (Time gets longer with skill level)

First Form: Unknowing Fire - The swordsman charges towards their opponent at high speed and decapitates them in one or multiple slashes. Cost: 500 MP

3000 Attack

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun: The swordsman uses an upwards moving slash attack. Cost: 600 Mp

3250 Attack

Third Form: Fiery Spirits - The swordsman swings their blade downwards in an arc. Cost: 725 Mp

3500 Attack

There was also the C-Ranked Gacha Token that I got the Mystery Father Quest, I got this with it.

Lowest Tier Health Potion x 3

Desc: One of the lowest tiered potions made by a Beginner Alchemist.

Effect: Recovers 200 Hp Instantly.

With all this preparation I think it's finally time to enter an ID.

"Create ID: Zombie"

Hello Everyone this is the second chapter for this Fanfic.

I will try to do at least 1000 words per chapter for the following chapters.

I’m excited about doing the leveling up features.

As I said I’m most worried about interactions between characters.

Anyways I make sure to respond to comments.

pelaez298creators' thoughts