
Morning Bliss

Briar awoke to the dimness. The city light were brighter than they were when she had finally drifted to sleep. At some point, their spent bodies still tangled up limbs finally rested. Her entire body was incredibly sore, but she couldn't discover any regrets lingering within her heart and mind.

It was almost like her restless soul finally felt safe enough to rest and slumber in the embrace of her other half. She felt like she discovered her home within him and she finally understood what he meant.

She sighed, feeling the weight of his limbs around her. She bit her lip as she glanced about the room. The digital clock blinked 9:30AM. Groaning, she realized she was going to be late meeting up with her House for brunch.

Derrick stirred next to her. "What's wrong?"

"I-I need to-to meet m-my family f-for brun-ch-ch," she admitted, turning her face so she could regard him. "I need to meet them at 10 AM."