

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasy
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132 Chs


As Karishma, in her phoenix form, descended upon the battlefield with a menacing aura, Princess Moon, Su Lin, and Kallu prepared themselves for the impending clash. The flames that surrounded the fiery phoenix were an inferno of unrestrained fury, and its piercing gaze locked onto Princess Moon with a deadly intent.

Karishma, fueled by her relentless anger, unleashed a barrage of fiery attacks towards Princess Moon. The scorching flames danced with malevolent intent, threatening to engulf everything in their path. In response, Princess Moon again tapped into her hidden strength, creating a protective barrier around Su Lin, Kallu, and herself and to withstand the onslaught.

Princess Moon, though weakened from her previous battles, stood tall with unwavering resolve. Her golden eyes glinted with a mix of sadness and determination. She knew the gravity of the situation — Karishma's grief-fueled rampage posed a threat not only to herself but to the entire kingdom.

Kallu, recognizing the dire situation, drew a mysterious-looking dagger from his Spiritual space. The blade emitted an ethereal glow, hinting at its arcane nature, and was also an ancient artifact. Su Lin also took out a treasure that could strengthen the Barrier's strength formed by Princess Moon.

The fiery onslaught from Karishma intensified, and Princess Moon's protective barrier strained under the overwhelming force. The flames licked at the edges of the magical shield, threatening to breach its defenses. Despite Princess Moon channeling her hidden strength, the sheer ferocity of Karishma's attacks proved too much for the barrier to withstand.

Just as it seemed that the barrier would crumble, Kallu took swift action. With a fluid motion, he hurled his mysterious dagger into the air. The blade, glowing with ethereal light, intercepted the fiery attacks with incredible precision. The clash between the arcane dagger and the raging flames created a dazzling display of sparks and mystical energy.

The dagger, a conduit of ancient power, absorbed the fiery onslaught, preventing harm to Princess Moon and her companions. However, the strain on the enchanted weapon became evident as cracks formed on its surface. The air crackled with the intensity of the clash, and for a moment, it seemed as though time itself had paused.

As the last remnants of the fiery attacks dissipated, the once-mysterious dagger fell back to the ground, now visibly damaged and depleted. The sacrifice of the enchanted weapon had saved Princess Moon and her allies from certain harm, but it had come at a cost.

Kallu, with a solemn expression, approached the fallen dagger. Its brilliance had faded, and the ancient power within it had been spent. The dagger had fulfilled its purpose.

Princess Moon, though grateful for the intervention, couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the loss of such a powerful artifact. The dagger was a treasure; unfortunately, the first opponent it faced was a peak character in the Sky Realm who was also in anger.

Meanwhile, Karishma, enraged by the thwarted attack, prepared for another assault. The fiery phoenix let out a deafening shriek, its flames burning even brighter. Princess Moon, Su Lin, and Kallu braced themselves for the next wave of challenges, their heart's were beating wildly and they knew that the next move of Karishma could kill them.

In the midst of the chaos, Xiao Chen, having recovered from the previous ordeal, roared once more. His determination to protect Princess Moon and the kingdom surged as he prepared to face Karishma head-on. The stage was set for a confrontation of extraordinary powers.

Karishma, in her fiery phoenix form, sped toward Princess Moon and the others with unstoppable momentum. Her eyes blazed with grief and fury as she prepared to unleash another devastating attack. A ferocious fireball gathered in her beak, pulsating with unrestrained power.

In that critical moment, Uncle Green, the seasoned cultivator with vast experience, materialized out of thin air. With a swift and practiced motion, he positioned himself in front of Su Lin, Kallu, and Princess Moon, forming a protective barrier with his own body. The incoming fireball collided with Uncle Green's defensive stance, resulting in a violent explosion that sent shockwaves across the battlefield.

When the smoke cleared, Uncle Green stood amidst the aftermath, his body covered in burns and injuries. The impact of Karishma's attack had taken its toll on the seasoned cultivator. Despite the injuries, Uncle Green wore a determined expression, his eyes fixed on Karishma.

Princess Moon, witnessing Uncle Green's sacrifice, felt a mix of gratitude and concern. She knew that the attack would have been fatal for her and the others if not for Uncle Green's timely intervention.

Karishma, undeterred by the outcome of her previous attack, prepared for another assault. The flames surrounding her burned even brighter as she readied herself for a second strike. However, before she could unleash the next wave of destruction, a roar thundered through the air.

Xiao Chen, having recovered from the earlier backlash, roared with an intensity that echoed across the entire battlefield. His eagle form glowed with an ethereal light, a manifestation of his burning royal blood power. The transformation was awe-inspiring, but the strain on Xiao Chen's body was evident.

He had chosen to harness his royal blood power to empower his eagle form, but the cost was high. The consumption of royal blood power was at an alarming rate, nearly double the usual rate. It was a risky move, one that could lead to the complete exhaustion of his royal blood power in a significantly shorter time compared to when Princess Moon completely depleted her royal blood power."

The unleashed power of Xiao Chen's royal blood caused his eagle form to radiate with a blinding brilliance. The air around him crackled with energy as he prepared to face Karishma head-on.

Karishma, sensing the surge of power from Xiao Chen, turned her attention to the transformed eagle. The two formidable beings locked eyes, the air charged with tension as they prepared for the clash of titans.

In the wake of this intense confrontation, Uncle Green, though injured, stood ready to protect Princess Moon and her friends once again. They all focused their eyes on Karishma and Xiao Chen because they Knew their fight would be over soon.

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