
The Birth

Parker was sitting at the roof top of the house when his wife Kate joined him, then after a 10 mins silence Parker broke the silence by asking his wife "what are you doing up here, you should be resting by now" "yeah" the wife replied as she look at her husband with a smile, which the husband smiled back at her and said "can't wait to be a father, after all this years". For seven years Parker and Kate his wife had no child but they were blessed one night by an Angel named Kazel, who by his powers transformed into a baby in kates womb and it was almost the 9th month of the pregnancy.

The next morning, Kate after been served breakfast by her husband ; laid back at the bed where she saw in a dream Angel Kazel and the Angel told her about seven days now you will give birth to a boy full of my powers and he shall be named after me Kazel for you have been chosen by me to unleash this great power to the world. She was amazed by the words of the Angel that she couldn't reply a word but before she woke up the Angel touched her stomach and shined like a bright light that has rays, immediately after that she woked up ; "Parker!" She exclaimed and her husband came in " what's wrong Kate" The husband asked "I saw an Angel" she replied but the husband was in doubting state before he was convinced.

And from the day one to the day six many mysterious things happened that was a aid to Kate for the awaiting baby full of the ANGELIC POWER. On the 7th day Kate began to feel an ache at the stomach so she screamed for help and the husband ran in and asked "what's going on" she answered "i think this is the seventh day" and the husband quickly rushed him to the hospital where delivered her child who was so charming and handsome with a glowing blue eyes and a golden hair and he was named Kazel for the were convinced about what the Angel told them.

Some day's later the came back to the house and gifts were giving to them but among all the gift that was giving to them, kazel cherished so much the Golden staff of power giving by the Angel but wasn't recognize because he came in a human form.

And family of Parker celebrated through out the month.