

Mitchell was about to ring the doorbell for a second time , when the sound of approaching footsteps reached the two police officers. He immediately dropped his finger and stepped back to wait.

Nicely Hunter wore an expression that could described as one of resignation when he saw who was on his doorstep. "What's kelly done now?" he asked as he automatically stepped back to let sergeant Mitchell and melissa enter his home. "It's not her you know , it's that Emma Harper ", he said in a well worn defence of his daughter. "I've lost track of how many times I've told kelly to stay away from her - she just won't listen . It's only a matter of time before the pair of them get themselves in trouble, and I just don't have the money the Harper's do; they'll get Emma off and kelly will be left holding the can".

"Calm down Nigel ", Mitchell told the younger man as he passed him. "As far as I know, kelly has done nothing wrong , and isn't in trouble. I do need to speak to her though, is she in?"