
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Training Camp 2

"Nishinoya! Can you tell me some tricks to help absorb the momentum of a spike?"

It was three days into the golden week and it was a period of the training camp where we are able to practice some individual skills that we want to improve on. I was able to have small success in some footwork that can be used after passing and now I wanted to ask Nishinoya some tips on his fundamentals in receiving.

Kageyama and Hinata also heard me ask this and they gathered behind me, also wanting to know some tips so their passing can also improve.

"Hmm… well you just do your normal platform and when you see the ball go woosh you pass with a paa. Got it? It's a suu and then pon kinda thing." He showed us while mimicking how he usually passes.

''''..."" the three of us had a confused look on our face and had a hard time trying to understand what he was trying to teach.

"Don't try and bother. It's hard for players like him to teach when he plays using his instinct." Dachi saw us and explained to us while chuckling. Nishinoya heard this and began to explain further but all we heard was just sounds.

"Hmm well there's another thing I do during some occasions. I sometimes break my platform when passing and use that action to help absorb the hit but it is only in certain circumstances."

We heard this and kept it in mind since he was talking from experience so it may be helpful when it could happen to us. I asked Kageyama and Hinata if they wanted to do some serving and passing drills and they agreed.

We took turns to pass and serve and after a while I began to think and reflect if I should add a float serve to my roster but decided to do it at a later time since I didn't want to focus on too many skills at once since I still need to do my defensive skills like passing and blocking. While also improving the control on my top spin serve and footwork.

The time went by and it was reaching sunset. We all finished practice and were at the residence getting ready for dinner. I was snacking on the honey lemon slices and shared them among the others.

"Ah! Can one of you guys grab a broom and some cleaning supplies from the janitor's office at the school since we don't seem to have those at the residence." Takeda asked us.

We all looked at each other and decided to do rock paper scissors to choose who would go. In the end it was Tsukishima, Hinata and I who were chosen. Asahi tried to explain to us where it was and we kept in mind the location he was trying to explain. We walked out and saw that it was getting dark so we wanted to get this finished as fast a possible.

"Do you think that there is anyone here this late.." Hinata began to ask as he was walking behind us while looking around a lot.

"Why are you scared? I did hear that there were ghosts that roamed the school at night." Tsukishima smirked, which made Hinata more nervous.

"Don't worry if we see a ghost we can just run away fast and leave him here." I said to him and pointed at Tsukishima which he just ignored.

We reached the office and entered. We saw that there were no lights that we could use so we just turned on the flash on our phones. We looked around trying to find the area Asahi was trying to explain to us.

"AHHH!" I turned around and saw Tsukishima laughing at Hinata who seemed to have gotten frightened by some wires touching his hands. I shook my head and began searching for the broom since we found the cleaning supplies we needed. While digging around I felt a touch on my shoulder.


I turned around and saw a tall man with long hair and a scruff on his chin. I gave a relieved sigh and saw that it was Asahi holding the broom.

"Thanks, did you come to follow us since you were worried?" I gave a smile and teasing tone. He nodded and walked out the office after giving the broom. Tsukishima and Hinata saw this and were happy that we could go back already.

We reached the residence and gave the items to Takeda and Kiyoko as they were the ones who needed it. I saw Asahi and went up to him.

"Thanks for passing me the broom, it was pretty hard to find in the dark." I laughed and told the others about what happened to Hinata which made him very embarrassed.

"Umm.. Haruto, did you say that I passed you the broom?.." I nodded and was confused by his expression.

"Are you sure that was me since I was here cleaning up the rooms with Daichi…" When I heard this a shiver went down my spine and I looked towards Hinata and Tsukishima.

Hinata had a pale face and Tsukishima looked fine but if you looked closer you could see him shaking while holding his glasses. I looked back at the school through the window and decided that I would go to the shrine to buy some charms later.

We began to eat dinner with a weird mood between the three guys that went to the office and I wondered if Mahiru knew any dishes that can help repel ghosts.


Mahiru POV


Inside the kitchen a beautiful girl can be seen cooking a pot of soup that will be eaten for her dinner. The kitchen was clutter free and meticulously organized with everything being in their designated spot reflecting the personality of the person living there.

She took a sip of the soup and nodded showing that it was done cooking. She placed her dinner at the table with various other dishes for her sides. She sat down alone at the table and said a quick thanks before starting her meal.

While eating her meal her eyes always seemed to wander to the empty space in front of her, always trying to remember the face and voice of her troublesome neighbor.

"I wonder if he finished all of the lemon slices I gave him." she began to chuckle while thinking back on her interactions with him. At first during their first encounter she thought that he was just a playboy trying to pick her up since just by looking at his appearance he might be one. With the addition of his actions during that rainy day.

But she noticed that he never did the moves she expected him to do and one thing after another she began to learn more about him.

He had a hard time taking care of himself. Be it food or his living conditions it was all sloppy. What was even more ridiculous was when she found out how he has been eating even as an athlete which made her wonder how he still functioned properly. So she took it into her own hands as she couldn't stop herself from sharing her food..

She took a sip of her soup and remembered the faces he made when he first ate her food.

"He makes the food tastier than it really looks.." She thought to herself since the meal that she's eating currently doesn't taste as good as it was compared to the past. She shook her head and began to finish up.

After cleaning up she sat at the table and opened her book. The silence filled the room with only the sound of pages being turned can be heard.

After a few minutes she stopped as she felt the urge not to read anymore and went out to her balcony to feel the wind. She saw the cherry blossoms near her place and remembered what she planned with Haruto after he came back.

Her face started to fill up with a rosy red color since it was her first time going out on an excursion with someone in general as nobody in her family ever bothered to do so with her.

*Bizz Bizz

She felt her phone vibrate and looked at who sent her a message.

"Do you know any foods that can help repel spirits…" She was confused by what Haruto sent but then began to chuckle.

"What nonsense is he up to now?" She wore a beautiful smile while texting on her phone. The feelings of wanting to meet her neighbor began to grow once again without her realizing.

The sound of a person typing on her phone can be heard from the balcony with a charming laugh that also accompanied it.


I hope you enjoyed another slice of life chapter. The Nekoma match is coming up and this won't be the last Mahiru POV since I have some other ideas that could be used. Peacu