
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Last Day

"Feint! Feint!"

"Yeah I got it!"


Kageyama clicked his tongue when he saw his dump get picked up despite hitting onto the blockers arms and falling close to the ground.

This however was picked up by Komori who narrowly reached the ball in time by pancaking the ball with the back of his hand.

The ball floated upwards which Atsumu used quickly and pushed the ball outwards where Sakusa was already running his approach.

"They do move fast…"

Haruto mumbled as he pushed his foot outwards to use as momentum in order to be in the spot in case Sakusa goes for a cut shot.

Comtray to his thoughts, Sakusa pulled his arm backwards as he twisted his wrist to flick it downwards down the line where he aimed for an open spot.


"Touch! Hoshiumi you get it!"

"Don't worry. Haruto, here!"

Kageyama stretched his arms outwards to the best of his ability and managed to place his hand in the spot Sakusa was trying to aim and slowed it down a bit.

It went down the line where a player on his team managed to place it upwards but Kageyama was unable to get it. To make up for the pass he called out the nearest person who could make the most out of the ball.

Hoshiumi stared at the ball for a while before he wrapped his fingers around the ball and tilted his body forward where he pushed the ball towards Haruto.

"His sets are nice."

Haruto licked his lips as his eyes steadily watched where the ball floated and saw how it landed in an area where he could make good use of it.

Using his left foot as an anchor, Haruto swung his arms upwards and transferred the power of his run up to his jump.

Relaxing his core, he twisted his body and whipped it forward where he then tensed his muscles to create a fluid motion to swing. His hand contacted the ball and flew past the seam of the blockers where he took advantage of.


"This guy is seriously annoying…"

Haruto felt a vein appear when he saw Komori rolling onto his back as he was quick to pick up his spike but thankfully he placed more power behind his spike so Komori didn't absorb all the force behind his spike.

The ball flew towards the top of the net where a sudden joust began to happen between the middle on Haruto's team and the middle on the opposing side.

They pushed their palms on both sides of the ball where a single moment happened where the ball froze and the two people on each side was ready for the ball to drop.

"Nice joust~"

"Shit.. my bad."

Atsumu's mouth curved when he saw how his middle swiped the ball to the left and managed to recycle the joust so that their team could use the ball once again.

"Don't mind. Make sure you move closer to the right… Atsumu might use Sakusa once again."


Haruto calmly said to his middle blocker who cursed in frustration and they quietly watched at how Atsumu would use the ball.

Meeting Haruto's expectations, Atsumu shot a quick set towards Sakusa near the antenna and the blockers quickly moved to block him.

Seeing how the blockers were quick to react, the gaps in the block were miniscule and offered a tough wall to face.

But Sakusa calmly saw the block and didn't worry as he swung how he usually does on the daily.

His wrist twisted and curved abnormally to the right where he hit a sharp cut shot completely passing through the blockers that were in front of him.

The ball dipped quickly towards the sidelines aiming to land but a person was quick to react to the sharp cut Sakusa did.

'This feels right…'

Haruto was steady as he planted his foundation with his legs and with this steady posture, he was able to feel the faintest movements that the spin had in respect to his forearms.

Like a repeating record, his body moved alongside all the practice he had faced with Sakusa's nasty serve and pushing his entire body upwards, he was able to pass the ball to Kageyama.

"It looks like he passed the ball. It looks like mister's nasty spin has been picked up~"


Atsumu chuckled to himself as Sakusa was quiet and didn't respond to his sly words.

'I should also try what I learned in this camp…'

Seeing Haruto's improvement in his already high passing skills was not a surprise but this made Kageyama highly competitive and made his blood boil in competitiveness.

He tapped his fingers in a rhythmic pattern and noted all the players on his side. As the ball slowly flew to his positions the tapping stopped and he pushed the ball outwards to where Haruto was.

Through either his reasoning or his way of being competitive, Kageyama gave a set to Haruto that was a bit different than what he usually did.

'This guy is really making me work.'

The speed was faster and the height was taller than what he was used to but deep inside, Haruto smiled deeply and didn't panic as he just jumped to hit the set Kageyama had given him.

A faster speed and a more powerful force was placed in his approach as he matched the set he was given.


With the faster speed Haruto was able to generate a faster swing which added a ton more force than what he usually placed behind his spikes.

The ball contacted his palm and with the added height he was able to hit a bit over the block where it quickly dipped towards the left corner getting a point.

"Ohhh! Nice spike Haruto!!"

Hoshiumi jumped up as he raised his hands to celebrate the long rally they had won and Haruto responded with him doing the same.

"So you can spike higher… I will keep that in mind."

"Don't make me hit sets too high.. I'm not someone who's over 2m's okay…"

"Sure whatever."

Kageyama calmly dismissed Haruto's words but inside he felt something bloom when he saw how he responded to his sets that placed his own ideals.

"These two are freaks."

Atsumu mumbled when he saw the last play and noticed how Kageyama did something different than what he usually did as a setter.

'One has started to bloom while another was able to respond in kind to that sort of top of the hat set with more power than what he's shown. I wonder if that's all they have on their offense.'

Atsumu thought in his head seeing the two players and wondered if there were more players like the two of them on Karasuno's team.


Hibarida rubbed the tip of his beard as he saw the skill of the players playing in front of him and positively anticipated the future of their National Japan Team.


"I'd like to thank all of you for your continuous hard work at this training camp. You have been placed in an unfamiliar environment and with unfamiliar people but still managed to play at skill levels that were vastly higher than players all around Japan."

In one lone area, all the players stood up in lines where they quietly listened to one of the coaches speaking one last time before they officially ended the training camp.

"You may face walls along the way whether it will be with the team you are currently in or when it comes to individual skills but I just want to say one thing."

The coach stood up straight which caused all the players to become tense but they saw a strong and calm smile on his face.

"Please continue to pour your heart and soul into Volleyball and you will surely reach new heights that are beyond your wildest dreams."

Haruto heard his words and his fist clenched hard as these few words resonated very deep inside him.

After the final meeting with the players and coaches, all the players began to pack up their things in their respective rooms and prepared to leave the camp where they had stayed for 5 days.

"You left your brush in the bathroom."

Thanks. You can put it on my bed and I'll put it away after I'm done with this."

Haruto thanked Kageyama as he folded his clothes and placed all his items in his bag.

Seeing that they had prepared everything and didn't leave a single one of their belongings, the two walked out and went towards the front entrance.

"Yo! I'll see you guys at nationals kay~"

"Sure, we'll show no mercy if we meet."

"Do your best~"

Atsumu waved his hands and hummed the last few parts of his sentence as he walked out the door.

"Don't lose so we can face off in the finals alright."

Right after him was Hoshiumi who raised his chin and haughtily walked out after saying a few words with the two.

Haruto snickered before he eventually met with Komori and Sakusa who were walking towards them.

"Should I say something like those two or nah."

"Whatever floats your boat I guess."


Komori cleared his throat as he pointed towards Haruto with a serious expression.

"We will beat you guys!"

"...Was that all…?"

"Hmmm… you're right I should have added more. How about you treat us to dinner when we win?"

"Stop. that sounds like a flag so don't say anything more."

Haruto crossed his fingers to signal an X and urged Komori to keep his mouth shut.

After a few more words of bantering, Haruto looked at Sakusa and showed him a calm smile.

"See you at nationals."


Haruto tried his best not to laugh hearing Sakusa's response but he eventually failed to keep it in.

"Alright how about a handshake before we leave." 

"Are you crazy?"

Sakusa showed a frown when he heard Haruto's words and began to walk away with Komori following behind and waving his arms at the two.

"I guess it's time for us to leave."

"Yeah I guess it is." Kageyama stretched his arms and briefly looked at his watch and looked at the time. "Wanna eat something? That breakfast was not enough to fill me up."

Haruto thought for a bit and nodded his head as he also felt a bit hungry after playing.

The two walked around the streets and saw the various shops open and their appetites began to increase with every step.

"Gyoza… Pork Katsu.. Oyakodon…Hamachi Poke.."

With each word that passed through their heads, it was getting harder for them to choose what to have for lunch.


As they passed by an arcade, an item caught Haruto's eyes and he stopped for a bit as it reminded him of a special someone.

It was a medium sized black cat plushie but its bright golden eyes bore a resemblance to Mahiru who he missed.

"I'll try to get that after I eat."

Haruto noted to himself and eventually caught up to Kageyama who waited for him to catch up after seeing him slow down.


HSR is eating hella good with all that content they showed today. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. Peacu.