
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Konoha's Darkness

"Give me something that your brother has before he died." Xin said to Tsunade.

"Is this enough?" Tsunade took a necklace and pass it to Xin." This is the necklace my First Grandpa gave to Nawari, this is also the only left from him after he died."

"This is enough."

[ Acquired Skill: Search ]

'Use Search.'

When Xin close his eyes he can visually see everything, he see the mark to the unknown place where the missing body is.

And not only that, the missing body is not alone, there's couple of people moving around and the number of more corpse and some people who seems held captive.

Xin then create a simple map and show it to Tsunade.

"Do you know what place is this?"

Tsunade's face turn red seeing the place Xin is pointing, she fully know the place Xin pointed and she will never forget it.

"That's part of Konoha."


Everyone around feel absurd, the missing body is still inside of Konoha?

Xin suddenly remember something, if he is not wrong this place is the darkest place of Konoha but he don't want to take everything rush, he open his own mapping to check what inside of that hidden base.

And the result, Xin don't want to said.

"Are you sure that part of Konoha not a hidden place of enemy?"

"What's the matter?" Hearing that enemy has hidden base inside of Konoha makes Sarutobi feel nervous.

If that is true then their own security is lacking.

"That's right, you see I can sense more than one captive inside of that place, are you sure this is not the enemies hidden base?"

"What so you mean?"

"You see, inside of the hidden base is full of Konoha people, almost all of them are disabled or half-dead, and more importantly is the number is huge, it's already thousand in numbers."

Everyone feel anger, a hidden base inside of Konoha and the most absurd is the number of people getting kidnapped is almost thousand.

While everyone look angry, the elder look pale, how can't they don't know what kind of place he talking about.

Sarutobi know that if this thing blownup, his position and even his name will become notorious and even he kill his self can wash all of this.

"Give me the coordinates, I will send my people there."

Xin playful look at Sarutobi and ask." Mr. Hokage, your village Seema lacking in protection, thousand is missing but the Hokege don't have any news about this?"

"That's strange, if I'm not wrong, if a single spy enter a village everyone should sense it, after all Konoha is the strongest Village right? But how a thousand people of your own village is missing but you as Hokage don't know about this?"

Sarutobi try to maintain his image so he try to amend it using his own apologize.

"Well, this is not my own problem but Mr. Hokage, what I noticed to that place is that, the people inside seems come from a war, some are missing some libs while some still have bandage on them, so I'm thinking, is those people are the people from the war and some secretly take them without everyone knowing?"

"Thara scary, thousand is missing on your own hospital but the hospital don't know they have missing a patient? Not even one report it? How scary."

The patriarchs around seems notice something, they call their own people to check the hospital, and what they hears made them anger.

Their own people is missing, not only one but everyone who enter is missing, what more scary is the people lying on the hospital bed is the same clan of the elders.

They look at the elder with great anger, it seems they understand something horrifying but with their own status asking will not give them a good ending but they are lucky, someone who has standing same as the one as the elder is here.

Everyone can't help but to look at Mito, the oldest lady of the first Hokage, with her status she have enough power to find the truth about this.

Meanwhile Sarutobi and the other two elder already know that thy on deep trouble, if this thing vlow up, maybe a war on their own village will start.

And everything is done by this mysterious man and with his strange ninjutsu.


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