
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Goddess Apostle

The boy finally understand what he need to do and the thing he will get in the end.

Cris gave him power to grant any kind of wish in price of pink energy that the opposite party can give.

His costomer or future believer can only be woman as Goddess of Love only accept woman on her Kingdom.

His ability is only unlock as he consume pleasure energy from opposite sex and most important is the ability that gave to him is not random but self created one.

In short he need the energy to create ability or skill that he want, Cris will not give him anything except the ability to extract energy and create ability.

In short

* The boy can grant any wish, from impossible to almost impossible base on the energy the body that Cris made him.

* There's only one kind of price for every wish and that is creating pleasure by any means.

* The wish can be granted using the pleasure energy the boy gather, the absurd the wish is the greater the energy needed.

* Anyone who take a wish will going to be convert to Goddess of Love believer.

* A small part of the energy from the wish that granted will going to the apostle as form of energy that can be use as energy for the wish he want.

* Last is all wisher need to get a complete copy of she need to know and be transparent to everything, there's no falsehood or fooling around, everything is granted base on what the wisher can give.


Just like the Goddess of Love said she create a perfect body for the boy, the age is 18 a perfect age for the task he need to accomplish.

A perfect body with abnormal sensual strength, a perfect figure that any woman can ever dream, a level of charm but not so strong that can make anyone fall in love, enough to make any woman feel good just from looking at him.

He also has black wing as fallen angel, and a set of skill he need if he want to survive to the harsh would he will going.

( Wait! Harsh world?! Are you going to send me in dangerous county in war? )

"Of course not, as you see I will send you to different world where non believer is abundant, the place you come is full of believer so you will never get any costomer there so rejoice I will send you to the place that every Otaku want to."

(.... Other World? )

"Ping~ Pong~ you are right, are you excited or are you excited?"

( Well some how. )

"But there's one requirement to travel to other world and that is the contract paper to be active by the wisher."

( What kind of contact paper?"

"This one."

A white piece of paper appear, a small paper same as paper a recruiter give back there.


Wish Pamphlet

Do you miss a love one and you want to meet them?

Do you want power to protect your love one?

Do you want to see true God and be granted a wish?

What are you waiting for, contact now and get a wish, for the first ten wisher can get a freebie so contact now!

Sponsor by: Goddess of Love 'Cris'

Agent: Fallen Angel 'Xin'

Note: If you want to take a wish please inject your will into this paper and the Agent will arrive swiftly.


"See? Is it great?"

( I feel your not a Goddess but a Product Manager, I only see this kind of Pamphlet in shopping district. )

"It's just a simple paper no need to think about it, let's start now but before that let me distribute this papers first."

The Goddess of Love throw the stack of papers in to the void.

"Done, lets start in you first."

( I'm ready, please. )


Unknown amount of time.

Somewhere, a youngman who writing something on the paper notice the pink lamp beside him is start to shine, he don't know how many years he wait until the lamp finally light but at least someone try to call him.

Cleaning the desk, the man take his black coat and put in on his shoulder, he then walk to the door holding the lamp and enter.

Finally a brand new world, a unknown world that every fanatic want to enter, Xin is stepping to the world of unknown for the first time.


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