
You Are Not Alone

The day before the start of the new semester, Amane was slovenly sprawled out on his

sofa, lazily watching the news on television.

He was feeling carefree despite the upcoming school year, both because the weather

had settled down into the perfect climate for napping, and because no matter what

class he was assigned, he knew his social standing wouldn't change.

Through eyes blurry from yawning, he stared at the TV, where a serious-looking

announcer was reporting on the best times to see the cherry blossoms. The broadcast

covered where the viewing was currently best, how many people were expected to go

out to see the trees, and which regions were in full bloom. It all sounded very lively.

Apparently, the region he was living in was close to full bloom, too. According to the

news report, the flowers had blossomed quite early this year. It was a surprise to see

them out before the start of the new semester. It reminded Amane of his hometown,

actually, where they usually bloomed this time of year.

Cherry blossoms, huh…?

Amane had never really cared about the changing of the seasons all that much, but he

could understand why some people found it charming. He did have some fondness for

the cherry blossoms and liked to see the pale petals.

Come to think of it, there was a row of cherry trees not that far from here, near the river…

Amane slowly sat up.

I really loafed around over spring break, huh? I guess I shouldn't be surprised…

Aside from a moderate amount of weight training and some light jogging, he hadn't

gone anywhere or done anything.

Amane had always preferred the indoors, but he'd basically spent the entire holiday

sitting in his apartment with Mahiru, so he figured it would probably do him some

good to go outside for a change.

He was annoyed that it had taken a news report to get him moving, but today was the

last day of spring break, so if he didn't seize this opportunity, he would have to wait a

whole week. Really, he had no choice but to just go for it—no time like the present,

after all.

Amane rolled off the sofa and changed into appropriate street clothes. He was going

alone, so he didn't bother getting into mystery man mode.

Since he was just one lone guy, getting ready was simple. After he changed, he grabbed

his bag, stuck his phone and wallet inside, then prepared to leave.

Just as Amane opened the door, a ripple of golden hair filled his vision.

"Oh, Amane, where are you going?"

Mahiru was in her usual clothes, so she was probably actually just on her way over to

his place. It would be pretty awkward to set off now.

"Mahiru? Oh, I thought I would go for a bit of a walk. It's the last day of spring break,

you know. Today's it."

"I see. You were kind of a hermit over the break, weren't you?"

"Oh, hush… A-anyway, I won't be back for a couple hours, so if you want to chill at my

place, that's fine. What are you up to?"

Amane thought that his apartment had more entertainment options, so she might

appreciate that, but on the other hand, she would probably feel more comfortable in

her own home, so… he decided to leave it up to her.

Mahiru was staring silently up at him. Her eyes suggested that she might have

something to say.

Amane wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Nervously, he scratched his cheek.

"Wh-what's up? You look like you want to come with me or something."

Amane had been about to play it off like a joke when Mahiru suddenly nodded.

"…I do."


A shrill, strangled sound spilled out from Amane's throat.

"But if you don't want me to…," Mahiru muttered, "that's fine, too, I guess."

"I-it's not that I don't you want to… It's just… How can I put this? If someone sees us

together, the rumors will start up again. Aren't you worried?"

"Rumors are rumors. People are free to think whatever they want."

"G-got it," Amane replied, caught off guard by Mahiru's sudden boldness. "Well, you

probably want to go get ready, so how about we leave in an hour?"

Mahiru was wearing her normal, casual clothes. She looked great just like that, but

Amane figured that, being a girl, she would probably want time to change. Plus, he

decided he ought to go make himself look presentable if he was going to be walking

beside her. Otherwise, he would end up causing her double the trouble.

I'd better do something about my hair, he thought as he touched his bangs.

Mahiru frowned, maybe because she had realized the real reason he wanted to delay

their departure. "Sorry to make you go through all that trouble for my sake…"

"Eh, don't worry about it. Besides, it'll be a good change of pace to take a walk. And I

think the scenery will look nicer if you're walking with me."

It wouldn't really take too much effort to clean himself up, and it was worth it to spend

time with Mahiru. He thought that she would look even more lovely than the cherry

blossoms. Having a beauty like that beside him would make it all worth it, so he didn't

begrudge her the extra effort.

"All right then, so I'll see you in bit?"


Mahiru seemed quite reticent, but Amane just gave her a pat on the head and then

ducked back into his apartment to change and work on his hairdo.

Both of them were finished getting ready after about an hour, so Amane and Mahiru

set off on a leisurely walk.

Mahiru was dressed for spring. Her white dress was adorned with lace, and she wore

a light-pink cardigan on top. The dress came to just above her knees, which was a little

short for Mahiru, but she had on stockings, so her legs were still covered. She had even

gone to the trouble of braiding her hair into a half-up style. For such a simple outing,

she had certainly taken the time to compose herself, and Amane couldn't help but

marvel at the beauty walking beside him.

"Is something the matter?"

"Oh, you just look very stylish today, as usual."

"…Thank you."

Mahiru's cheeks flushed slightly, and she turned away, looking every bit the innocent

young damsel.

Owing to her striking appearance, Amane could feel eyes on them as they walked

down the road. Mahiru didn't seem bothered by the attention, but when she looked up

at him, he noticed that she was still slightly flustered. "S-so, did you have a destination

in mind?"

"Well, I thought we might go down to the river and check out the cherry blossoms. I

heard they've bloomed earlier than usual this year, and right now is the best time to

see them."

"…Oh really?"

"So I thought I'd go take a look. Does that sound okay?"

"O-of course. I'm following you."

He felt sort of awkward, but when she gripped his sleeve tightly, all trivial thoughts

vanished from his mind.

Her innocent gesture and endearing gaze made his heart leap suddenly in his chest

and his breath catch in his throat.

…This is really a problem. She's way too cute.

Obviously, Mahiru was quite beautiful, but since he'd gotten to know her, Amane had

only grown more infatuated. And when she touched him like that, it only intensified

his feelings.

Amane brushed her delicate hand off of his sleeve and clasped his own hand around

it, struggling to keep his excitement in check.

"Come on, let's go."


It was spring break, so there were a lot of people out. As they held hands so they

wouldn't lose each other, Mahiru lowered her gaze bashfully, and Amane squeezed

tightly and tried to keep his cool.

When they arrived at the riverside not far from their apartment complex, the place

was crowded, just like they had expected. For students, it was the final day of spring

break, and for adults, it was the perfect time for a flower-viewing party. The area

bustled with people sitting on tarps and blankets, enjoying the occasion.

The cherry blossoms were nearly in full bloom, and the pale petals danced before

Amane's eyes.

"…Incredible! It's even better than I expected."

Amane mumbled to himself as he watched the cherry petals flutter in the breeze. He

wasn't particularly interested in flowers, but he appreciated beauty when he saw it,

and the delicate pink petals were undeniably beautiful.

He sighed and glanced over at Mahiru, who was staring wordlessly up at the cherry

trees. The breathtaking colors were reflected in her wide eyes. Amane wondered what

she was thinking.


When he called out to her, she blinked rapidly, then turned to him in surprise. There

was a strange air about her.

"What's up? You looked like you were zoning out."

"…N-nothing," Mahiru answered. "I was just… I was thinking that these really are

cherry trees."

"That's because they are…," he said incredulously. "Did… did something happen? You

looked sort of different, and… I dunno. I was worried."

"No, it's nothing important." Mahiru frowned. "…I just don't like… cherry blossoms…

or spring very much, you know?"

"Ah, sorry, I didn't realize. I guess I shouldn't have invited you."

Amane immediately regretted taking her, but Mahiru slowly shook her head side to side.

"No, I don't mean that I hate the flowers themselves or anything… It's just, when I look

at the cherry blossoms, I'm reminded that I don't have any happy memories of them."

"No happy memories?"

"Yes, because I didn't have anyone to make them with."

Mahiru smiled in a way that only made her look forlorn. She didn't seem upset. Just

sad, like she had come to terms with her loneliness a long time ago. Seeing her like

that put an acrid taste in Amane's mouth.

"Entrance ceremonies… and graduations, too, actually. I was alone for all of them. Miss

Koyuki, the maid, didn't start her shift until the afternoon, and my parents always had

more important things to do. My father would usually at least stop by to say

congratulations or something, but…"

Mahiru's smile was small and bitter, and she looked up at the blossoming cherry trees.

"When everyone else was holding hands with their parents under the cherry trees, I

would walk home alone. And nobody was waiting for me…" Mahiru hung her head. "So

you see, I don't really like spring very much. It reminds me that I don't have anyone.

That probably sounds beyond pitiful…"

When Mahiru had finished, Amane couldn't help giving her hand a little squeeze. He

wanted to remind her that he was still there.

There were many things that he would have liked to say to Mahiru's parents, but right

now he wanted to make sure she knew that she was not alone.

"Well I'm here with you right now. I'm even holding your hand."

He stared into Mahiru's caramel-colored eyes.

She blinked dramatically, and her face twisted into a smile. "I suppose you are…," she

murmured as she squeezed his hand a little tighter.

Amane gave her a reassuring smile, and with his other hand, he reached out and

stroked Mahiru's hair.

"And hey, if that's not enough, I can always call Itsuki and Chitose. And my parents live

pretty far away, but I'm sure if I called them, they would definitely come running…"

"I-it's fine. You don't need to do all that."

"No? All right then. Sounds like you'll just have to settle for me."

"…I'm not settling."

"Oh. Sorry, I—"

"No, that's not what I meant… I was trying to say that it's not settling, being with you."


Amane could feel a familiar heat rushing to his cheeks. He still maintained the pretense

that he had no amorous intentions toward Mahiru, but hearing her tell him that she

wanted him to be with her, holding her hand… It filled his stomach with butterflies.

Mahiru's expression softened into a small smile as she squeezed his hand and gazed

bashfully at the falling petals. "…I think I'm starting to like the cherry blossoms, just a

little bit."

Amane gently wrapped her small hand up in his.

"Is that so?