
the angel next door and the cupid's helping hand

suddenly transported to an anime world after dying with a system, sounds ridiculous to me at least, but seems like god had something else in mind suddenly giving me quests to be a matchmaker, at least pay me to do these, I have to live you know ;--; =================== bored and wanted to write a fan fic after watching the anime, if you like it that's good, if you don't whatever, this is ultimately me curing my boredom whiles trying to find any good novel to read, anyway peace

ashenlight · Realistic
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8 Chs

fated encounter

author: changed the main system empowerment to "human emotions" rather than "love"

Also from here on out I will not use -san/ -chan after names, it feels unusual

I also got Fujimiyu Amane backward about names and surnames, Whoops

Well anyway that's all, enjoy the chapter


sitting down next to an empty seat next to Fujimiyu Amane and leaning over to whisper to him "Fujimiyu what a surprise we got into the same class"

"Well I'm also surprised and annoyed as well" Fujimiyu looked at me with an impassive face

"Don't be like that, If I annoy you too much I'll buy you lunch as an apology" I looked at him with a sad face

"fine but don't regret it later"

"Oi Hayashi and Fujimiyu, I know you want to be friends in your new school but please pay attention to class" The teacher said with a stern look, Fujimiyu and I quickly returned to paying attention to class

====mid lecture====

'System can you give me a loan for a bit

[Why is that?]

'For money of course, The previous owner of this body left me no money, and judging from his lack of 'mom' and 'dad' contact in his phone, I'm guessing he is an orphan so I can't depend on parental income

[I'll give you 20 points, but every two days I will add 1 point to your debt, how does that sound?]

'Please do tell me, what is the average point reward I can get from the quest?' I looked nervously at the system

[5-10 for the side quest and 20 for the main quest] The system gave me a relieving answer, even if I can do side quests I can pay it back in 6 days if I can do one quest a day

'Right'll take it I answer the system

[Notifications: 20 points have been added to your account

Notifications: Your status has been updated to 'in debt' Please pay back the points as soon as possible] 2 notifications appear in the box

'Thanks system'

[Even if we are designed to help hosts, we gotta live too You know those points are out of my pockets ٩(๑`^´๑)۶]

'You guys can die?'

[Yes every time we are actively trying to find or help hosts we get some points and those systems that are pointless get erased by the main system]

'The more I hear about the main system the more brutal the system sounds'

[can't complain about it though *shrug*, the system gives you money, and you work to help the system, it's mutual work]

'Well anyway can you show me the shop'

[got it] Suddenly a huge screen appears in front of the screen

[knowledge: cooking (level.1-10) price: 10-100

knowledge: martial art (level.1-10)price: 10-100

yen X1,000 (Earth Japanese currency) price: 1

pencil X10 price: 5

etc...] An array of items appears on the screen, almost instinctually I try to scroll down but quickly put my hand down, I mentally command the shop to select the yen

[How many would you like to buy?]

'10 points'

[successful! thank you for purchasing in the shop Please come again!]

'Now where do I get the money

[I've put them in your wallet don't worry] The usual system tone is back

'Thanks sis'

[sis? That's something new, last time I checked I didn't have a gender, what's with sudden kinship?]

'Well saying system is a mouthful and giving you a name that doesn't feel lifeless can lighten up the mood, we probably will be stuck together for a while I placed my head on my arm while pretending to be paying attention to class

[understandable] The system gave me a short answer

*school bell sfx* "Well that's all for now, If you have any questions please ask them after lunch" The bell woke me up from my talk with Sis as the teacher gave us a brief goodbye

Turning to my left I looked at Fujimiyu "Fujimiyu let's have lunch" The sick Fujimiyu turned to me, trying to be nice I offered to grab his food for him and he agreed

"Can you get me the melon bread and water from the cafeteria" Fujimiyu said

"OK, treat on me, a promise is a promise" I quickly replied

"Amane! wanna get lunch together" A third voice suddenly rang behind me, turning around i saw a brown-haired boy approach us

"Oh, are you the new transfer student" Akazawa looked at me

"Oh someone from other classes already heard of me?" I turned to Akazawa

"News spreads like wildfire in schools you know. by the way, do you know Fujimiyu? from the same middle school perhaps?" Akazawa looked at me and Fujimiyu

"Oh I'm his new neighbor, I'm new to the town so I'm trying to get along with the locals" I answered his question

"I see, oh by the way you can call me Akazawa nice to meet you, so did your parents send you here or did you choose to be here on your own?"

"I'm... an orphan" Suddenly the mood of the duo looked to take a huge drop

"I.. im sorry I- I didn't know" Akazawa tried to apologize

"im sorry to hear" and Fujimiyu tried to sympathize with me

"It's alright, it's been years, I got over it, the past is used for remembering but won't slow me down to be trapped with it" I tried to lift the duo's mood, "Well Anyway'll go ahead and get melon bread that Fujimiyu wanted, be right back" stepping out of the class I traveled across the hallways, after asking around on where the cafeteria is, on my way there I saw the courtyard is filled with boys and girls eating their lunches, one student sticking up like a sore thumb is a certain golden-haired girl surrounded by groups of girls asking her questions

Suddenly Mahiru noticed me, I raised my hand waved at her with a smile, and continued on my journey to the cafeteria

"Mahiru do you know who waved at you there?" one of Mahiru's friends asks

"he is my new neighbor who moved in recently" Mahiru answered back

"Omg he is so lucky to be your neighbor Mahiru" The girls looked at Hayashi with envy

"Did you hear that? The new transfer student Hayashi is neighbors with Mahiru, we gotta be careful of him stealing our angel" The boys around picked up what Mahiru said and made Hayashi the no.1 priority on the watch list of all the boys

As planned by Hayashi he just made himself a target for the boys' and girls' jealousy and envy just by waving at Mahiru

[Side quest completed: Have one specific emotion be directed at you be it hate or love by 100 people

10 points added to your account

10 points reduced from your account]

After thinking about this quest, I decided to make all the boys feel jealous because it was the easiest to make it a reality, loved by girls? who do you think I am? handsome? my appearance is above average at most, a far cry from handsome, hated by all? oi This is my school life we are talking about, im not going kill someone just for some debt to be paid

[So why do you need that debt anyways now?] sis asked me

'Oi, I just looked at Quest and thought about how to solve it one minute ago, im only human you know, not a supercomputer' I said back

{author note: me complaining to myself for not posting a chapter: im only human after all}

'And also 10 points might be useful later, always have savings in case of emergency

After picking up a fruit sandwich, soda, melon bread, and water I walked back to the class, to receive all the glares of all the boys except Fujimiyu and Akazawa, I nervously walked back to, "So mind telling me what I did to receive all the stares from all the boys?" I asked Akazawa acting oblivious to what I did

"You Mahiru's neighbor Of course you gonna be on the boy's watchlist" Akazawa said to me, Akazawa turned around to look at Fujimiyu "And also Amane why didn't you tell me your neighbor the angel herself" he looked at Fujimiyu with a huge grin

"Ugh Hayashi why did you have to wave to Mahiru" Fujimiyu looked super annoyed

"sorrry my friendly face can't ignore my neighbor looking at me and doing nothing, At least if I don't tell them you're my neighbor they won't put you on the watchlist" handing him the melon bread and water to his table

"I didn't ask for water" Fujimiyu looked at me confused

"My mother always said that water helps people be it to survive and heal people from sickness so I always drink water" I said proudly

"And who's that soda for?" Fujimiyu ask

"Me of course, Soda is just flavored water" I shamelessly said

"Haha if you put it that way, you're not wrong" Akazawa laughed at my logic

After sitting down and eating my fruit sandwich the teacher came back to the class as the break was over

===after school===

stretching my arm up in the air "Finally it's over" I said, looking over the window The sun was past noon and heading down, I glanced at my phone to check at the time it was 3 pm, Looking over to Fujimiyu I asked "let's go home together"

"I'll decline, I do to put on a hit list by association" Fujimiyu declined my offer

"im afraid I will decline your decline Fujimiyu, Your body is already sick as a stick even before the cold, im afraid you will pass out on the street and who knows someone will kidnapped you while you weak like this"

"Fine fine, but keep your distance, I don't want to be associated as your neighbor" he looked annoyed, he grabbed his back and I followed suit

Keeping my distance I walked in the direction of the apartment, After awhile There shouldn't be any students this far in our area so walked next to him, Looking at his face Fujimiyu looked exhausted even after only a couple minutes of walking "You think you can make it or do you need a hand?"

"I can make it I think" Fujimiyu trying to act tough

"cmon Even a child would know you're exhausted Give me your arm" I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my neck to support him "Thanks" a faint voice ran next to me

"No problem" I beamed a smile

Suddenly i realization came to me, Have I always been this expressive about my emotions? maybe the experience of death brought me to realize that life can end in an instant, Even before I knew it I sub-consciously changed without noticing anything, but I think it's not a bad change I smiled at the thought, maybe now I can appreciate someone even more

'Thanks, sis'

[what for?]

'for bringing me here

[im just lucky to have found you in the cycle of reincarnation]


reaching the front gate of the apartment complex I let go of Fujimiyu's arm as he looked confused

"im gonna buy some medicine for you, You look too sick for tomorrow so go to your apartment and take a rest I'll come back with the meds" Of course this is an excuse for Mahiru to take care of Fujimiyu, "Also can you point where the direction of the apothecary the"

"There" Fujimiyu points in a certain direction

"ok try to stay alive till I come back" walked toward the direction Fujimiyu pointed at

"It's not like im in a life or death situation" Fujimiyu mumbled to himself

Fujimiyu walked to the elevator and entered it, upon exiting, he saw a gold-haired girl standing in front of his door holding an umbrella

"Mahiru?" he said to get the girl's attention

"hm? Fujimiyu im here to return the umbrella you lent yesterday"

"You don't need to return the umbrella" Fujimiyu looked troubled

"but you're sick from lending the umbrella right?"

"It's none of your business" Fujimiyu said firmly as he grabbed his umbrella

"But you sick because of me It's only right that I take care of you"

"I said it none of you buis-*cough*"

"See your sick I need to take care of you" Mahiru took his arm and wrapped it around her neck,

"Sorry for the intrusion" Mahiru opened the door by grabbing the keys from Fujimiyu's pockets

"How do you even live like this" Mahiru looked at the pile of trash in the hallway Furthermore in the living room there were scattered clothes and magazines on the ground, Entering the second door on the right Mahiru lay Fujimiyu on the bed

"wait here, I will get the medicine and towels" Mahiru said walking to the door

"WAIT, Hayashi will get the medicine don't worry about it"

"Hayashi?" Mahiru didn't know Haru's name as he didn't introduce himself properly to Mahiru

"our new neighbor at 503"

"Oh, that crazy person?"

"crazy?" Fujimiyu looked confusingly

"nevermind, ill get the thermometer and towels" Mahiru exited the room leaving Fujimiyu alone


i wanted to add more but I been writing for 2 hours and it is 00:14 I need some sleep enjoy the chapter i guess