
Thank you, brother!

I was so anxious about the dinner that I was late to meet Rachel. What was I going to say about the topic of our conversation? All of these ideas were going through my head. So I called my driver and I departed for the dinner. When I arrived at Rachel's house to pick her up, she was wearing a red dress and, my god, she was absolutely stunning. She appeared to be an angel. I guess with Rachel I didn't care about anything; whenever she was around me I felt confident and at ease. She gave me her hand and I held and kissed it. She then entered the vehicle, and we then began to converse. "I thought you were going to pick me up," she remarked. I responded with sarcasm and curiosity, "What, It's me who picked you, isn't it me? "By driving yourself insane,". I received her response. You are aware that I don't know how to drive" I said. She chuckled, "NO way you even forgot how to drive. She kept giggling, and I couldn't help but join in. "How can someone forget how to drive?". So, after chatting for a while in the car, we arrived at the restaurant. It was a sizable French restaurant with the name Le Pichet. We then entered arrived at our table. It was wonderful there. As soon as the waiter arrived to take the order, he asked me what I should order, but I had no idea, so Rachel ended up placing all of the orders. I was just sitting there strangely. She then inquired, "How It Was When You Were in the ICU, Was It Scary?" "Well, I really don't remember anything, But I think It Must've Been Scary, They Said That My Heart Beat Stopped So," I replied. She apologized, "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't there with you, I was so far when you needed me the most.". The food was so delicious when it finally arrived at our table. After dinner, we left the restaurant and got in the cars to drive away. We continued to talk about a variety of topics. I left Rachel behind and arrived at the mu house after that. It was a very long and exhausting day, but it was also a very amazing day because of Milan and Rachel and I grew very close to them that day. Because of the way Rachel talked, dressed, and cared for me, I felt like I had known her for a very long time and that I could talk to her about anything. She turned into one of those people that I really cared about, just like Jane and Milan, making my plan to decline the marriage and break her heart so difficult to carry out. I was in a very difficult position because I knew that in the end I would have to choose one, and I really didn't want to choose one. I liked Rachel and I didn't want to leave her, but Jane was my love, and I knew that I couldn't love them both. So I had to let one go. I also knew that if I had to choose, I knew who I would choose , and I was afraid of that,

I went to bed while having these ideas. The following morning, it was Thursday. I made myself breakfast and sat on the couch eating it while checking my phone. I was looking at Devin's and Rachel's pictures, and they appeared to be having a wonderful time. It felt bad because I was in his body while he was dead and nobody knew it. It was like they were made for each other. Then My phone rang and It was Milan. I had an unexpected smile on my face because I really did love him like a big brother. He then asked, "So bro, Are you up, wanna go on a ride?". "To where" I asked. You'll know, somewhere special. He responded. "Okay then," I said ." I'll be waiting outside, good," he replied. I was curious to learn where we were going because he told me that it was a special location. Then we left the town, traveling on a highway, and it was amazing how the road was surrounded by forests and trees. He then turned the car onto a road that intersected with the forest, stopping it at a location. As soon as we exited the car, he remarked, "This was our special place when we were kids. Uncle Jack used to bring us here when he took us fishing, and we loved this place.". It was in a very lovely setting. He started walking in the direction he was looking for something and he discovered it. It was a tree specifically, and when I looked at it, I saw some names carved on it, including the words "Milan and Devin brothers forever.". He flashed a nostalgic smile. He claimed that we used to play there frequently among the trees and on the rocks. After a while, Milan and I arrived at a lake that was so gorgeous it was like paradise on earth. It was in the middle of the forest, and tree shadows were falling into the lake, making it look absolutely gorgeous. Then, Milan just sat there on a rock, and I joined him. For a while, we just sat there and stared at the lake silently. It was amazing and incredibly serene. Then, in an emotional tone, he said, "I thought we would never come here together again. It has been years since we last came here.". "Thank you brother for coming here with me again," he said as he suddenly gave me a hug.