
Chapter 25

King Rinon hid his reaction easily, his stoic expression back in place.

"Can I trust you to nurse him back to health?" He asked gravely.

Raiden immediately dropped to his knees, touching his head to the ground a couple times. "Absolutely, your Majesty."

With that King Rinon swept out of the room, stopping in front of the Infirmary. “Fetch me Commander Gillotin!’ He ordered a couple guards who immediately hurried to fulfill his orders.

He couldn’t leave Sol unprotected, he couldn’t trust that whoever had orchestrated the attack wouldn’t try once again to finish what they started.

Not to mention that he couldn’t leave it to just anyone to look after Sol, it had to be the people he trusted.

Raiden was one of those and the angel hurrying towards him with large strides was another.

Commander Gillotin dropped to a knee when he got close to the King. “ Your Majesty.” He said in a booming voice his head down.

“Keep watch over Prince Sol, protect him with your life.” He said shortly, already sweeping away, there were other things that required his attention.

Commander Gillotin had stayed behind with a number of guards to watch over the palace while the procession was ongoing.

His attendants rushed after him, keeping a respectable distance between themselves and the King, his black scowl was more than enough to tell them that anyone could get caught in his wrath.

King Rinon retired to his palace, there were things the King shouldn’t be doing after all but he hadn’t trusted anyone else to bring Sol back to the palace safely.

Now he just had to wait for his other sons to come back with the information he needed, it would seem that a number of people needed to be reminded that he was still the King.

Jade knelt at the feet of Sol’s pale body, waiting for the Physician to finish giving out orders.

“You’re the personal servant of Prince Sol, are you not?” Raiden asked to be sure even though he could clearly see the indicative robes that Jade wore.

“Yes.” Jade said in an empty voice.

“Very well.” Raiden huffed, knowing that he had no authority to put him out while treatments were ongoing.

He turned around to throw orders around at his attendants, the King didn’t need to say it outright for him to know that if anything befell the injured Prince, it would be his head on the platter.

Prince Sol had to recover!

Jade knelt stiffly as he watched the Physicians go to work, it was a gruesome sight, blood soaking through the sheets even as Sol got paler and paler but yet, he couldn’t look away.

His legs went numb, his fingertips growing colder by the hour but he didn’t move from the position that he was in.

The arrow had finally been successfully extracted after several careful, grueling hours, he was bandaged up and left to recover.

Physician Raiden and a good number of attendants remained behind to watch over him though, in case there were any further complications.

When it seemed like there would be none and after recuperating, the Prince would recover fully, Raiden shot to his feet, he had to report to the King.

King Rinon tapped his feet restlessly, impatient. He was yet to get any news and it made him particularly irritable.

Thankfully, Finis and Calas made an appearance not long afterwards, looking just as irritable as he felt.

“Leave us!” He ordered the attendants and guards perpetually around him.

“Father.” They both dropped to their knees in front of him.

He had no patience for that however. “Report.” Hee muttered darkly.

Calas hung back, letting Finis give the report.

“We conducted an intensive search in the building and around the immediate area that the arrow had come from and there wasn’t a soul in sight.” Finis said gravely.

“And? Did you spread out your search even further?” King Rinon demanded.

Finis dropped to a knee again. “Yes father, we still have yet to find a lead but I have sent out men to bring the owner of the motel to me, we shall be able to get a description from them.”

Rinon mused over this, that was the best news he had heard all day, at least there was some semblance of hope.

Before he could give out his verdict, a commotion at the entrance to the Jade Room caught his attention.

“What is it?” He demanded in a booming voice, causing an instant silence.

“Your… Your Royal Majesty.” His personal attendant waddled in, already bowed low. “The Physician Raiden is here and is demanding to have an audience with…”

“Let him in.” King Rinon cut in sharply, not even letting him finish.

Finis and Calas perked up at this as well, tension thrumming through the room.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Raide came in with his head bowed as well, the King’s personal attendant bowing out with a scowl on his face. “Your Royal Highness, Your Highness.” He bowed to both Princes as well.

The members of the Royal family all stared at him impassively, waiting for his report with bated breaths.

“If it would not offend.” He murmured respectfully, dropping to his knees into a bow. “Prince Sol is out of danger, the arrow was taken out without any complications.” He started to give his report.

A telltale sigh of relief swept through the room, tension bleeding out.

“The presence of dark essence will cause him to be unconscious for a few days but it is not something to be concerned about…”

Prince Finis’ and Calas’ eyes widened at this bit of information, for the attackers to go so far.

“I shall keep watch personally over him during that time so the King can be rest assured.” Raiden bowed again. “If it would not offend, I shall take my leave now.”

King Rinon looked thoughtful about this but was quick to give Raiden permission to leave, thanking him.

Physician Raiden bowed his way out, relief that he had good news to give to the King. The tension rolling around before he had given his report was a clear indication that he would have lost his life if he had said the wrong words.

Ignoring the black glares of the King’s personal servant, he hurried to his handheld carriage, he still needed to keep close watch over Prince Sol, he couldn’t take any chances.