
The Angel's Demon (BL)

Reqiel is a sheltered Angel who just wants to live a little, he sweet-talks his way to being allowed to visit Earth and crashes into Andras, a demon on the run. Andras just wants to remain anonymous but the clumsy, bright youth that refuses to leave him won't let him be. Slowly but surely Reqiel worms his way into his heart but it's a love story that's never meant to be. ~*~ The Angels and Demons have always been at war and will always be at war so it was a fated tragedy from the start. Will their love remain strong through the ages as their very nature threatens to tear them apart?

Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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239 Chs

Chapter 80

~Talfen, the capital of Coldshore~

~The City Square~

Reqiel shared another look with Andras before hurrying forward after the seamstress. She was far too quick for someone with such little legs.

Andras had no choice but to follow, he could just wait outside the private room but it was a far better option than standing aimlessly in front of the store.

Reqiel noticed something odd as the followed the lady down a hallway that was stuffed with bales of fabric covered with dusty sheets to show that they had been there for quite some time. Although the store was quite grand, they were yet to see another worker but the seamstress, it was unnerving.

She got to the end of the hallway and stopped, throwing open the door to a room and gesturing at him to enter.

Reqiel did so timidly, her eyes were so stern and although he never had a mother, he instinctively felt that if he did, that is what she would be like if she was upset with him.