
The Angel's Demon (BL)

Reqiel is a sheltered Angel who just wants to live a little, he sweet-talks his way to being allowed to visit Earth and crashes into Andras, a demon on the run. Andras just wants to remain anonymous but the clumsy, bright youth that refuses to leave him won't let him be. Slowly but surely Reqiel worms his way into his heart but it's a love story that's never meant to be. ~*~ The Angels and Demons have always been at war and will always be at war so it was a fated tragedy from the start. Will their love remain strong through the ages as their very nature threatens to tear them apart?

Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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239 Chs

Chapter 79

~Talfen, the capital of Coldshore~

~The City Square~

"I'll have to humbly decline," Andras said shortly, never slowing his pace.

"Even if they're all black?" Reqiel added sneakily.

Andras' blank mask cracked a little, did the Angel think everyone was obsessed with clothes like he was?

"We're back on the route, Your Highness." He said instead, cutting short the Angel's exasperating tactics to apologize.

Reqiel hadn't being paying attention to the road so he let go of Andras' sleeve with a bright smile. "I knew I hadn't gotten us lost." He patted Andras arm and started down the route with full confidence.

Andras just sighed, he had a feeling that they would be walking around a while. To prevent that, he decide to do the asking instead.

"Your Highness, remain here while I ask for directions." He said, knowing that the Angel was going to go ahead and do whatever he liked anyway.

"Sure!" Reqiel agreed quickly, making a show of standing in place and waiting.