
The Angel's Demon (BL)

Reqiel is a sheltered Angel who just wants to live a little, he sweet-talks his way to being allowed to visit Earth and crashes into Andras, a demon on the run. Andras just wants to remain anonymous but the clumsy, bright youth that refuses to leave him won't let him be. Slowly but surely Reqiel worms his way into his heart but it's a love story that's never meant to be. ~*~ The Angels and Demons have always been at war and will always be at war so it was a fated tragedy from the start. Will their love remain strong through the ages as their very nature threatens to tear them apart?

Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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239 Chs

Chapter 202

-Golden Castle-

-Celestial Realm-

Reqiel said nothing the first time Sarell spent the night over at Velia's castle, it wasn't that he didn't notice but that he wasn't curious. Sarell looked happy enough and that was all he needed to know.

Just like every other time, this morning as well, he waited patiently on his bed for Sarell to return so that they would have breakfast together. Even though Sarell told him not to wait, Reqiel had come to depend on their routines to buoy him through each passing day.

As much as he loved his current living arrangements, it felt like he was in limbo. Living felt stagnant and without reason, so Sarell's familiar presence was a desperate need. He needed to wake up to see Sarell reading by his bedside, the quiet moments they spent doing their own things side by side, and the privilege of having Sarell eat every meal with him.