
- C H A P T E R • F O U R -

I want you all to myself

Don't leave none for nobody else

I am an animal with you

No angels could beckon me back

And it's hotter than hell where I'm at

I am an animal with you.

~Animal- Troye Sivan


The steady purr of Cherie, my 1960's Ford truck, and a luscious breeze entering the cabin of the car due to both windows being rolled down generously, made for an almost perfect start of a beautiful Saturday. It was roughly a five minute drive from my flat in mid-downtown to my quaint job at O'Doherty's .

I parked my truck at the back of the store and made my way through the side entrance and into the shabby restaurant. The scent of stale cooking grease, glasses clanking, and a muffled conversation greeted me as I entered the place. Taking a quick glance around the empty stained-stainless kitchen, I headed toward the source of sound in the otherwise noiseless joint.

Marvin and James, the new guy were sitting at the bar wiping down glasses and chatting before the lunch rush hit.

Marvin was a lanky fourty-something with a degree in Military Technologies, which he had absolutely no use for, and had been here since his sophomore year in college making him the veteran of our trio. Despite his age, pale complexion, and overall slender and scraggly stature, he was reasonably in tune with the younger crowd the bar seemed to draw in most nights.

James, on the other hand, was still a closed book, even though being on the job for a few months now, he hadn't shared anything other than his first and last name. His tall, athletic, youthful build gave some indication that he may have been into sports at some point, but his cold, distant dark brown eyes never let any secrets slip.

"Good morning," I cheerfully addressed the two men. Marvin looked up from his chore and shared a friendly smile. "Morning Ash." I nodded in greeting at James, I got a blank stare in return.

"Did Jerry put the list up yet?" I strolled towards the end of the bar, fingering a torn notebook page that had been pinned to the populous pin board. I skimmed the brief list that consisted of our duties for the day.

"Marvin is bartending, James is serving and I'm in the kitchen." I read aloud to no one in particular. "Sounds like a plan gentlemen."

The serine morning was interrupted by a very loud bang from the front door followed by an instantly recognizable muffled voice expressing intense displeasure.

"What the fuck man!" Ivan stood outside the restaurant holding a hand up to his forehead, presumably nursing a growing knot.

Marvin let out a full deep chuckle before walking over to let a peeved Ivan in. "It's a pull door, not a revolving door Ivan."

"I have a massive hangover," he huffed and took a seat at the mostly uninhabited bar. "And you guys always leave the door open."

After sharing a laugh at Ivan's expense, I headed back to the kitchen to start prepping for the day. I had finished most of the prep list, setting each container of chopped, sliced, and minced food neatly in the refrigerator when Ivan called for me. "Yo Rambo, we got customers!"

An irritated snort left my throat at his foolish nickname he had given me a few months ago when I had beaten a whole football team at a drinking game. "How many times have I told that fool not to call me that."

As if seemingly sensing his name being mentioned, the blue eyed bugger quickly stuck his head through the aged chef's kitchen door, repeated their order and ducked out again which was the first intelligent move he had made that day.

I swiftly put together two club sandwiches on rye bread and set them both on a tray, ready to be served. I emerged from the kitchen to hand off the food to James when a familiar head of dark brown curls caught my eye. "I've got this one James."

I strode confidently to her table, my eyes never leaving her hunched over form. "Hello Sera," I greeted with a self-assured grin on full display.

To her credit, she overcame the shock rather quickly and excused us from her friend who had just taken a bite of his sandwich and was now throwing her an array of questioning looks.

She pulled me by the arm to the other side of the bar, out of earshot from her friend.

"You work here?!" She whisper/yelled. Her expression was pure incredulity, I couldn't help but let loose a few chuckles.

"Yeah, I have been for a while now. Are you stalking me?" I joked, making myself comfortable against the harsh brick wall.

Her mouth worked furiously yet produced no sound. "No! I just came here with my friend and-"

"Why didn't you text me back?" I childishly cut her off and added a bit of a pout to just to further make my point. "I wouldn't have been much of a distraction," I said, referencing her earlier conversation.

Her hard expression eased a bit. "I didn't mean it like that, I just have lot going on with school and I didn't want to make you think something was gonna happen with us."

I just stared at her, taking in her look of shame and couldn't help but marvel at the tiny freckles that accumulated underneath her left eye that often went unnoticed, or her two-toned lips that always made my mouth water, or her cute nose that she had always despised.

I sighed in content. Just being near her, in her presence, swept me into a whole other dimension.

"Well, you could make it up to me by coming over to my place later today? I'm having a small get together."

I could practically sense her denial.

"Uh, I don't think I'll have the time today. I just moved and I still have some unpacking to do-"

I put my hand on her shoulder and let my fingertips drag lightly down her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake, until I got to her wrist and took her hand in mine like I had done hundreds of times before.

I leaned in closer, until we essentially shared a single breath. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

She nodded, her mouth slightly parted. I directed my gaze back to her eyes. "I'll text you the address after work."

"Uh, yeah that'll be great." A questioning look overtook her naturally calm features. "Can I bring my friend Ariel?"

I nodded. "As long as you're there, you could invite the devil himself."