
The Angel’s love

Romantic bl fantasy harem M+ Mpreg A young handsome man ran away from home in search of adventure on a merchant ship, not expecting that he would arouse the interest of strong and influential men from the royal family who going to fight for his heart…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


While Eriolan looked around, the hall was slowly filled with moving whirlwinds, each of which acquired the individual appearance of a tall man in armoured clothing. They looked at the guest with obvious interest, lining up in a row. From the restrained emotions on their faces, it was noticeable that the warriors were admiring him without looking away. Eriolan was confused, trying to figure out what to do next.

"The phoenixes sensed the presence of the new Lamori and flocked to get acquainted," Rohen noted playfully and took him by the arm and led him past the prying eyes. "This is Eriolan, our new citizen."

"Are there not enough Lamori in your Kingdom?" The King was mentally puzzled. "Why is everyone staring like that?"

"They like you..."

"I am not a woman!" Eriolan said loudly.

"We like your energy," said one of the warriors. "Beautiful golden-haired young man, your gender does not matter... We are very glad to see your wonderful image for inspiration."

The king did not find anything better than to wake up quickly. A gentle voice continued to rustle in my head:

"You need to get used to the attention of those who adore you, and not run away. Learn this from Ray. He's been through it all and he's fine."

"Lord, I... have never been in such a role before... It's too unusual to feel like an object of desire for men.

"I made it clear to you a long time ago that there are no barriers to love. Phoenixes and Lamories will fall in love with you. Such relationships harmonize society. It is not at all difficult to accept feelings."

"Well, no, not here, in the physical world!"

"Why such stubbornness?"

"I'm used to dominating in relationships, isn't that the case with you?"

"You see, even though we both have the status of Rulers and we command subordinates, this separates us from those who could sincerely express their love for those who hold power. Anyone who wants to get close to you usually has selfish goals. I would be glad if someone truly loved me forever, cared about me, expressed their feelings and no matter what gender they are. But this doesn't happen. I go ahead and try to win someone's heart. I'm still searching, can you imagine? 

"Nobody reciprocated your feelings?" Eriolan was surprised. "What about your husband Ray?"

"This is tolerance on his part, not love." The kind voice continued in his mind. "Acceptance of inevitable circumstances. Therefore, you should be happy that powerful beings want to experience nice moments with you. You are very beautiful and in a thin shell, your radiations are sweet for our perception, so I chose you from many mortals as Lamori and allowed you to taste the unearthly euphoria with the Radiance. You adore making love to Ray like no other, right? You've had hundreds of girls before and you don't want anyone else but him. You constantly dream about new mergers with him... "

"It's true, I admit... I've never had this happen to anyone..."

"Have you ever wondered how he feels? Why did he cheat on Arlow to merge with you?"

"He seems to be very happy with me. He wouldn't pretend."

"He wouldn't... He simply wouldn't accept you without your sincerity. This is his nature. Your love is real, not just for fun."

"I don't think I would want to be in Ray's shoes and accept the love of those who desire me." 

"You've probably noticed that Taylor, my celestial son, likes you..."

"In this sense? Ha... well no! I don't want to get so close to him at all."

"Try to be loved by someone for your training."


"Yes! Lamorie's duties include not only seduction, but also acceptance of the feelings of an adorer."

Eriolan was again very embarrassed. The prospect of becoming the lover of a Phoenix in the shell scared him to the bone. The only time he saw Taylor left the eerie impression that such a conscious being with superperception of reality could have close contact with him. His languid blue eyes, piercing into the depths of the soul, and a slight grin said that it was not difficult for the phoenix to seduce anyone he wanted. Goosebumps ran down Eriolan's back from the fantasy of a sultry young man touching him and kissing him somewhere.

"Why are you hurting so much?" The rustling voice rang out in his head again. "Get to know him better and you will understand that there is nothing to fear. An explosion of pleasure, that's what awaits you..."

Eriolan shrugged it off and did not answer, realizing that the stubbornness is useless and he would not escape the harassment. The painful abstinence from meetings with Ray due to the reluctance to stumble upon his Guardian just once forced the King to pour out his suffering in letters to his lover.

"Don't worry so much about Taylor," Ray replied in messages. "He's busy with our baby and has no time for romance right now. Come visit me one of these days, I miss you."

The naive King believed that he would not run into Taylor in the garden, approaching the entrance of the house, but he suddenly jumped out from behind a lush bush, pressing something to his chest.

"Ah, milord!" His eyes flashed slyly. "Why didn't you come for so long? We are already waiting for you to show the baby."

"Show me," Eriolan said in confusion, staring at the moving lump in his hands. "So little!"

A pair of purple eyes of a cute black-haired creature stared at him from under the blanket with curiosity.

"My firstborn!" Taylor purred in a satisfied tone.

"So this is your son!? Why did this happen?"

"Everything is for love... otherwise the phoenix would not have been born. Does this upset you, my lord?"

"Well... I have plenty of children... I didn't know that you and Ray had such a close relationship."

"I suppose I already hinted to you... I thought you understood. You and I are now one family..."

"Um... it's hard to determine who we are to each other in this case. My beloved's lover? Sounds strange!" Eriolan muttered sarcastically, squinting.

"And this can be said about you... but you just appeared in Ray's life, and he and I were already physically connected before. Illy is our first child together! I've been dreaming about this for a long time. This didn't happen in a past life."

"Congratulations... How did you conceive the baby in a man body?"

"This is the ability of a phoenix, but uncontrollable. If love arises, everything happens by itself. Ray is not a woman, however, this did not prevent life from arising in him."

"Hmm... miracles, however! For some reason I decided that this was my child, but now it's clear that the baby looks like you."

"You'll get used to it..." Taylor said meaningfully. "With time."

"What are you about?

"Polygamous relationships. You will be popular in Amriobraes with the phoenixes and Lamori."

"I already got that. Your brothers are already haunting me in my dreams and forcing themselves on me as partners. It is unbearable!"

"Ow! How nimble! Already met... Do you like someone?"

"Why should I like someone?" Eriolan was indignant. "They are strangers to me and male."

"I can easily drive them away from you, if only..." Taylor meaningfully froze mid-sentence.

"So… finish your…"

"… you will become mine!"


"I don't see any other way to reject the phoenixes. My brothers and I have an agreement not to conflict with each other: if Lamorie chooses only one of us, the others must retreat."

"What does it mean to become yours?"

"Literally: we are lovers and no one else touches you. I mark you after making love and that's it: my brothers won't offer you any fun after that."

"Are you… completely crazy!? How dare you offer me this?"

The King's eyes flashed indignantly, and his face turned red as an apple. He quickly moved towards the entrance of the house and slammed the door behind him.

"I just wanted to help..." Taylor whispered after him.