

Samuel Anderson has a dream in which he sees the resurrection of a terrifying witch. He initially wakes up believing it to be an ordinary Nightmare but when the other young members of his family begin to have similar dreams, he believes an evil plot is afoot...

Edwin_Bozie · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Saurian told Ophiacodon about Sam's difficulty during the Training Sessions.

"Has he ever been hit or come into contact with Revilexus rays?" Ophiacodon asked Saurian very solemnly.

Saurian's mind went back to the time Sam was hurt.

"Get back here Samuel Anderson! You'll need training to be able to face the dinosaurs!" he recalled his call.

"REXUS! REVILEXUS!" he recalled T-Rexus' homing spell.

"SAM NOOO!" he recalled their horrified screams.

"He was once hit by Rexus' Revilexus Rays. That was just before we came to your Caves to heal his wounds" Saurian said.

"AH, I SEE" Ophiacodon nodded.

"What is wrong with him?" Saurian asked.

"Apparently, the Revilexus Rays are still within his body, destroying his balance" Ophiacodon said.

"It was prophesied that the chosen human will be attacked by evil" Ophiacodon recalled the prophecy.

"We must find the cure" Saurian said.

"The cure is within him. To be able to regain his balance, he needs faith and a great deal of love" Ophiacodon said. "The only thing greater than the Revilexus Rays is love" Ophiacodon explained.

"How do Revilexus Rays work?" Saurian asked.

"Revilexus Rays feed on the pain, emotional pain of an individual. It amplifies the pain and begins to attack his balance of power. If the pain he feels is very great, the Revilexus attacks his heart. Next it corrupts every emotion of love, care and all the good in him and then…" Ophiacodon paused.

"And then what?" Saurian asked.

"He dies…of heartbreak in the very literal sense for the Revilexus' Rays will break through his heart and rip a very great portion of his heart. His heart will break in two and he will die!" Ophiacodon announced regretfully.

Meanwhile far away from the Dragon Caves, across the Desert, over the Caves Of Healing to the land of Volcanoes, across a deep fiery abyss, beneath the great Fiery Mountains dwelt T-Rexus' Dinosaurs. Further down the Caves, the prisoners were being emotionally tortured by T-Rexus who had showed them what Ophiacodon had just said through the aid of a fiery sphere made from quickly cooled volcanic rock.

"No!" Jane screamed with tears in her eyes.

"Yes miss!" T-Rexus replied. "…and I have nothing to worry about because you my dear have shown him the greatest amount of pain I never thought a human could feel…" T-Rexus said coolly. "…and without a chosen one, your world and soon the universe will bow to me!" he said excitedly. "…it's all thanks to you miss" he said to Jane.

Jane could not hold it in any longer. She burst into tears.

"No, Sam w-won't. H-h-he c-c-can't d-die" Jane stammered.

"Of course he can miss, of course he can. He told you himself didn't he? If I recall correctly, his romantic poem went something like this;

When Day turns to Night

When the Constellation fills the Sky,

You will see the truth but it will be too late

And Sam Anderson will probably die

The boy really has foresight and who knew he could rhyme so well but like he said, it is too late" T-Rexus said maliciously.

"No!" Lucy screamed. "I'll personally skin you alive if anything happens to my brother!" she threatened.

"Yeah, exactly like she skinned his heart alive. Thanks but unfortunately, I decline the offer" T-Rexus replied tauntingly as he looked at Jane. "Who would have thought that the weakest point of the person who killed Tarantella was his heart? Humans are so PATHETIC!" T-Rexus said scornfully. "I will tell you something else as well. The only way for Sam to survive though I doubt that he still loves you as much as he did, is for him to forgive you though I doubt once more that he can while he is still feeling sorry for himself. I'm betting that by now he would be wishing himself dead" T-Rexus said. "By now, his balance of power is totally destroyed and now the Revilexus Rays are rushing towards his heart" T-Rexus gloated.

This was happening as T-Rexus was gloating for the girls could see it through his fiery obsidian sphere.

"NO!" Jane cried.

Meanwhile, back at the Dragon Caves.

"Sam, you have to trust me" Saurian said. "Channel your electric energy through the Sword Of Edaphrogon, try to force it off through the pointed end of the sword" Saurian reassured him.

"Okay, I will do it because I trust you but I've already been hurt five times and I don't want this to be the sixth. Getting hurt is not a pleasurable experience" Sam said. "Here goes" the power began to rise.

The electric power raced through the sword but the invisible force began to push the energy back.

"Saurian?" Sam said questioningly.

"FOCUS SAM!" Saurian encouraged.

Sam put all his effort into forcing the electric energy through the tip of the Sword and for a moment he was succeeding. The electric energy had reached the tip of the sword.

"FOCUS!" Saurian's encouraging voice rang in Sam's head.

"Disappear forever from my life" Jane's voice echoed.

"FOOL! YOU CAN NEVER DEFEAT ME!" T-Rexus' voice rang in Sam's ear and then the electric rays rushed back towards Sam.

He couldn't let go of the Sword in time and then Sam received the electrocution just as the Revilexus Rays struck his heart. His heart began to beat faster and it began to glow redder than usual, evil red. Through San's ear canal, straight to his brain which was also glowing evil red, down to his cerebrum, a battle was raging.

"I never imagined you were such a liar. Disappear forever from my life. Shrimp, Shrimp…" these voices echoed in Sam's head.

On the outside, Sam fell to his knees screaming in pain.


"NOOO!!!" Sam shouted in anger.



He fell to the ground struggling, shouting, screaming in pain.

"The Revilexus has completely taken over. He can't survive" Ophiacodon said regretfully.

"Then all is lost" Saurian sighed regretfully.

Sam's heart was throbbing wildly. Suddenly, the Revilexus Rays burst through his heart and his heart ceased to beat. His body went limp.

"That's it. He's dead" Ophiacodon said.

Sam's body looked very pale in colour.

Meanwhile, T-Rexus' obsidian sphere had gone blank since Sam had ceased to blink and feel.

"The Revilexus has done its work" T-Rexus said laughing evilly. "Now all that is left is to take the universe into my claws. Every living being from the greatest beast to the tiniest cell will bow to me!" T-Rexus said evilly.

"No!" Nancy and Lucy screamed.

Jane was too shocked to scream.

"I'm sorry Sam. I never meant any of that. Please don't go. I don't want you to disappear from my life. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry" Jane wept.

Saurian and Ophiacodon decided that it was time to let John and George know about their cousin's death.