
Sally's New Power

Sally stands up and draws her sword. I smile and stand up myself. I flex my wings and get ready to try out her new power. "I'm going to test my new skill out on you. Hopefully, this time I can do something to those wings." I chuckle, knowing that she can't. Her class is strong, but her weapon has to be legendary or higher to damage my wings. I get into a defensive stance and use my hand to tell her to bring it.

She bursts forth with speed she didn't have before. I bring my wings up to block her attack, and she collides with them hard, but I feel no pain in my wings and no drop in health. "You have way too much power for the level that you are..." I give her a head tilt knowing she is right. I have way more power than Blue Chaos ever did when he had this class to start out. The potential of my power is several times higher than his ever was.

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