
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Chapter 7

Harry sat down under his favorite tree in the backyard and began thinking over everything he had just heard.

He understood the necessity of it, the first prophecy marked him as Voldemort's target and now there's this second prophecy.

What the hell do I do?

At first he wanted to go flying, it was the only thing that usually cleared his head but he realized he was just exhausted.

They all knew about this before. That's why Estella was being weird and why Emmy and El refused to say anything.

Harry looked over at the house and saw Sirius approaching him.

"Hey kid, need some company?"

Harry shrugged, "How long has everyone known?"

Sirius sat down on the grass next to Harry. "We figured it out when you were around three years old and started talking to my cousin's about it a couple years after. Your Sisters and Estella were told in their fourth year."

Harry recalled two years ago that there were a couple of months his sisters seemed to be avoiding him. He now understood why.

They sat together for a while, Sirius knew there wasn't much he could say at the moment. Harry would never admit it but he never liked being alone to brood for too long.

"You hungry? We should grab a quick bite before we head to the ministry."

Harry was quite hungry, he had skipped breakfast that morning but didn't want to go back into the house at the moment.

"I need some time out of the house," he said.

Sirius nodded, "there's this nice muggle place by the ministry, we can grab something to eat there."

Sirius sent a quick patronus message to Lily letting her know they were off and then side-along apparated Harry to an apparition point nearby the Ministry.

They went to the restaurant Sirius mentioned and Sirius looked over at his godson. "Harry, I'm sorry all this shit keeps happening to you. We tried to figure out a way to undo what James did. There might be a way once you are able to read the Grimiore but… at that point it will be too late."

"How was dad able to read it then? He never took up lordship," he asked Sirius.

"Your dad was the heir of the current Lord Potter. If he had become Lord Potter before dying you would be an heir and things would have worked out. But he died before being able to claim it. Harry… Prongs wasn't perfect he was my best mate but overall he took on his responsibilities much later then he should have. But he loved you Harry, he wanted to make sure there was a way for the rest of you to survive."

"He shouldn't have done this though," Harry said bitterly.

Sirius sighed, "we were all desperate to survive. Voldemort having access to so many family magics made him the most powerful Dark lord in history. Dumbledore was barely able to match him in raw power, his battle Alchemy was the only thing that kept Voldemort from launching an all out assault on us."

"I don't have a choice in this do I?" Asked Harry.

"You always have a choice, say the word and we can leave, go into hiding in the muggle world and tell the magical world to fuck off." Sirius said.

"I… I can't do that Sirius, my magic is a part of me. I can't abandon it or everyone. I'd have to leave Ron, Neville, and Hermione to fend for themselves. And I can't drag Mum or Emmy and El into the muggle world with me."

"They'd follow you in a heartbeat if that's what you wanted Harry. I can use my contacts to completely wipe away your existence in the Magical world, no one would be able to find you."

Part of Harry wanted to take this option but he knew he couldn't live with herself if he left his world to the Death Eaters and Voldemort.

"Let's get the emancipation done I guess," he said after some time.

"Ok Kiddo, but just remember, at any time you want to leave, the option will always be there."

Harry nodded, he knew Sirius loved him and wanted nothing more than to protect him, but that wasn't a choice he could consider. Why the fuck am I such a Gryffindor.

He recalled the fact that even though he was a Slytherin he was still able to obtain the sword of Gryffindor when fighting the Basilisk. He remembered Dumbledore's words when he asked about this.

"Well Harry I've always thought that we sort too soon. Do you expect to only have the qualities your 11 year old self has for the rest of your life?"

This had been what convinced him that he wasn't like Voldemort. He may have craved power, and accepted the use of the dark arts. But he wasn't a psychopath.

As he and Sirius made their way over to the Ministry, Harry recalled Dumbledore's reactions when telling him he would be going home. "Dumbledore doesn't like this does he?"

Sirius smirked at this, "No he doesn't. He absolutely hates the fact that everything is out of his hands. He's got some control issues and leaving something as big as this to others is something he isn't used to doing. The rows he and Lily have had were spectacular. She's one of the few people capable of getting him to see reason sometimes. I'll show you some memories later."

Harry chuckled knowing full well how stubborn his mother could be when she was angry.

Once they made their way to the visitors entrance of the Ministry they stopped at reception.

"Visitor please state your name and reason for your visit to the Ministry of Magic."

"Sirius Black off duty Auror here to escort Harry Potter to his emancipation."

"Thank you please take your visitors badges and proceed to Wand inspection."

Harry noticed his badge, said Harry Potter, future adult. He glanced at Sirius and saw that his simply said Auror.

"Who gave this thing this much sass?" He asked Sirius, showing him his badge.

Sirius chuckled, "the ministry can get quite boring, we need something to keep us entertained."

"We want to get this done discreetly so you can put the badge in your pocket. We are going to Amelia and Bella's office they have all the forms and will file everything."

"Do the co-heads of the DMLE always do this?"

"Nope, you're a special case," Sirius replied with a grin.

They made their way down to the Law enforcement office and headed to their destination.

"Ah Samantha, looking as beautiful as ever!" He said to the receptionist in front of the office."

The receptionist blushed and said "Hello Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, you'll be able to go in just a few minutes, they are wrapping up another meeting."

"Now Samantha how many times have I told you to call me Sirius?"

"More than I can count Mr. Black," she replied.

"How's your schedule looking like this weekend? I'm sure I can convince you to call me Sirius over lunch."

"I'll have to take a rain check Mr. Black"

Harry rolled his eyes, Sirius was known to be a womanizer, never feeling the need to settle down and simply wanting to enjoy life and the company of beautiful women.

The door behind the receptionist opened, "Sirius stop harassing Samantha and come in," said the beautiful dark haired Bellatrix Black.

"Always ruining my fun Bella, let me know if your weekend clears up Samantha," he said with a grin as he and Harry walked into the office.

"Hey Aunt Bella," Harry said as he walked in.

Bellatrix smiled, "I think you can probably get used to dropping the Aunt in that greeting Harry." She walked ahead and Harry couldn't help but notice her amazing curves.

He was Weasley red at this point but said nothing. Sirius smirked seeing his godson's reaction.

"You're just as bad as Sirius Bella," Amelia said from her desk.

"I don't flirt with everything that walks," said Bella indignantly.

"Yes but you're just as crass as he is, it's the Black family madness I suppose" she replied and then turned to their visitors.

"Sirius, Harry have a seat, would you like some tea?"

Harry shook his head and Sirius said, "Boss I'm off duty and Harry's about to be an adult lets have something stronger than tea."

"You may be off duty at the moment but we are not," Amelia replied.

"I don't think my cousin has such a bad idea," added Bella.

"See just as bad!"

Everyone chuckled, Harry felt a little more at ease, Bella and Sirius were always able to get him to relax in tense situations.

"Well Harry, I assume this mutt has told you why you're here?" asked Amelia.

"Yes ma'am" he replied as she took out several rolls of parchment.

"Your mother has already added her signatures where needed. This document will be copied and placed in both Ministry and Gringotts records. Upon you signing this will grant you all the rights of an adult. The only exception being you must still wait until you are 17 in order to join Wizengamot sessions."

Harry nodded, politics never interested him but Sirius had been drilling lessons into him since he was eight about how to navigate the Wizengamot.

"You should also note that any crimes committed from this point forward will have you automatically tried as an adult. You get the pros and the cons of being an Adult."

"Yea Harry don't break into Gringotts or do anything stupid," added Sirius.

"Or don't get caught," added Bella.

Amelia sent her partner a glare, "Do you really think it's appropriate as head of the DMLE to tell someone not to get caught committing a crime?"

"Oh lighten up Amelia, we really need to get you laid, I'll let you know how Harry is, maybe he can help you out there."

"Bellatrix!" shouted Amelia while Sirius laughed and Harry somehow got even redder.

"You seem very open to all of this Bella," said Sirius with a smirk.

She simply shrugged, "We grew up in the Black family Sirius, we've seen worse."

"Can't argue with you there," said Sirius.

Bellatrix's playful nature however dropped for a second, "Harry while Sirius and I grew up with all the pureblood nonsense, your mother had to get used to it after your father died. She's been through quite an ordeal trying to get you out of this. You should know that this really is our last resort, especially with you being a champion in the tournament. We need you to survive and we'll give you every advantage we can."

Harry nodded, he knew enough about pureblood magics from Sirius' lessons that there was no doubt in his mind that they were stuck.

Amelia went on telling him a bunch more legal jargon that he tuned out. This is insane, he thought to himself. When he saw his mother this morning he could tell she was exhausted, it was extremely difficult for her to accept defeat. The Potters were an ancient and noble house however, there was nothing he could truly do.

"Now would you still of course be able to go by Harry Potter, but officially you will be Harry Potter-Black. Once you have satisfied the requirements of lordship you will be both Lord Potter and Lord Black and should be referred to as such in professional spaces like this, does that all make sense Harry do you have any questions about anything?"

Harry shook his head, "No, I think we can probably just get this over with."

Amelia gave him a sympathetic smile. This will all need to be signed with a blood quill, I apologize in advance for the discomfort but it will only be three signatures." she said.

Harry grimaced but knew this was a requirement for official Ministry and Gringotts documents. She handed him the quill and he looked down at the document. Guess I'll charge in like a Gryffindor.

He signed the documents and a flash of light confirmed the binding of the new magical contract. Bella walked over and with a wave of her hand stopped Harry's bleeding.

"Thanks err.. Bella" he said.

She smiled and sat back down.

"Harry normally the trace automatically leaves your wand when you become of age. In this case I will need to manually remove it from your wand," Amelie said.

Harry nodded and handed over his Holly and Phoenix feather wand. Amelia muttered a few incantations and and while it seemed as if nothing happened, when he was handed back the wand it felt almost warmer than it did before.

"Congratulations Harry, you are now an adult," said Amelia. "This would normally be done in front of the Wizengamot but as you are the boy who lived we were able to pull a few strings. You won't have to meet the old fools for a few years at least."

"Amelia, are you calling me old?" asked Sirius offended as he was the current holder of the black seat.

"Yes," she deadpanned, "If you do have any other questions Harry you can feel free to ask Bella or send me an owl and we will of course help you in any way we can."

They said their goodbyes, Bella giving Harry a lingering hug and a kiss on the forehead. Harry and Sirius arrived back home where Lily was waiting for them.

"Everything go ok?" she asked.

Sirius nodded, "Yeah, I've got a few things to do for Monday. So I won't be staying for dinner, Harry I'll be seeing you next week for our first training session."

Lily nodded, "thank you Sirius, for everything."

Sirius smiled and turned back to Harry. "If you need anything kiddo I'm a floo call away alright?"

Harry nodded, Sirius gave him a hug and disappeared through the emerald flames of the floo. There was silence for a moment in the Potter home.

"Dinner is ready Harry, let's eat and talk…" she said. He followed her into the kitchen still not saying a word. This is so fucking awakward.

They enjoyed a quiet light dinner and spoke about his classes and dueling lessons from Emma.

"Mum… why did Emmy and El agree to this, or any of you for that matter?" he asked.

Lily smiled, "you've been given a burden that no one your age should ever have Harry. We love you and we want you to live a long happy life. It may be a bit unconventional of a family life moving forward but this is where we are."

"Is this why they never dated?" he asked her.

Lily sighed, "they both felt it would be too complicated if they were in relationships before this happened. I'm sure that's something you can discuss with them."

Harry felt horrible, as if he was taking away any chance of his sisters having a normal life. Lily noticed this, "It isn't your fault Harry."

In his mind Harry blamed his father. He knew it was a desperate move for survival, but he couldn't help but place the blame on a man he never knew. It was just easier that way.

"So erm… how uh…" holy fuck how do I ask her when we're having sex?

"There's a second part to the spell James cast, I will cast it on you and that will change you from a slumbering Incubis to a regular one. Once that happens you will probably immediately feel the need to umm relieve yourself. The first two days it will be hard to control, I'll help you through it as best I can. Apolline will also come by tomorrow to start helping you control your allure. Fleur will then take over your training when you are back at hogwarts."

Apolline is coming tomorrow so that means… well shit.

"I think it would be best if we were upstairs in my bedroom when we cast the spell," she said, "I don't know how immediately you'll feel the ah side effects."

They cleaned up and went upstairs, Harry's heart violently beating as they entered Lily's room. She closed the door behind her and faced her son who was looking anywhere but at her.

She walked over and ran her hands through his hair knowing that always comforted him. Harry slowly calmed down and looked at his mother. She leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"I'll be right back Harry, and then we'll cast the spell."

She walked over to her bathroom and closed the door. Harry had no idea what to do. Should I sit down on the bed or stand or what do I do?

A few minutes that felt like an eternity later his mother came out of the bathroom wearing more comfortable robes.

"I will cast the spell now if you are ready Harry," she said softly. Harry took a deep breath and said, "go ahead."

Lily took her wand and made several complicated wand movements and said "et evigilare faciatis sanguinis donum in adflixit". Harry felt as if a familiar magical aura was surrounding him. I've seen this before…

He closed his eyes and saw the night Voldemort attacked again through baby Harry's eyes. This was the same aura that protected them all from Voldemort's killing curse. He also felt something else in the Aura, something he couldn't understand. It seemed to have absorbed a part of Voldemort after the curse rebounded. What is that?

But as quickly as the memory started, it faded away and he had no idea what it was. He looked up at Lily, she is beautiful.

"How are you feeling Harry?" she asked.

"I'm… i'm alright I guess." he replied. That was when he felt it, the overwhelming desire to take her then and there. "It… feels weird." he said.

Lily walked over to him, "don't fight it will just hurt you more, she said once agains running her hands through his hair. She leaned in once again for a kiss which this time was hungrily accepted by Harry. Harry opened his mouth and his tongue began seeking entrance into hers. Both of their tongues danced in each others mouths as they embraced.

Lily broke the kiss and took a step back, she removed her robes to reveal that she was wearing a light blue see through chemise. He looked over her body and the desire only grew. He grabbed her and pulled her close to him and began kissing her again. His hands began venturing through her body and landed on her firm ass. Lily removed his shirt and unbuckled his trousers and took off his boxers. Little Harry was up and ready and wasn't all too little. She began stroking his cock as they resumed their kiss, she felt his cock up and down and played with his balls.

"Get on your knees," Harry said, his inner desires completely taking over him. She complied and gave his cock a kiss on the tip. She kissed it up and down and licked around his balls. The more she did it the more her own desires flared, she could feel his pull, and it made her want him even more. She took his cock in her mouth and began sucking. Using her toungue for added pleasure.

"Oh fuck mum that's good," he said. She began stroking the bottom of his shaft with one hand as she sucked and her other hand kept fondling his balls.

"Take the whole thing in," he said. She looked up at him with her beautiful green eyes, the same ones he and his sisters had and took his entire shaft into her mouth and down her throat. This was good but Harry was still unsatisfied. He grabbed the back of her head and began ramming his cock down his mothers throat.

"Didn't know you were such a little slut mum, you're taking all of it in like a champ," he said as he more aggressively began fucking her mouth."

Hearing her son say this just made her even more wet and she groaned unable to say anything as her son furiously destroyed her mouth.

"I'm gonna blow my first load soon, your going to swallow every bit of it mum," she was gagging on her sons cock, her saliva slathered all over it and tears were coming down but this did nothing to deter him he only quickened the pace further intent on making her drink his first load.

Then he felt the wonderful release, he had only ever felt it before in his hands but now, in his mother's warm mouth it was so much more satisfying. She drank it all up and milked his cock dry.

"Don't you dare take your mouth off, keep sucking until I get hard again."

It didn't take very long for that to happen, as she started sucking on it almost as aggressively as he fucked her face, his cock started coming back completely to life. Once it was at full mast she popped it out of her mouth and stood up still stroking it and kissed him again.

"Mummy wants you to make her cum baby, can you do that?" He threw her on the bed after she said this and grabbed legs which wrapped around his neck.

"Give Mummy that big fat cock of yours Harry, make me scream, make Mummy your little slut."

Harry began rubbing the tip of his cock on her pussy lips but didn't put it in. "You're going to beg for it like a little slut mum, beg your son to fuck your cunt."

"Please baby, please fuck your mummy's cunt its been so long its so nice and tight for you baby."

"I don't think I heard you properly mum" he said as he kept teasing her with the tip.

"FUCK YOUR MUMMY NOW HARRY," she screamed at the top of her longs and that did it. Harry's cock entered her vagina and it was the most wonderful feeling either of them had ever felt.

"Fuck you're so tight," he said as he rammed into her.

"Open me up baby, open me the fuck up rip my cunt open," she said as Harry impaled her deeper and faster.

"Make mummy cum and squirt all over your juicy cock baby, then mummy will clean it up with her mouth again."

As Harry continued to fuck her, her entire body shook with every thrust she already orgasmed once while he fucked her mouth but she could feel another one on its way.

"Make mummy cum Harry, I'm so close," after a several more thrusts she screamed, Harry felt his cock being covered in her juices. For the first time Lily experienced multiple orgasms, as Harry kept relentlessly fucking her throughout her orgasm.

"Cum for me baby, cum inside your mummys cunt," she said after her last orgasm released her.

"Mummy wants you to cum in her cunt, then she'll suck you until you cum in her mouth again, you love that don't you baby?"

That did it for Harry, he released another load into her cunt, just as he released Lily felt yet another orgasm as they both came together. He pulled out of his mothers cunt and looked down at her as she was recovering from her latest orgasm. Then he remembered what she said right before he came and felt his cock twitching to life yet again. He really did love his cock in her mouth.

He flipped her around into a 69 position and rammed his cock down her throat before she could say anything else, he was once again aggressively destroying his mother's face. She kept gagging as her son's dick jack hammered away into her mouth but she loved every bit of it.

Harry began licking and sucking on her cunt sucking up the mixture of their juices when he felt Lily's legs wrap around his neck as she started grinding against his mouth. The two began both roughly fucking each others face in a race to bring the other to another orgasm. Harry won when he felt his mother squirting again and eagerly drank up all of her cum, she hummed and screamed with his cock still in her mouth as she felt a full body orgasm vibrating through her. Her legs fell as she no longer had the strength to keep fucking her sons face. Harry kept sucking at her cunt as he continued to mercilessly shove his cock as far down her throat as it would go and then for the third time that night he felt the wonderful release and squirted load after load down his mother's throat.

He collapsed after his latest orgasm and they adjusted themselves properly into bed. They lay facing each other looking into the depths of the green eyes they shared. Lily again ran her hands through his hair.

"I love you baby," she said to him.

"I love you too mum," they kissed again softly. Harry brought his hands up to her chest and began feeling her breasts through her little chemise. She looked at him with a smile, "you loved these when you were a baby. You always wanted a boob."

"I think I'll always be wanting a boob now too," he replied and with a wave of his hand he vanished her chemise. Lily's eyes widened at the display of wandless magic her son just performed but before she could say anything he was already getting to work with his mouth on her nipples.

After this they made love slowly before eventually drifting off into sleep.

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