
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 29

Contrary to both Lily and Harry's beliefs his sisters did not give him too much of a hard time. They were simply worried about him and once they were brought up to speed they understood why he reacted in that way.

The following days were a lot better. He had returned to potions class and while he and Snape avoided each other as much as they could, they were overall civil to one another.

The conversation with the Bones was rather quick. Susan would become his consort after he married his three wives. Although Amelia wanted to keep the burden of the contract away from her, this was the only way for Susan to become Lady Bones. Harry was slightly disappointed that the day hadn't turned into a nice orgy with him Lily, Susan, and Amelia. Maybe some other time, he had thought to himself.

That week's training ended up being with Moody on both days as well as Bella. He slightly scowled as he wanted to enjoy Bella again but the old grizzled Auror was the biggest mood killer ever. They were practicing channeling more power into spells attempting to get him to try and use more of Voldemort's magic. This continued for a couple of weeks and he had not done another session with Snape for some time. Eventually, Dumbledore sent him a message that they would have the three of them would have a training session in his office the night before the ball.

Apolline had sent him a letter with her theories saying she did not believe he was a Horcrux but would further scan his core when she came for the second task. Tracy had also said she felt only dark magic around him but that his soul was the only one she could detect. Overall it was looking promising that he may not be a Horcrux.

He had been spending more time with Astoria as well and was very much looking forward to the Yule Ball. He hated that Dumbledore and Snape decided that this would be a good day to poke around Voldemort's memories.

When he arrived at the office the two were waiting for him. He nodded at Snape and greeted the Headmaster.

"Before we begin Harry, Professor Snape will need to help me in determining how much of Lord Voldemorts memories you may have locked away in your memory. To do this we will need to inform him about your abilities."

Harry had been expecting this and nodded. Snape's eyes widened as he was told about Harry being an Incubus but said nothing.

Harry was surprised there were no remarks or sarcastic comments from Snape. I guess he doesn't want to make me mad.

"My assumption would be that you should have the Dark Lords memories up to that night."

Harry nodded, "I've tried with the stone Tracy gave me but it only lets me go through my own memories, not his."

Snape and Dumbledore as her head of house and Headmaster were both aware of the fact that Tracy was a high elf, they both had sworn to the queen of the high elves that they would protect her as best as they could.

"Elf Magic helps you with your own memories, Voldemorts memories while they seem to be a part of you now are not actually your own," explained Dumbledore, "Harry did you have the stone with you on the night you last went into his memories?"

Harry nodded, "yes, I had it and was trying to channel his magic as well as my allure into my Occlumency."

"Let us try to recreate that, Harry please do the same thing you did when Professor Snape used Legilimency on you. I will be the one to do it this time."

Harry nodded as he gathered the magic from Voldemort and his allure into his shields and nodded to Dumbledore.

"Legilimens!" He cried, but the wand seemed to refuse to allow him to channel any magic.

Dumbledore looked down at the elder wand a realization dawning on him at the moment.

He handed the wand over to Harry, "I believe this should be returned to your family."

Harry took the wand feeling the same warmth he felt when holding his Phoenix feather wand.

Severus watched the byplay and realized what wand that actually was. "Severus will keep this information to himself," Dumbeldore said giving him a look. Snape nodded.

Dumbledore then took out his own wand feeling its warmth for the first time since he defeated Gellert.

I own two of the Deathly Hallows. Harry thought to himself.

"Let's try this again, shall we? Harry if you would let me know once you've prepared yourself?"

Harry gathered the same magic as he had previously and nodded to the Headmaster.


He and Dumbledore were transported to a memory of a young Tom Riddle being told by the Headmaster that he was a wizard.

"I knew there was something different about me, and you're saying there are others too?" Asked Tom.

"Yes there are quite a few children like yourself joining our school this year "

This seemed to bring a scowl to the boy's face.

"Can they talk to Snakes?"

Dumbledore paused and looked at the boy sitting in front of him. "That is a very rare ability and one that is not looked upon with much favor. I would suggest keeping that to yourself."

Tom grinned reveling in the fact that he was still different that he could do things others could not.

The conversation ended with Dumbledore warning young Tom about stealing before they came out of the memory.

"Interesting," said Dumbledore.

"Do the memories need to be accessed by someone who shares the same memories?" Asked Harry.

"While a good observation Harry I think we can experiment with it a little more. I was thinking about that conversation when I used Legilimency on you."

Snape agreed, "the memory you saw was also something that was in my mind at the moment as well."

"Wait you could see this one?" Asked Harry.

Snape nodded "it seems as if your magic takes anyone nearby into to the memory, I wonder how long the range is."

"I wonder if we can direct it to continue past my involvement in the memory. Care to try again Harry?" Asked Dumbledore.

Harry nodded and brought up his allure and magic again. "I'm ready sir," he said.


This time the memory was in the very same room they were currently occupying. Dumbledore had just denied Voldemort the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.

"Very well then Dumbledore, good luck on finding someone to take on the position," said Voldemort.

"I have a Defense Professor already Tom, as I've already said."

"Defense professors are hard to come by especially when taking on such a dangerous job."

"Are you threatening my staff, Tom?" Dumbledore asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course not Headmaster. I will see myself out."

"It isn't too late to stop this Tom," said Dumbledore making one last hope of getting through to his old student.

"I don't know what you're referring to, Dumbledore. Have a good evening."

Voldemort turned and walked out of the office, Dumbledore strained to keep hold of the memory as the three of them followed him. "Are you sure you can keep hold of it Dumbledore?" Asked Snape.

"Just follow him," grunted Dumbledore.

They followed Voldemort to the entrance of the Room of Requirement, he walked in front of it and Harry realized he could hear Voldemort's thoughts.

"I need the room of hidden things," Voldemort said to himself.

A door opened and the wizards followed the Dark lord inside who was walking around in search of something. Dumbledore gasped and fell to the ground and the memory flickered for a second.

I will stay here please see what he's doing. Said Dumbledore straining to keep himself going.

Snape and Harry saw Voldemort take out Ravenclaws Diadem and place it on top of a bust of a goblin. Voldemort turned and proceeded to leave.

"Dumbledore you can let it go now," said Snape.

In an instant, they were back in Dumbledore's office in the present time. Dumbledore was gasping for air.

"What did he place there?" Asked Snape.

"It's a Horcrux," said Harry.

Dumbledore nodded, "I believe so as well."

Snape's eyes widened," that's how he survived he created a Horcrux?"

"Not a Horcrux, several." Said Harry, "I destroyed one in second year."

"Lucius' diary?" Asked Snape.

"Well it was Tom Riddles Diary," Harry turned to Dumbledore, "sir I know you're quite tired at the moment but I think we should take Gryffindor's sword and go kill the Horcrux. We can try to sift through memories later and find the rest. Professor Snape can take a turn instead of you."

Snape took out an empty vial and waved his hand over it and it filled with a potion.

"Take this it's pepper-up," said Snape.

"How did you do that?" Asked Harry.

"It is one of my inventions, this vial is connected to some of my personal potions, I can summon any potion I have made into it from my storage."

That's bloody useful.

"I will give you one for the final task as you are allowed to have potions with you during that one."

Harry nodded but said nothing else. He didn't want to be grateful for Snape's help.

Dumbledore drank the potion and after some steam came out of his ears he grabbed the sword of Gryffindor.

"Harry if you would be so kind as to make as invisible," he said.

"I'll cast the spell," said Snape.

"I think Harry's will be a little more effective thanks to his new wand. I think it would be best if the three of us are not seen walking somewhere together carrying the sword of Gryffindor."

Harry cast the disillusionment charm on the three of them and they went to the Room of Requirement. Harry paced in front of it three times repeating the same thing he had heard from Voldemort's thoughts in the memory.

They quickly found the bust of the Goblin but before Dumbledore could raise the sword to destroy the Diadem sitting on top of it Harrys Aura flared the same way it did on the night Voldemort attacked them.

His aura reached out to the diadem and seemed to be removing all the dark magic from it before it was brought back into Harry.

Snapes Dark Mark momentarily burned but it was gone in an instant.

"Potter why is my Dark Mark reacting to you?" He asked.

Harry felt as if he had gained much more power, he could feel his magical core almost dancing.

"Sir please cast the spell on me again," he said to Dumbledore.

"Potter he is in no shape to go through another memory of the Dark Lord."

"Not that spell," snapped Harry.

Dumbledore cast the soul revealing spell and once again. Harry's aura flared with streaks of grey flying across it.

"You have one soul Harry, that is all I can tell."

Dumbledore then cast the same spell on the Diadem revealing that it was no longer a Horcrux.

"It seems Harry that you are able to absorb Voldemorts soul, this… maybe this is the weapon we use against him. His own magic," said Dumbledore.

"Sir, I… I can sort of remember things that aren't my own memories."

Snape and Dumbledore looked at him in shock.

"Then we may not need to do it again if you can access the memories Potter. Look through them."

"They're hazy and thinking about them is giving me a migraine."

"I think it is best we stop, for now, we have just made an incredible step towards defeating Tom Riddle once and for all," said Dumbledore.

Snape turned to Harry, "Potter I… I understand that you hate me at the moment and you probably always will. But if we take your Occlumency to the next level. We can possibly sort through the memories better."

Harry looked at Snape and nodded. "we can start after the Holidays."

"Very well," said Dumbledore, "for now I think it best we retire. Tomorrow is the Yule Ball after all. Harry will need some rest."

Harry sighed it would be difficult to out all of this to the side and try to feel normal at the ball. But he knew enough Occlumency to help him deal with it all.

The night was restless as Harry dreamed of several things that came from the sadistic mind of Voldemort. While it was not pleasant, Harry woke having learned new magic from the dark lord himself.

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