
The Ancient Genes

[Check our my new work 'Mech Lord'!!! ] In a place where Magic reigns supreme, what would our MC do as he finds himself being rejected by the world. This is the story of a boy who lacks the ability to wield mana. After shaming his parents who are considered to be among the strongest Mages of the era. Our MC stands at the terrace of the School building planning to commit suicide. What has fate got stored in for our MC. Will he commit suicide ? If you want to know, join our MC as he struggles to find his path. In a world with mysteries and threats looming, what is waiting for him? ------------------------------------- All the characters and incidents in this story are imaginary. Please note that the chapter can be a bit slow. So please be a bit patient and read up to 50 chapter before making any opinion .......................... My Other Work: MechLord ............. The Cover art is made by Valeriexx. Join the Discord : https://discord.gg/WTDaPfU DM me @ ReincarnatedSaint#2904 on Discord Instagram ID: @reincarnatedsaint

ReincarnatedSaint · Fantasy
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876 Chs

Start Of Ocien Event

Arena, Ocien Academy.

A huge crowd filled the stands. The atmosphere all around seemed to be cheerful as people were excited for the start of the Competition. Until a day ago, if anyone asked if the place was going to be this crowded, then most people would have said no, honestly.

It was a known fact that Erina, the star of the Ocien Academy, as well as a popular figure in Ocean, had been pulled out of the participating card. Aside from that, there have been a few more switches due to various reasons. This really made the Ocien team to be only Subpar with only one or two decent people left.

This definitely was a let down for the people of the Ocien, and when things were looking down, a shock came that no one expected.


Two days ago..

Conference Room, Ocean Academy.