
The Ancestral System

"Thanks for coming when you were summoned my children, now that you are turning 18, it is time you learn about our families greatest secret, The Ancestral System." "The System was given to your grandfather on a planet known as Earth. That is were I grew up however like one of you will, I carried the mantel of the system and came to this planet to complete its quests." "As a result, our empire was born and peace achieved however it is time for me to pass on the burden to one of you, any takers?" Rights to the image belong to the original creator. Support the original translators of the womanising Mage here : https://creativenovels.com/novel/womanizing-mage/

MagicSympathiser · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The first level up.

Arthur quickly made his way through the city, avoiding the main streets he rushed towards the city's gates and when he made to them he found that they were blocked by a large group of guards, the one leading the group was no other than this body's brother Ximen Tain. Arthur smiled but before he could act,the system rang out in his mind.

*Completion of the side quest has granted you 1000 exp, levelling the you up to level one, you have also gained 2 lottery tickets and the princess is more favourable towards you ( 0 Relation). Would you like to use the Lottery tickets now?*

Arthur smiled and said"Yes and after that display my status to me please."

*Understood, using the tickets now. Gained the Ability Great Cosmos shift and the Item, ring of Restoration. The ring has been placed inside your storage ring for now. Displaying your status now.*

Arthur's Status

General Status:

Name: Arthur

Age: 18

Titles: Young Master (Ximen Clan, Exiled)

Partners: 0

Potentials Heirs: 0


Unique Storage ring: A large storage ring filled with items from the Ximen clan, increases the strength of Doqui by 30% allowing the user to compete with the rank above them.

Ring of Restoration: Drastically increases the rate in which the body recovers from injuries and allows the user to recover their stamina in combat at a vastly increased rate.

Country and Clan Relations:

Ximen Clan: Exiled

Violent Dragon Empire: Hated.

Dongfang clan: Unknown

Nangong clan :Unknown

Beitang clan: Unknown

Combat Status:

Magician Ranks:

Fire: None

Water: None


Light: None

Dark: None

???: None

???: None

Doqui Rank: Swordsman (Low Sword master with ring)


Strike of Truth (Lvl 2): You can release a strike using a weapon (Includes fists) that your opponent can't block unless they have an overwhelming advantage in terms of skills. As the skill levels up, its damage and restrictions are changed.

Shatter point (Lvl 2): As you fight your opponent you will find weaknesses in how they fight that you can easily exploit. The length of times it takes for you to find your opponents weaknesses depends on their strength and the level of this skill.

Great Cosmos Shift (Lvl 1) : Great cosmos shift is the king of Chinese light skills, practising up to the advance level of this skill could make it possible to move several hundred meter in a flash. This really was like coming and going down like a shadow, no human could block.

Passive Abilities:

Resist Charm (Lvl 1) : The user is unable to be smitten with low level charm spells or curses, as the skill levels up higher levelled spells can be resisted.

Iron Commander (Lvl 1): The user has an innate ability to lead troops, this raises troop morale, combat skill and loyalty depending on the strength of the skill.

Skilled Sword User: Mixed with Douqi to raise its rank.

Skilled Archer: Mixed with Doqui to raise its rank. Can make shots others see as impossible.

Arthur thanked the system, he then equipped the restoration ring and took a deep breath before walking towards the guards blocking his escape from the city, he walked towards his brother leading them and said" I do not want to harm you brother, if I do the clan will lose a lot of its current power so do yourself a favour and move out of my way."

Ximen Tain laughed and said" Give me the ring father gave you and I will let you leave" One of the guards under the command of Ximen Tain went to complain but Ximen Tain pushed him back in line and said" You do as I command not the other way around, Little brother what is your choice?"

Arthur just smiled and drew his sword and immediately ran at his brother with the speed of a low ranked sword master and used Strike of truth, his blow broke his brothers sword in two and cut into his shoulder, nearly cleaving his arm clean off. If not for the restraint of Arthur, he would have cut it off, at the last second, Arthur reduced the power in the strike.

The guards stood there stunned, none more than Ximen Tain who looked at his brother in absolute fear. Arthur ignored the guards and made his way out of the city, the guards stepped back as he walked past them out of pure fear, they were weaker than Ximen Tain and knew that Arthur would kill them if they tried anything.

After knowing that he maybe able to use magic, Arthur was extremely interested in it, following the short duel with his brother he ran to a cave Ximen Yu used in his spare time outside of the city. He was already unable to hold himself back and he tried to find the magic introduction book from within the bookshelf in the space ring and read it.

Before long, Arthur closed the book and sighed, the major principle to release the magic was using the spiritual power to arouse the magic elements in the air, thus giving rise to different effect and power. However arousing the number of magic elements in the air depends on the strength of spiritual power and also the amount of various kinds of magic elements that could be gathered within the mages body. So mages mediates daily to cultivate the spiritual power and to gather the magic elements.

The first condition to practice magic was to have a magic physique. It was said every kind of magic element is mutually corresponding to physique. Such as person with fire attributed physique could only specialise in fire element magic and can only remain at elementary stage in other element magic.

Generally a person having a magic physique was only 1 in a 1000, and the quality was also not that good, so the standing of the mage in whole Cang Lan continent was high. 2 attributed magic physique was even rarer, basically they can be regarded as a national treasure level figure. Long Ling'er who was nearly raped by Arthur possessed this rare 2 attributed physique, i.e. fire and earth element.

Arthur didn't know whether he possessed magic physique or not, but he knew that his spiritual power was absolutely not weak.

"Let's try fire element first." Arthur started to chant a magic spell for fireball skill which was elementary fire element magic inside his heart.

The chanting of a magic spells come to an abrupt end, as he stared at the big fire ball appeared above his finger, he was completely shocked and speechless. Thanks to the losing the support of the spiritual power of Arthur the fire ball disappeared in the thin air, and the little bit remaining spiritual power released by Arthur was only able to sustain the smoke which curled upward in the air.

After withdrawing his spiritual power, Arthur thought, 'Could it be it is enough to only think the spells in the mind?' He again thought the spell on his mind, and yelled, "Fireball skill."

Not surprisingly, yet another football sized fireball appeared at his finger. This time he learnt from experience and aim at one of the big tree and threw it. The fireball made a graceful pitch arc and hit the big tree. Sparks flew in all directions, the fireball left behind a burned mark on the big tree and disappeared.

"Contrary to what I expect, it can be used only to kill a chicken, and is quite inadequate to kill a person." Arthur simply laughed, after all this was only elementary magic and its power was quite limited. After the test, Arthur was considerably satisfied with his magic talent, so happy that he again thought to try other magic too.

"Water ball skill." Arthur simply said while thinking the spell within his mind, then he felt that the water element in the air rapidly gathered, then a bowl sized water ball appeared.

"Illumination skill."Arthur thought the elementary magic of light element, a milky white ball emitting a soft light appeared at his finger.

"Earth shield skill." From the ground bubbled forth a layer of thick earth to block in front of him.

The magic introduction book didn't have the dark element magic and undead magic, It was so because both of them were taboo magic. If it was discovered that someone was using this magic, they are chased to death throughout the whole continent by the members of every professional guild. As for rare spirit magic and space magic, there was only a line or two about it, there were no spells.

Arthur smiled about the fact he could use the basics of all of these spells, he then quickly disappeared back into the night, fleeing the area around the the city as soon as possible.

Hey peeps, here is chapter one for today, I'm already writing the second one as this one goes live.

I want to say thanks for the support on the novel and I hope you enjoy it going forwards. Cya in a bit!

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