
The Ancestral System

"Thanks for coming when you were summoned my children, now that you are turning 18, it is time you learn about our families greatest secret, The Ancestral System." "The System was given to your grandfather on a planet known as Earth. That is were I grew up however like one of you will, I carried the mantel of the system and came to this planet to complete its quests." "As a result, our empire was born and peace achieved however it is time for me to pass on the burden to one of you, any takers?" Rights to the image belong to the original creator. Support the original translators of the womanising Mage here : https://creativenovels.com/novel/womanizing-mage/

MagicSympathiser · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Half Truths

Arthur was unexpectedly dumbfounded, he didn't expect this saintess to still have half a brain, however, he still had the ability to act according to the circumstances. Turning his brain, Arthur fabricated a slightly believable lie, "I was hurrying from Soaring Dragon City to Light City to meet my fiancée, Si Bi. Her father sent me a letter saying that she was sick. Naturally, I was extremely worried, so in order to save some time, I had to walk this trail. But who would have thought that this afternoon, a huge green coloured big bird would catch me from the ground, flew to this area and threw me away. Fortunately, I had done many good deeds, so the branches of several big trees stopped my fall, saving my life."

"Green-coloured big bird, could it be Wind Condor? That is quite possible." Si Bi nodded her head, The Wind Condor was a high-level wind element magical beast that could fly extremely fast. It also had a pair of an iron claw which was strong enough to crush the stone, and also had the ability to fire swift and fierce wind blade.

The expression of Arthur was lively and didn't even have a tearful voice while narrating. Although Si Bi hated wicked enemies but her temperament was still pure. Seeing that Arthur didn't appear to be a fraud, unexpectedly she believed in his lies.

"Although I don't like you, considering you are also the believer of Light God and in addition to that we are going to the same way for a while, I will let you travel with me. It's already too late today, let's sleep here in open, good night." Si Bi said.

"Oh mighty Light God, please bestow a divine power to your believer, and cut off all the evils, Holy Light Barrier." Si Bi softly chanted, then a layer of pure white rays of light overflowed from her body, and very quickly again disappeared.

"What is that magic, why isn't there any reaction?" Arthur felt surprised and asked.

Si Bi blankly looked at Arthur and said, "What do you know? On the surface, my Holy Light Barrier is transparent. But of course, it blocks anything, just look." Si Bi picked up a branch, then threw it. The branch hit something while it was still in the air, as if there was a transparent glass there, and it suddenly fell to the ground.

"Awesome ah, it's so good being with expert ah, now I can confidently go to sleep." Arthur was rather absent-minded. He really wanted to try whether he could really pass through this Holy Light Barrier or not, but now was not the time, as he couldn't let Si Bi become suspicious.

"Arthur, I want to ask you one thing, have you seen anyone else here this evening?" Si Bi pretended to be carefree as she asked. In the end, she was still brooding over the matter of peeping. Although with regard to the association of men and women in Proud Moon Empire, compared to Violent Dragon Empire, was a bit more open-minded, but that was only when speaking in comparison. At Blue Waves Continent, with regards to the chastity of a female, all nations viewed it seriously, but Violent Dragon Empire viewed it even more seriously.

"Other people? No, the only other person I have seen here is you, what happened? Could it be you were looking for other people?" Maintaining his composure, Arthur said. If he let her know that the person who had peeped her while she was bathing was him, then he would be killed, no question asked.

"Oh, it's already late, I am going to meditate, find a corner for yourself and sleep." The colour of the face of Si Bi became unnatural, then she sat down crossed-leg under the tree and closed her eyes. Not long after, she entered the state of meditation, and a sparkling pure white halo started to circulate on her body.

Arthur knew that when magicians entered in the state of meditation, if there was not any strong disturbance outside, it was unlikely that the magicians would regain consciousness. So Arthur walked on tiptoe until he reached that branch which was thrown just a moment ago, here should be the borderline of the Holy Light Barrier.

Arthur was quite interested in this barrier, if this barrier was immune to everything, then that would be cool. He tried to come in contact with it for several times but he gave up as he discovered that everything was the mischief of Shatter point.

This girl trusted other people too easily, even if he didn't have the ability to break the barrier, she was sitting in front of him in mediation without even setting any defence. If he had any malicious intent, she would have already died from his hand.

After letting his imagination run wild, he felt bored so he sat beside Si Bi and blankly stared at her. The body fragrance of Si Bi which was comparable to a white jasmine just like the fragrant of a pure girl, Arthur again remembered that picturesque scene of beauty taking bath in the evening, and the evil fire again welled up from his stomach.

He pushed the feeling down as fast as he could and decided to try and do some mediation as well, he wanted to try and become a mage.

According to the book of meditation method, Arthur closed his eyes, used his thoughts to sense the spiritual power of magic elements in the atmosphere. Generally speaking, if you have fire element magic physique, then red coloured fire element magic energy would be absorbed the most. If you have earth element, then naturally yellow coloured earth element magic energy would be absorbed the most and so on.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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