
The Ancestral Power

Arthur is an orphan living in the countryside. He lives in an orphanage with many other kids just like him. He isn't very popular among the other kids and usually gets bullied. Until one day, the bullies take it too far. Arthur goes through a change that will change his future. For better or worse? Only time will tell... Prepare yourself for the most unsightly release schedule you've ever witnessed.

Sir_Shamu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Rune Mage

Arthur shoves open the massive doors, inside a feast hall greeted his eyes, the usual sight for Arthur. At the end of the massive wooden table sat Bill, not wearing his classic leather coat, letting his fat belly straddle the table.

Not soon after he notices Arthur, and a huge smile adorns his lips

"Arthur, my boy come here." He said while standing up, Arthur promptly followed Bill's order and stepped right in front of him.

"Oh yes, you're doing quite nicely. You've grown a lot stronger Arthur. I'm happy to see it, I take it you've been consuming all your targets?" He says, the last part with a particularly inquiring tone.

"Yes sir, I have done just as you've asked," He says dutifully.

"Good boy, come give Papa a hug," He says, his voice laced with toxicity as his eyes glow orange.

Arthur's eyes glow in response, his movements become hazier as he wraps his arms around the fat man.

This response gives the fat man a hint of glee, Savúl on the other hand, has a very worried expression, but she knows she cannot stand up to his foul ways.

"I have another target for you, my little spiderling, not too far from here there is a drunkard who's been a particular pain in my backside, are you up for it?"

Arthur's eyes glow orange with hunger "Of course I am papa, I'm always ready for more"

Bill smiles widely, "off you go then." He hands Arthur a map, in the little town marked with a red x. Arthur's head begins to ache when looking at the location, but he cannot figure out why.

"I'd like this to happen as fast as possible." The fat man says, scratching his belly as he prepares to return to his feast.

Arthur turns on his heels, grabbing Savúl's hand on the way out.

Once more, the grimy fat voice pipes up. "Savúl, my little honey butter. Give me an update on his status on your return. A FULL update, understood?" He orders.

Savúl nods promptly before joining Arthur outside the doors. Quickly, she turns to Arthur.

"You sure you wanna do this, Arthur?" She asks in a worried tone.

Arthur's eyes glow orange as he answers. "Of course, I'm sure, anything for Papa"

They make their way towards the little town, opting to take the forest route.

The walk was awkward, to say the least, Arthur had started by treating Bill as an accomplice, but after some time that changed with Bill's foul abilities that he picked up from consuming a Succubus. Still, as long as Arthur stayed away from Bill for some days at a time, his reach into Arthur's mind was limited.

Halfway through the forest, Arthur steps on a stick.


Arthur flies backward into a tree, a rugged man steps in front of him.

"Not even a bloody letter... You truly are a sad sack of shit." The man said, kicking him in the leg.

"Stand up, for fooks' sake! I'm here to teach you a bloody lesson on how to treat your elders!"

Arthur looks up at the man, long unkempt hair, a gray beard with brown streaks in it.

The man notices the color of Arthur's eyes

"Oh, bloody braw, ye've gon' an given yer sanity for power tae a demon nou, haen't ye?"

Behind him, Savúl stands up from the shock of the explosion "Get away from him!" She screams.

The man's eyes only flick in her direction for a second "A Shuttup ye bloodeh tramp" He says as his hand makes a series of movements, her body encapsulated in mud and vines.

"So, Arthy, you've gone an' fucked a demon girl haven't ye? Cannae say I'm not proud. But I'm also disappointed" Arthur's eyes glimmer with recognition, but his mind draws blank.

"Who are you?" He yells in frustration, trying to stand up.

The man steps on Arthur's chest, forcing him back down.

"Now that's a bloody good question, isn't it Arthy? Who the fook am I?" The man says threateningly

Savúl's eyes widen as she realizes the magic he's using "Shit! Arthur, he's a rune mage!"

Arthur's mind bustles with memories that don't seem real, or at least very distant.

"I know... H-He's Theodore," He says, his mouth agape.

"About bloody time, ye shit stain"

The man picks up Arthur, but not before doing a movement with his hand, forcing him to not move a muscle, his body goes limp.

"You want me to bring your toy as well?" He says, quite harshly.

Arthur forces himself to speak "Don't call her that! Yes, bring her"

Theodore's eyes ignite with a spark of anger, but he relents, using the vine to drag her along behind him.

"Oooh, Marida's gonna be pissed"

Arthur doesn't know why, but hearing that his heart sinks to his boots.