
The Ancestor of the Demon sect Will travel through time

Travel to the world of Xianxia and become the ancestor of a demon sect.   Wang Yuan didn't care at all if his disciples killed their masters and the saintly monks were their neighbors.   Because the world is about to collapse, and the door to travel has been opened again.   Let’s see how Wang Yuan leads the trend of time travel in the world of Xianxia!   And how the cultivators punched starships, stepped on wizards, rampaged across the world, and went further and further off the road to save the nation!   "Sacrifice the flying sword, the resources from the other world are ahead!"   "Let us take advantage of the escaping light and use magic weapons to shatter the universe!"   Author's statement: This is the story of the pioneers at a turning point in the development of civilization. ... Raw name: 魔門老祖會穿越 This is not my novel I am just posting it in order to increase the variety of novels in Webnovel considering dark stream novels are very few and almost all of them are harem. Please support my novel Heartless Immortal. I have in no way edited or corrected this novel in anyway. I will only post the free chapters and stop at the paid chapters.

Heartless_Qi_2 · Eastern
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Chapter 31: Cave Sky Movement

  Chapter 31: Cave Sky Movement

  Huang Long Ruyi, who flew towards the Confucian True Immortal, looked so light and agile, but the power contained in it was real.

  The first blow shattered the magic weapon, and the second blow caused people to vomit blood. They were enveloped by Huang Yingying's earth spirit magic domain. Not to mention evading it, there was no chance of being knocked away. The Confucian True Immortal, who had suffered two blows, had fallen to the ground and vomited blood. Ruyi, who was still spinning in the sky, could easily take away his life if he hit him again.

  Of course Wang Yuan would not be so wasteful. Songhe Academy had been turned into powder. If he accidentally beat this Confucian immortal to death, where would he find those secret Confucian classics?

  Putting a ban on his "trophies", when Wang Yuan found that Yue Wudi and Liu Kang also easily ended their battle, he couldn't help but cursed: "These two guys must have gained more in heaven than me!" "This Huanglong

  Ruyi It's really awesome!" Yue Wudi looked at the Ruyi in Wang Yuan's hand and said with envy.

  "That's it, after ten days of drawing thirty-six earth veins, nine of them were still high-grade spiritual veins before I could barely refine them. If I didn't have this power, I would be at a big loss!" "Ang——!" A clear voice sounded

  . The dragon's roar came from Ruyi, as if responding to the love and care in Wang Yuan's words, which also made it appear more spiritual.

  "You have accumulated a lot of karma, right?" Liu Kang pointed out the crux of the problem.

  "Well, if it weren't for the fact that Tian Dao didn't have time to pay attention to me at the moment, Tian Zhu wouldn't dare to say anything. Heaven's punishment is fine." Wang Yuan's expression darkened when he said this, but the next moment he put on a smiling face and faced Liu Kang. The man said: "I have also refined a black demon banner with ten thousand demon heads. Although the demon heads transformed by my demon-transforming god's light are not as good as those naturally generated, our quantity is sufficient. Those are the twelve demon heads. The black devil is a bit difficult to deal with! Do you think it is?"

  "Well, old Wang, forget it if you lose the trophies, you are still thinking about the Confucian Immortal in my hand!" Yue Wudi immediately understood the meaning of Wang Yuan's words, although his answer was full of rejection and disgust. , but his actions were extremely generous and he threw the Confucian True Immortal he had captured in front of Wang Yuan.

  "Shouldn't the main gods and demons of the Black Demon Banner only need nine?" Liu Kang also handed over the Confucian Immortal he captured to Wang Yuan and asked a question at the same time.

  "Haha, Old Liu also knows the method of refining the Black Demonic Banner?" Wang Yuan is not too surprised by this. The method of refining the Hundred Ghost Banners and the Ten Thousand Demonic Banners in the Demon Sect is not an undisclosed secret. , can even be regarded as a popular product. Even the improved version of the Black Demonic Banner has been widely circulated. Wang Yuan said this just to cover up the embarrassment of having his little idea exposed.

  "Well, I'm used to using the Twelve Yuan Chen White Bone Gods and Demons. When I switched to nine, I felt something was missing, so I decided to improve the refining method." Wang Yuan said half nonsense and half seriously.

  "It doesn't matter how you use it! But you will have to take less from the next raid on the cave!" As Yue Wudi is a zombie, the three immortals with Confucian righteousness are of no use to him.

  "We are afraid that we have to release the ownerless cave first. I have received news that many of my comrades are eyeing a big fat sheep with horns. Do we want to join in the fun?" Liu Kang said from his arms. He took out a vibrating jade jue, used his spiritual consciousness to interpret it for a moment, and then said a rare speech.

  "I have no objection. I still owe you two a favor!" Even though Wang Yuan obtained Confucian etiquette so easily, when he really wanted to face the Taoist sect, his confidence was still somewhat insufficient, so he needed to To accumulate more strength, it is undoubtedly a good choice to follow your teammates at this time.

  "I'm still living at your place!" Yue Wudi doesn't care much about the next trip. As a zombie, he doesn't need many external things to improve his cultivation. What he cares about more is the rare friendship. , "Tell me what kind of fat sheep it is that makes you Liu Kang attracted!" "

  It's the Hanxu Sect. They plan to move their cave to the human world." Liu Kang's words were calm, as if he was telling a story An ordinary little thing.

  But is that really a small thing? Wang Yuan and Yue Wudi held opposite opinions.

  "How audacious!" Wang Yuan and Yue Wudi sighed at the same time, and Liu Kang nodded in agreement.

  Although the three of them have never had real contact with Dongtian, they all know that it is an independent small world. It is usually hidden in the void. Only the entrance is connected to the outside world. It is difficult to discover it unless you are people related to Dongtian. The presence.

  But there is one exception, and that is when the cave sky moves.

  Moving the cave will expose the true location and entrance of the cave. Moving the cave will also involve a lot of real immortal manpower. At that time, it will undoubtedly be the weakest moment of the cave's defense.

  "It seems that you don't have to wait until you fall into the mortal world before taking action! Although following the crowd may cause accidents, it won't attract hatred, right?" Wang Yuan didn't know the Hanxu Sect, but he could guess from the name that it was probably the A Taoist sect.

  Thinking of this, Wang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little excited. He was very happy to be able to solve his own problem as soon as possible, but before that, he still needed to determine one problem.

  "How many true immortals do they have?"

  "No more than ten. Hanxu Sect is not a famous sect!" Liu Kang, who didn't know Wang Yuan's thoughts, answered after asking the messenger through Yujue.

  "A vote?" The three of them looked at each other with firm ambition in their eyes.

  "Do it!"


  Perhaps because he doesn't know, or perhaps because he doesn't care, the Hanxu Sect, who was targeted by the demons, is still slowly moving away from his cave.

  I saw only the shadows of mountains, rivers, vegetation, spiritual birds and animals, palaces and pavilions moving slowly in the sky, like a mirage, but a little more real.

  Those are all scenes inside the cave, because the movement of the cave naturally appears outside. At this time, if someone wants to break into the cave, there is no need to look for the heavily protected entrance. They can easily enter by following the shadow and hitting it.

  Originally, the protection of the cave sky would not be so weak, just because the original master of the cave sky, the Earth Immortal who opened up this cave sky, has left this universe, and this cave sky that is difficult to take away was left by him, and now it is left to the three of them. A true immortal-level earth immortal jointly controls it. Although the mana supply is barely adequate, their mastery of the various forbidden laws inside the cave is still very insufficient.

  If not for this, Hanxu Sect would not have moved Dongtian so early. The immortals of Hanxu Sect were really worried that if they waited until the heaven collapsed before moving, they would drop Dongtian directly into the human world.

  This is no lie. The Dongtian's fall some time ago is in everyone's eyes. It is better to take risks now than to fall to pieces if the Dongtian cannot hold on.

  However, the immortals of Hanxu Sect still underestimated the attraction of a cave to casual cultivators. Not only the Demon Sect, but also many true immortals from other sects also quietly joined the ranks of observing.