
S3 Chapter 9 : Zvin On The Sight!

Ehh!! Is that true? Zein never thought that this kind, innocent-looking girl who had the aura of an intelligent person was actually this innocent, he was petrified of his innocence, his blood was flowing very fast, his head seemed to emit hot smoke. Rubbing his chest repeatedly while saying a word he repeated.

“Astaghfirullah.” He said 7 to 14 times. And then he took Michelle back to the mansion and told her to use her lightning movement technique. At first the girl refused, but because Zein kept forcing her for many reasons, the girl finally complied and they leave using lightning movements.

There is a commotion of voices and the clash of swords and some arrow rain that almost hit the two of them that makes them freeze. They then saw many figures in black robes attacking Michelle's friends and Yuuko's party, this made Zein and Michelle look at each other and start nodding at each other, they then run towards that chaos.