
First Season Epilogue : First Journey Step

Time passed quickly, the two Zeins who were waiting for the time to go home, he has finished up some of the people's application files and also discussed about the order of their country. The short hand of the clock has pointed towards a number that is located exactly like the number 7 in the earth dimension.

“Yes! the time is showing uhh... WHAT FIGURE IS THAT?! uhh never mind the important thing WE HOME! time has shown the clock uhh... WHAT NUMBER IS THAT?! uhh never mind the important thing is... WE CAN GO HOME!"

Someone then slap Zein's head using the cover of a black file which turns out to be Raihan. Zein who then spontaneously covering his head then look at him while shouting.

“Ouch! It hurts! why did you suddenly hit me, Hah!"

“Not the short needle we see stupid! Here the hand that shows the hour is the long needle."

“Ohh the long one... EHH! It means...”

“Yes... It's still 4pm, home time is 8.45pm.”
